Chapter Five

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Liam After I left my sister's house, I went home and got sucked into a movie night with my mother and father. I think they were hoping I would talk about Maggie or just spill whatever was on my mind. I have never been the kid that keeps things away from his parents, but after talking with River I'm not sure if I want everyone involved in this mess until I find out more information. Involving my entire family would basically be adding fuel to the fire and I think we can all vouch we have enough of those to put out as it is. We all quietly sat there and watched Dirty Dancing for the one-thousandth time. Surprise! Movie night was my father's choice. Yep, Gamma Grolle's favorite movie is Dirty Dancing, featuring Patrick Swayze in his prime. This guy really made me do the famous jump with him on my 13th birthday. At my party. In front of fifteen of my classmates. Mark lives every day to embarrass himself and everyone around him as much as possible, I swear. Eventually, my mother had returned to bed for the night because she was exhausted. I had zoned out and was in my own head when the movie ended. My father shut the T.V off and pulled my attention to him. He patted my knee and looked me in the eye and said, "You will never know what decision to make if you don't know what your deciding on. The only thing you know is this life. You don't know anything about her except for her hair color, eye color, and the sound of her voice. If, at the end of the day, you choose to stay here, I'll pick you up and put you back together, son. If you choose to live in her world and you fear your family is going to shun you, then you really don't know us at all. But don't decide your future when you don't have all the facts to make a fair judgement." He patted my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. "I love you, Liam, and no matter what, we just want you to be happy, and I want that too." I sat there amazed at what the crazy Swayze fan had just said. Of course, I knew my family loved me, but being accepting of something that is practically forbidden in our world was just insane. Then again, how can they not be accepting when they don't know anything about her. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't know her either. All I have is my assumptions, and in true fashion, all I did was make an ass out of myself- or however the saying goes. I jumped up and ran out the front door. I shifted into my dark brown wolf and ran for our boarder. The same boarder that Maggie's house just happens to sit on. "What's your game plan once we get there, Enstein?" Blaze my wolf retorts. "We just linger. I'm not approaching, we will just stay hidden in the shadows." Blaze scoffs. "Yeah, because your the grand champion in hiding." "Alright, you jerk. I fell. Once. Why do you think we are shifting this time? This way you can keep us hidden." "I love it when you compliment me, please, keep going." "Out of all the damn wolves and you're the one that was chosen for me. I knew I was cursed." "Cursed...blessed. Potato, tomato.....Or however the saying goes." We start to slow down as we approach the border. All the lights are off inside her home, except for one. The light in her kitchen is on, giving me a good sight of Maggie pacing back and forth at her back door. It's slow, calm...but her expression seems worried, or like she is in deep thought. She continues doing this for some time before she stops and leans on her shoulder and her head onto the back door just staring into the night. For a moment. A short moment, her gaze landed in my direction and it felt like we both were just stuck staring at each other, both of us searching for answers from the other but coming up empty. Eventually, she flipped her light off and never returned. Blaze and I sat there for another thirty minutes before we decided to head back home. When I made my way to my bed I found it hard to find sleep, until I made myself a promise. I am taking the position that Principal Dean offered me and then I will get to know Maggie. I just have to win her over first, you know....what's the word? Date? I'll convince her to go on a date with me, maybe have a few of them and just get to know each other. It's my mission from here on out. Once I have a good idea of what could lie ahead, then I can make a decision about what my future may be...with Maggie, or without. ............................................... Maggie I knew what that tingling feeling meant as soon as I felt it. I may have never experienced it myself, but I have heard and read all about it. When our hands touched, those tingles erupted all over my skin. It was like pure bliss just washed all over me. I was stuck in a trance, captured by his touch. His beautiful eyes and golden skin were all I could think about at that moment. His gorgeous smile, and perfectly golden hair, I have never seen someone so handsome. I became defensive. I was surprised. I never expected to have this moment that we're taught about at such a young age. The weird thing is, I could tense him before I could see him. I didn't know he was my mate then, but I knew he was there...When he fell off of the tree line I wasn't as surprised as I should have been. Liam...he said his name was Liam...It sounded lovely rolling off my tongue. Does he live in a pack? Does he have a family? Does he shift? What does his wolf look like? Does he know I'm his mate? So many questions I want to ask him, wish I could ask him. but I couldn't...and I can't...I have MY family to protect. He may have felt I was his mate, but he doesn't know I am a werewolf. He can't know I'm a wolf. I'd never be able to tell him. We moved here for the safety that this place can provide us with. We learned awhile ago that the King and Queen live in the nearby territory. We are lone wolves and never belonged to a pack...but the protection they could provide us in a time of need is exactly why we moved here. The surrounding human town is a good place for us to hide and blend in, but we have options. The King and Queen can't turn anyone away if they are a werewolf. Their job is to protect all of our kind, no matter what or who you are. The only ones they aren't obligated to protect are rogues. We aren't rogues because we aren't harmful or disloyal to our kind. We follow the laws, we obey the principals. We just never had a pack. Ergo, lone wolves. Liam saw Jarrod and I have no doubt in my mind that is what made him fall earlier. He probably assumes the worst. He probably thinks that Jarrod is my husband or something, freaking yuck. But it's probably for the best if he assumes that over anything. Liam and I would never be able to work unless he would be willing to give his life up to join us. I have people that can't find us. I have to keep our secret hidden. Even if that means I end up with a broken heart and a broken bond. I felt Liam tonight while I was at that back door. I could just sense his presence. I can't help but notice the sense of relief it brought over me. It's scary but refreshing all at the same time. I searched the tree line but he must have done a better job at hiding this time because I couldn't find him. That's okay though, maybe we are just meant to be there for each other at a distance. I start my new job this week and that gives me something to focus on. I just have to remind myself this is for my keep us...and Zander protected, for now.
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