Ch 3

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Maxwell’s POV “I will lose my second chance mate as well” I revealed in a hard voice. Both mom and dad looked stunned the moment those words left my mouth. “Are you sure son?” asks dad as he looked shocked. Letting out a sarcastic chuckle, I question “do you think I would joke about something like this?” “I did not mean it like that son” dad says in a comforting tone.  My fist has tightened on their own accord. It is hard for me to talk about it. The said topic will only upset everyone. “Me revealing the reason to find my second chance mate was not that I did not want it. I want both of you not get your hopes high” I gave them both a pleading look. Mom bit her lip. It means she is contemplating what to say next and even I cannot take that right away from her. “I understand your fears son. When I was asked to make the sacrifice, I was scared to lose your dad but the moon goddess revealed that my mate will be with me to take care of me. Then I knew I could make the sacrifice” she smiled at dad at the end. Turning to me, she asked “How did you find out about losing your second mate as well?” I was expecting that. “The moment I lost Tasha; great grannie Ophelia called me to her room. There she gave me the shocking revelation. It is in the prophecy that I will lose my second chance mate as well” I revealed of what I know. “The prophecy again??” asks mom with a sarcastic tone. “It is not something to be sarcastic about honey” states dad in a serious tone. He has always been softer with mom. This is the first time I have seen him using that tone with mom. Mom turns her face to dad. “Both of us know how prophecy played the role in our lives. We both were on the brink of losing each other. If not for aunt mona, we would not have been together” says dad.  I did not ask to elaborate on the topic because I have already known about how their life had taken a drastic change. The prophecy almost separated them but they are together till date that is what matters. “Con, we have known how the prophecy played with us. I also know it is serious thing” Turning to face dad fully, mom starts “Grannie Ophelia had not seen our fate properly and that is why our life had taken such a turn. But later everything was sorted by the help of aunt mona. Moon goddess herself helped us”. “I understand that but I don’t get where you are pointing with our past” states dad with a confused look on his face. Even I am equally confused by this. Mom faces me once again “Whenever there is prophecy involved Max, there is more to the story then what your great grannie Ophelia reveals” says mom to me. I frowned at her “What do you mean by that mom?” “Moon goddess gives power the witch and aunt Ophelia. They only reveal half the truth not the whole part. As per moon goddess orders, they cannot really disobey the goddess of all werewolf community”. “So what mom, is there more to it?” I ask. I did not want to get my hopes up. There is always more to the story then it is showed. “I don’t really know son” she shakes her head at me. “What I could really assure you is that if moon goddess has given you a second chance mate, then surely, she does not want you to be lonely. I really don’t know why the prophecy says so” she lets out a sigh. “Your mom is right son. I personally with the experience, I have I believed that your mate will not be taken away from you. That is the hope you can hold on too for as long as you want” states dad. “I don’t agree with both of you” I shake my head at them. Mom and dad did not say anything as I expressed. “Based on our assumptions I don’t want to keep my hopes high. What more could be there to it mom?” “The prophecy itself states that I will lose my second mate as well. There is no before or after it mom. I don’t know what will be the consequences in the future or the sacrifices I have to make” Letting out a tried sigh, I continued “All I know is that I don’t want to find a mate whom I will lose eventually. Don’t get your hopes high. Neither will I”. “Don t say something you don’t mean son” mom chided me softly. I looked away from her. What do I say to that? Life is playing a cruel game with me and I have no way around it. I feel as if I am stuck in a cage and the key is lost somewhere. It is as if I will live and die alone. “I can hear your thoughts you know” says mom to me. “I know you can read minds mom. I need a break” I say. “There is no defying fate son” says dad after a moment of silence. “What do you mean by that dad?’ I frown at him. “Once in my life, I decided to defy fate and rejected your mom. I decided that I did not want her. I accepted her sister instead. It was a rough phase of our life” he says as he looked into distance. I watched as mom gave dad the silent support he needed. He gives me a soft look as he continued “I returned back to her. Our mate bond brought us closer. I could not change fate. I belonged to be with her. And that is where I returned. Home in her arms” he hugs mom at the end. “You know dad, I always wanted to have what you and mom have. Unfortunately, I am not that lucky when it comes to the mate bond” I whispered. Mom took my hand in hers and gives it a squeeze “You don’t know what your future holds son. Don’t give up son. We are warriors and we fight till the end. I always knew your dad belonged to me but I accepted his rejection for his happiness.” She continued and I listened to her “One day, moon goddess gave me my mate back. There was no changing the fate. You have a second mate for a reason. Hold on to that” she advised me. What do I say to that? Mom is speaking from her experience and I cannot just disregard it like it is nothing. I need to take it into consideration. “Son, once I had decided that I don’t believe in the mate bond because I had see ho my dad suffered and got lonely after he lost his mate. I did not want to go through the same pain which my dad had already went through. I took a stupid decision and hurt your mom by rejecting her.” Shaking his head, he continued “In doing so, I disrespected my dad, my mate. My fear