Chapter Four

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Liam I slowly made my way to the dining area where I could hear my entire family chatting amongst each other. They all sound so happy, and they have every right to be. I don't want to be upset or a Debby downer. I just didn't even know how to process my emotions at that moment. So many things have been playing on a loop in my head. Good, bad, and ugly. All the if's, what's, could's and could not's. It's funny how you can pray for something your entire life and when your prayer is finally answered it always comes in the form of a puzzle. Sometimes you can put them together with ease and sometimes it's as if all the pieces look the same. I thought everyone in my family had suffered enough, that I could possibly be the new stepping stone for our future, a happy future. I entered the room and just walked over to my seat. I don't know if I even acknowledge anyone or not. I don't know if anyone is talking to me or not. All I can focus on is the empty space on the wall in front of me. I vaguely hear my sister's voice, and I'm not entirely sure what she said, but it doesn't even matter. I know I can't hide this from my family. It would raise too many suspicions. I'm the happy go lucky guy, the guy always smiling and having fun. I'm not...this...guy. The heartbroken, confused and sorrowful guy. "I think I found my mate." I said to no one in particular. I don't actually know if I said the words out loud. That is until my mother starts asking a million and one questions that I wish I knew the answer too. I watch my father try to shut her up, but it's no use. She is as happy as I should be, but I'm not and I think everyone here has caught on to it except for her. "I think she is human." The clinging of silverware falling to the table pings around the room. The sharp intake of breath from the shock I have caused my family. Half of them look like they are about to lose their eyeballs from how round they have grown. I chuckle, but it isn't a happy laugh, it's a 'I'm screwed' laugh."Yeah, the look on your faces right now, sums up exactly how I feel." I shake my head and rid of all the bull crap that is running through my head. I can focus on all of this later. Right now it is about my niece. I refuse to ruin her party and make it all about me. "Happy birthday, Emmy. How old are you now? Two, right?" I smile, but it doesn't quite reach its peak. My fiery little niece narrows her eyes at me. "No Uncle Lee, I'm five. I'm a big girl now, not a stinky baby!" "Right...I forgot..Oops. We will leave the stinky part up to your father then." Emmy burst out laughing and Greyson scoffs. "I am not stinky." He grunts. I just smirk, and Emmy shrugs her shoulders before looking at her dad. "Sometimes you are, daddy. It's okay though, we still love you the same." She pats his arm and everyone around the table starts laughing while Greyson's jaw practically hits the floor. At least I was able to get the attention off of me. Everyone finishes up eating, except me. I barely touched anything that was on my plate. I don't seem to have much of an appetite since running into Maggie. The night moves along as if my entire world isn't slowly crashing down on me. We all sing 'Happy Birthday', watch Emmy open her presents and everyone enjoys cake and ice cream while chattering and bickering with each other. I haven't moved from my spot since I arrived. I haven't really interacted with anyone, hoping to just go unnoticed until I can make an escape. My luck runs out though when I hear River call my name. "Liam, would you give me a hand with putting this all away please? This big belly makes it a little harder to carry things and stay steady while doing so." She smiles and loads her arms up with ice cream. I stood up, walked over and picked up the cake. I followed my waddling sister into the kitchen. Once we were safely inside and everything was placed on the counter, River let out a long sigh. s**t, it's a trap. I should have seen this coming. "Liam, your not okay." I stood there frozen and just staring at my sister. The reality of everything smashing into me. My eyes started to well up with tears. I may be a werewolf with strong muscles and have a face of an angle, but damn it. I have a heart of gold and no one ever said werewolves can't be sensitive creatures. I have enough emotion inside of me to cover a small army. It's a blessing and a sin. River walks over to me and reaches for my hand. Her eyes are glossy like she wants to cry. At least she can blame it on hormones. "Lee, talk to me." A tear slowly makes it's way down my cheek. As I wipe it away, I fall onto the barstool beside me. "Why?" I look up at River like she holds all the answers to my questions. She just gazes at me with confusion, curiosity, and hesitation. "Why do these things keep happening to our family? Why can't we catch a break? Why does everyone in this family have to have some big problem to solve or eliminate before they get to be happy? When is enough, enough?" I know I am letting my emotions get the best of me right now, but I'm hurt, frustrated and exhausted. "I have prayed you know? I prayed for peace. I prayed for happiness, and not just for me...for everyone. I prayed for all of the terrible things that have happened to us, to also heal us. I've prayed for better. Everyone deserves better. Emmy, the baby...they deserve better. But I also prayed for myself. I wanted a mate to cherish, to love and hold, to spend the rest of my life devoting my soul to. And this...this is what happens? The goddess mates me to the one person that I can't even be with? Even if it was some kind of joke, she has a cruel personality." I shook my head and wiped my eyes again with the back of my hands. "Liam..." River exhales and wraps her arms around me in a tight, loving embrace. My head falls on her shoulder and I wrap my arms around her. They say the bond you have with your siblings is a wild one. A bond where you fight and argue but they love you fiercely all the same. My bond with's never been wild but it has been fierce. She is my rock in my darkest days. No one understands me the way she does. No one can see right through me and see the pain I carry like she does. My problem is, I love strongly. Her problem? She loves me so strongly. We both stay like that for a while, neither of us wanting to let go prematurely. When we finally pull away from each other, we both take a deep breath. "I don't know what to do, Riv. I can't get her out of my mind, but I don't know if I can be with her either. I stalked her tonight. I FREAKING STALKED HER. I hid in the bushes like a stage five clinger and made a damn i***t of myself. Only to find out that she might already have a man in her life...Yet, I swear she sensed something between us. I think she felt...something." I shook my head. "I know it sounds crazy. My wolf couldn't sense her wolf. Indicator number one that she isn't a werewolf. She didn't recognize me as a mate or show any attraction towards me at all. Another indicator. But I can't seem to allow myself to walk away. I know the pain this could cause our family. I can't leave you guys, I could never bring her into it either. I know your position as Queen and you have to look out for all of your people. I understand why her and I could never happen but it doesn't make it hurt any less..." River gripped my arm and I looked up into her sympathetic face. "I can't even imagine how this feels. I didn't think I could be with my mate either...remember? It was a whirlwind of emotions. A ride I never expected myself to take. I'll tell you what though. It's a ride I'd take all over again if I could. Even through the trauma. Learn about her, Liam. Talk to her. Take this opportunity at school to find out for sure what you think you know." River kisses the top of my head and walks toward the exit. Letting me sit here in my own sorrow. "Liam?" She calls. I glanced over my shoulder at her. "If I learned one thing from my journey it would be, things aren't always as they seem. The goddess always has a plan. I may be Queen, but I'm still a sister. Get to know her. Ask her questions. Find out for yourself what you need to know. If, at the end of the day, the nightmare you are putting yourself through is your still have all of us and we will help put you back together. No one ever said having a mate was easy...but it is rewarding, even if things don't work out. Look at Lucy. Her mate, Lucas, was terrible, but I wouldn't be here without them. If he wasn't terrible, then she wouldn't have found Mark, and you woudn't be here. Something good will come of this even if you have to walk through the storm of it first."
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