Chapter Three

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Liam "Come on Princess, let's go turn you into the birthday girl." My father says as he takes Emmy from my arms. "What did you get me for my birthday Paw Paw TT." She bats her little eye lashes at Uncle Theo. "Well, what would you like?" She gasps, "The biggest Barbie house, EVER." She spews. We all chuckle. "Okay, I think I could make that happen, Princess." Emmy screeches and launches herself into his arms. "Your the best Paw Paw ever!" She cheers. My father's eyebrows knit together. Great. I don't really have time for this. "Yeah? Well, how about a pony, baby girl?" Emmy's jaw practically falls to the ground. "A pony?!" Yep, I have to get out of here. I turned and ran back in the direction of town. In the distance, I can hear my father and Theo arguing among themselves. Chastising each other for their outrageous gifts that they are using to battle against each other. Always trying to out do each other and win Emmy's love over. It's an exhausting cycle. It's like they don't realize that neither of them will ever be the favorite Paw Paw. Emmy loves everyone that same, a lot and with her whole heart. No one can out do the other in that little girl's eyes. She is just a genuine and loving soul. Before I know it, I am standing in the woods right outside Principal Dean's mother's house. Maggie's house. It's a beautiful little one-story home with pale yellow siding, and white shudders. It's a perfect little home. Does she live alone? I wonder if she has any family. I can't imagine moving to a new place without any of my family coming with me. A shiver runs down my spine just from the thought alone. The sounds of a screen door shutting hits my ears, and the faintest scent of strawberries hits my nostrils. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, just basking in it. I slowly opened them back up and the sound of laughter drew my attention to the front yard. Long black hair flows in the wind, with the same jeans and red shirt. Her laughter is almost contagious. I wish I could see the smile that accompanies it. The small little boy from earlier is with her. I watch as they toss a ball back and forth to each other. He looks like he is about Emmy's age. "Maggie! Did you get the mail today?" I heard the voice before I could see the person. My entire body is rigid now in anticipation. It was a man's voice...a man. Is it her husband? A boyfriend? I watch as Maggie's attention turns toward the voice. "No I haven't. I can though!" Her voice. That voice. Its like music- a sweet, sweet lullaby. Goddess, I'm turning into a puddle of mush. The guy in question finally comes into view. "No, it's okay. I'll grab it! No worries." I watch as this flipping Greek god of a guy runs to her mail box in only a pair of sneakers and basketball shorts. Like dang dude, put a freaking shirt on... this isn't Bay Watch. I scoff and turn my gaze away, in the process slipping on a rock. It causes me to slip and lose my balance. There wasn't anything for me to grab hold of, so I just stumbled down the small hill of dirt and branches flinging my arms around like a wild banshee and cursing the day I was born. I fall and fall like a big sack of s**t. Praying that when I reach the bottom it just knocks me out cold. There is no way I haven't drawn their attention to me now. I land in their back yard on my back with a big 'Omph'. s**t, that hurts. Thank god for quick healing. I lay there with my eyes closed and listening to the feet that were quickly approaching. "Jarrod! Take Zander inside please!" I hear the angelic voice shout as she gets closer to me. "Oh my goodness! Are you okay?!" shitttt. This is it, you've done and made yourself look like a damn i***t. I peeked one eye open and looked up at my beautiful mate. "Is there any chance at all that you didn't see that?" The way she bites the inside of her cheek to hide her smile from appearing is the most adorable thing ever. "Not a chance." She softly giggles. I couldn't help the smile that gave in return. "I figured, but it was worth a shot." I laughed as I sat up in a sitting position. "You make it a habit to fall into strangers' back yards?" She c***s an eyebrow at me. "Not typically. Sorry, about....that. I was on a run and a branch snagged my foot. As soon as I say the words, I quickly look down at my attire and notice I'm in a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt. Praise the lord. I would have looked like a major tool if I had been in jeans and a polo. I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I looked up at the big brown-eyed beauty again. "Liam." I stuck my hand out. I sense her hesitation as she looks at my hand for a few moments before actually gripping it. "Maggie." Then her small hand falls into mine and my entire body lights up like the fourth of July. The bond sparks through my entire body. I suck in a breath between my teeth and Maggie's gaze doesn't fall from our hands. Does she feel this also? She shakes her head and rips her hand away from mine. She looks over my shoulder at the house and I take a chance and glance back also. The Abercrombie model from earlier, known as Jarrod, is standing in the window looking back at us. Uncertainty etched into his features. "Sorry about....that, also, I guess. I didn't mean to upset the husband." "Not a husband." Maggie says as she brushes a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Boyfriend?" I took a chance and asked. I watch her closely and it's almost like she is about to shake her head no, but she pierces her lips and firmly says, "Something like that." "Oh." Defeat laced my voice. Shouldn't I be okay with this though? I mean she is human...I think. "I mean, Oh cool." Except this time my voice comes out all high pitched and nasally like I have just hit puberty all over again. What the heck is happening? "Cool?" She questions. I shrug. "Yeah? Cool?" I chuckle because this is so not cool. "Your new to town?" "Why do you say that?" She crosses her arms over her chest almost as if she is irritated? "Well, I know this is Principal Dean's mother's house, he mentioned that he was going to rent it out. Also, I've never seen you around here before and I grew up here, so I think it's safe to assume that you would be new to town?" I say it as if it's a question, but I am actually stating facts right now. I mean, why...where is....what is happening right now? "Oh...yeah we just moved in this week. We are quiet people. Like to keep to ourselves..." She looks me up and down, "People...just really aren't our 'thing' I suppose..." I squint my eyes. 'People' isn't her thing? And why did she look at me like that when she said the word 'people'? This conversation is giving me whiplash. "Well, welcome to the town. Everyone here is pretty nice and...conservative? You should fit in perfectly then." She laughs, like really laughs and oh my if it isn't the most glorious sight. I think my heart just stopped on the spot. "Wow..You have a beautiful smile." I'm stuck in a trance. "Umm.. th-thanks." Her hand rubs her arm like she is nervous while I just stand and stare at her. "Well I should probably..." She gestures toward her home. "Oh yeah, right.. no problem. It was nice to meet you Maggie. I'm sorry my feet landed me here and ruined your evening." She laughs and starts to walk backward toward her home. "I'm sorry the...tree limb...tripped you, Liam. Maybe next time lingering in the bushes wouldn't be such a wise idea." She smiles and then bites the inside of her cheek again before turning around and leaving me standing there like a goon. She freaking knew I was watching her. What in the actual hell? I mentally smack myself. Of course, she saw me. I'm not exactly stealthy, or can be easily hidden. Now I just feel like a creep. I started my walk back home. I'm probably late for Emmy's party and my sister will more than likely give me an ear full. I can't seem to make my feet go any faster though. Maggie runs through my mind all the way home. What am I supposed to do? If she's human, I can't bring her into my world. I don't think I can leave mine either. I can't stalk her from a distance and watch her to get answers. I also can't just come right out and ask her if she is because that would give away our world if she was human. Something tells me though, that I won't be able to just walk away either... and that thought is even scarier.
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