of losing your mom, made me act foolish. Son, don’t be another me” he advised me. I was silent for few minutes. I was gathering my thoughts as to what to say or how to convince them otherwise. I don’t want to disappoint them, but the fear is clouding my brain. “I know both of you are speaking from experiences about the mate thing. I have been there and done that. I lost Tasha. You lost your son to a lonely living being in me. I would not bear the thought of going through the same pain once again. And this time, I don’t know if I could survive it” My voice was barely above whisper but I am sure my parents heard it. The next second mom pulled me in her arms. I hugged her tightly but did not let the tears fall. I know seeing me crying, mom would get upset and so will be dad. I want to make them both happy but this is one thing I cannot give them. Moving back, I blinked my eyes repeatedly and wiped mom’s tears. Taking her hand in mine, I pleaded them “Don’t force me to do something that will only break me in the future” I shook my head when dad tried to interrupt me. “Dad, yours and grand dad’s experiences are your own. I know mom is very close to granddad. She is his warrior princess. Even though you hurt her, grand dad still did not stop you from making your own decisions. He let you experience on your own. Let me do the same. That is all I ask from the both of you” “My dad is awesome like that. I am grateful he let me experience on my own” says dad with a smile. “I heard my appreciation” All three of us turn to find grand dad walking inside the office. Grand dad Ace had been out to the Blood stone pack to meet his two best friends. And those are Natalie and who took care of my mom and grannie Rochelle who is my mom’s mother. “Dad was just saying how awesome you are” I say with a grin on my face. I eagerly get up and hug him once he is close by. He hugs me back with the same enthusiasm. After that he does the same with mom and dad. The reciprocate his affections. “So, how was the outing?” asks mom to granddad. The happiness which reflected in his eyes was all the answer we needed. After they handed over the reins to their children, the elders go to the picnic trips or road trips every once a while. They enjoy their time off. “It was good” was all granddad replied in return. “So, what were you guys talking about when I walked in?” he inquires as he helps himself with a cup of coffee. “That is cold granddad. Let me ask the maid to get another one” I say to him. He smiled at me as he placed the cup back on the table. After that I called one of the maids and asked her to get us all coffee with some cookies. I was not in the mood for tea. “Thank you, son” granddad smiles at me. I smiled back at him. “Actually dad, Max has a second chance at mate” says dad. Granddad looked at me and beamed in happiness. The next second though, he frowned and asked “but why was the atmosphere so tense?” “By the looks of it, you and your mom were crying” he pointed out. “Dad grannie Ophelia had revealed to Max that he will lose his second chance mate as well. Both I and Ali are worried for him” dad says to granddad. “When did she reveal this to you?” he asks me. “The moment is lost Tasha. The next day she called me to her office and informed me about the prophecy” I state in a serious tone. He does not say anything as he looked deep in thought. “I see. The truth could be twisted. Maybe it is something which we are unaware about” says granddad. I shake my head at that. “The fact is right in front of us. There is no before or after it. I am going to lose her anyway. That is why I don’t want to find her. End of discussion” I say. “Is that the decision which made your mom cry son?” he asks in his deep voice. His blue eyes flashed angrily in my direction when I gave him an affirming nod. “No one gave you the right to hurt your mom, when the future is still uncertain” he said to me. I nod at him. “I understand that granddad, but I have a request to make” I say. Granddad nods at me “Go ahead. I want to hear what you have got to say” Taking a deep breath, I let the words out “Like how you did not stop dad to experience on his own, I want you to do the same with me” He raised his eyebrows at me “I knew your dad was scared and acted stupidly. But I also knew about his reasons. I did not approve of them. But I knew at the end, he would end up with your mom” As he stared at me, I knew he had more to say. So, I waited for him to finish before I give my point. “We don’t really know who is your second chance mate. Just because of a prophecy and the fear of losing her, you cannot defy fate. There is a reason why a second mate is given to you” he pointed out. “I get your point granddad” I took my time as I continued “But I have made up my mind. I will stick to it. I won’t find my mate. And if all three of you want to see me settled, you can find me a girl and I will accept her” I put forth my request. “First you have to let me find on my own. Don’t throw it on me all of sudden” I say to them. “We will think about it” was all dad replied but I did not feel as he would heed to my request. Only time will tell. All three of them looked shocked and speechless. “This is not a joke Maxwell” says dad in a stern tone. “This is my decision dad. I am not changing it” I state. “The cause of all this is the prophecy. Why don’t we go and meet grannie Ophelia once again?” says mom. “That sounds a good idea. At least better than what Maxwell suggested” states granddad. I looked away from their disappointed gazes. There will be more to come of it anyway. I did not want to give them false hope by my comforting words. “Shall we leave then?” asks dad. With a nod, both mom and granddad stand. They looked at me as I was not in the mood but I had no other choice. Reluctantly, I got up and followed them out it was not an option. We were at the end of the hallway when mom got a call. By her reaction and the look that she gave me after receiving the call. I know it was bad news. Something which will close all doors for me.    
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