Ch 4

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Maxwell’s POV “Grannie Ophe was attacked today. It is severe” mom looked at me as the words were out of her mouth. I stumbled back in shock. The hope which I had moment ago vanished in thin air. Mom was close to tears. Great grannie Ophe was the one who helped mom in her tough time. She helped to save mom. She was the only option. “How did it happen?” asks dad after he recovered from the shock himself. I waited for mom’s reply. “She was attacked by the rogues. She is severely injured. Chances are very less that she will survive”. Grand Dad Ace placed his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner. I was out of sorts. I don’t know what the future holds. Only time tell. “We should go there now” I state as I composed myself. My words seemed to get them out of their shock. We got in our cars and drove towards the Blood stone pack. The time was not passing soon enough. Dad drove so fast that the forty-five minutes journey was reduced to twenty-five minutes. The moment, we reached the Blood stone pack, all of us sprinted inside. Climbing the porch steps, I entered inside and walked down the hallway. Reaching the living room, I find everyone gathered around. My heart was beating fast. I walked as everyone moved aside. There was uncle Nathan with his mate Natalie. There was the Alpha Jason and Luna Aliza, she is my mom’s sister and their daughter Alvira. My paternal grandfather Reece. By the look on their faces, I got to know that great grannie Ophelia is no more. “How did this happen?” it was dad, who asked the question. Mom was silently, crying. “It was rogue attack. Aunt Ophelia was in the far end of the woods. She had gone to get some herbs from the forest. We found out very late” says grandpa Reece. Grand dad was comforting my mom, uncle Nate was beside her. He is the beta of this pack. I saw the damage done to great grannie Ophelia’s body. She had scratches, bite marks and deep wounds on her body. Being the healer herself, she was so unlucky. That she could not save her own self. Life did not give her the chance. “She always healed and saved everyone. Why did it happen to her?” asks mom to no one in particular. Dad and her best friend, uncle Nate were supporting her as she cries for the loss. “These attacked are getting regular. We should have a meeting once we bury grannie Ophelia” says Alpha Jason. Luna Aliza agrees as she says “We will have that talk later. For now, the ritual of burying grannie Ophelia will take place within half an hour” she announced for everyone to hear. “See to that everyone knows it Jaxon” Aliza informs him with a nod. He goes to look after everything. He is Jason’s younger brother. He will probably mind link everyone. He is the delta of the pack alone with his mate Jenifer. Jenifer is like a sister to my dad. They are very close to each other. Same like mom and Jaxon. Apart from that, both mom and dad have the same best friend. And that is none other than uncle and beta Nathan of this pack. After that the body was taken over for cleaning. Once the body was ready, we will go outside. “These attacks are getting frequent. We should hold a meeting soon” says mom to aunt Aliza. “Yeah, I know sis. We will get to the bottom of this” she replies. Each one of us were angry. “There is threat looming over us. We need to make a pact soon” I state. “I agree with Maxwell” says uncle Nathan. He has a son. His name is Ronnie. He will be taking over the beta position soon enough, like wise other position will be pass down to their respective sons or daughter. Uncle mike has a daughter named Michelle. She will be the next warrior of the pack. She is after all trained by my mom, who was best female warrior of her time. “I do as well. We will increase the security. There is more to discuss later on. For now, let’s go and rest grannie Ophe in peace which she deserves” says aunt Aliza. The mood was somber. It was tense. Every pack member was worried. Great grannie Ophe was the healer and fortune teller for both the packs. She has been in the pack for almost three generations. It is a great loss to both of the packs. “All of us are gathered here today to rest grannie Ophelia. She was not only the member of the pack, but a healer and fortune teller, who helped us from all the possible danger. May her soul rest in peace. We will avenge her one day” the Luna of this pack aunt Aliza looked very serious. Grandpa also looked in approval. Next great grannie’s body was buried with the ritual. After that all of us walked inside. Some of the pack members when to do their own thing. Only remaining were the ones, are family members and ranks of the pack. “I came as soon as I got to know” I looked up to find, witch mona appearing out of nowhere. “Mona where the hell had you been?” snapped grandpa Reece.  “I am sorry Reece. I was in the meeting with the council. My link was off, we were discussing some important matter” she explained her absence to him. “Never mind. Aunt Ophelia was attacked in the woods. She did not survive. We just now buried her” he explained to witch Mona. Her name is Desdemona. She is the pack witch. She is also the one who alerts of any kind of danger beforehand. She is strength of the pack. “You should have waited for me” says witch Mona. “I don’t understand” says grandpa Reece. All of us were confused. “Never mind. I will check myself” she says and closes her eyes. All of us wait for her to clear our confusion. After few minutes or so, she opens her dark eyes. She was silent as her eyes roam in the room and stays on me. “There is bigger power behind this. It is not visible yet” she revealed. I was frowning in confusion as to why she is staring at me like that. Before I could voice out my question, dad beats me to it. I was thankful for that. “Why are you staring at Max like that?” he asks Witch Mona snaps her head in his direction and schooled her features “Whatever it was, it is related to him. I am not sure but there is dark magic involved. A magic which will have bad impact on his life” she states. Mom lets out a gasp at that, she walked near witch mona “Why do you say like that aunt mona?” she asks.  “Because the last thing I saw in Ophelia’s eyes is Maxwell’s face. I believe it is related to him. If I am trying to gain more information, a magic is stopping it.” she explains. “So, you mean to say someone or something powerful is going to affect my son?” asks mom. “That is exactly what I mean. Also, my powers are clashing with the other one. All I could feel is darkness” she says. “What do you suggest, we do?” asks dad with a frown. “I cannot say until I have a word with the council” she states. Dad nods at her, but mom was not satisfied. “Don’t worry Alisson. You have your powers. We will work something out” witch mona assures mom. “You know most of our powers don’t work for our children” says mom.  “You could be an exception. That’s all I have to say for now. Tomorrow we will have a meeting at golden summit pack. I want everyone there” with that order, she vanished in thin air. I was at complete loss. I don’t know what more I have to see. I am completely out of words. Darkness is what I am feeling in the near future. “Don’t worry son. With time everything will sort out” Granddad assures me. Everyone was looking at me. I smiled in assurance, as I did not want to worry any of them. Mom and dad were relieved. That is all that matters for now. “Where are you man?” Louis mind links me. ‘I am at the blood stone pack’ I informed him as I excused myself to return back to the pack. “Aunt Aliza, I would take your leave now. I need to check my pack matter” she nods at me. Mom and dad did the same and followed me out. After that I walked out of there. Isabella’s POV It has been three days since my fight with those two guys, everything was going fine until one day ago. I was sitting in my apartment’s balcony when I saw them. There was a guy. He was standing beside a car and staring at me. On closer inspection, they were staring or that’s what I felt. I ignored it thinking that maybe they might have some work down the street. But it was repeated after two days again and again. I could feel as if someone was following me. I don’t really know; I don’t have enemies. I have kept contact with few people. With doubts at the back of my mind, I decided to go to the diner. I reached there for my shift. “Hey, good morning” my friend come chef Melissa greets me. I smile at her while replying to her greetings. “Good morning to you too” I say as I wore my apron “We have got lots of orders today” she informs me. I nod at her, “yeah, I have seen it the moment I walked inside” There were some college friends, some two couples and some old couples who have occupied the tables, their orders have already been taken. Melissa passed me two orders as she handled the rest. For the next two hours, we worked silently and completed the orders. It was eleven in the mid-morning. I went to take some break at the back of the office. I stretched and just sat on the chair placed in the back garden. I was just relaxing when once again I saw the same car passing on the street. This time the window was closed. I could not see who it was. I did not feel right. I felt as if someone was stalking me. Not wanting to get paranoid, I walked back inside. I started making orders once again. I was lost in my thoughts when Melissa snapped her fingers in front of me. “Where you been lost?” she asks me. “Nowhere” I blink my eyes at her. She frowned at me. “It does not look like that to me” she states to me. “I don’t know what it is Melissa. But I feel like someone is stalking me. I don’t know if I am being paranoid or worrying over nothing” I say to her. She nods at me as she asks “why are you feeling as if someone is stalking you?” Letting out a sigh, I reply “I have seen the same car near my apartment from past two days. Today I have seen it near our diner when I went back to take some break” “Oh” she murmurs. She looked deep in thought. “Do you think it’s those guys?” she asks.  I shrug my shoulder in response. I cannot tell” I reply afterward. “They could be the one because they did warn you to watch your back” she pointed out.  I nod at her. “I remember it could be them” I murmured. “You should be careful” she advised me. I smile at her in response. “Don’t worry. I can take care of myself. I have handled them once. If they pull out such kind of stunt on me, I will make them regret it.” I assure her with a smirk. She chuckles and replies “I feel sorry for whoever they are”. “Me too” Both of us laugh out. After that we carry on with our works. It was quite late when I left in the evening. It was close to midnight. I was driving my car and all of sudden my car skidded to halt after some small bumps. Confused, I got out and checked as what the matter was because when I tried to restart it, it was not starting. I looked here and there. The roads were empty. Then I saw the same car coming in my direction. My heart was beating fast. I know I won’t give in without a good fight. My doubts got confirmed when one of the guys from the restaurant came out of the car. “What you came alone?” I taunted him. “Did your friend send you alone?” I ask with a smirk. “You will find out just now” he says as he walked closer to me. I moved back as I saw the predatory look in his eyes. I stopped short when I collided with something or more probably someone. Turning around, I came face to face with the other guy. With the dark look in the other guy’s eye, I know this is going to be messed up.        
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