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“I'm Aaron” the man standing outside the SUV introduced himself. “Get comfortable. It's gonna be a long ride” She entered and he closed the car door and got in front. Lucas got into the back seat with her and they drove on. “Where are we going?” “To my pack” he scanned through a set of papers. She faced him, “Who are you? What do you want? Why are you doing this to me? I've answered all your questions, just let me go!” she breathed out. He glanced at her and chuckled, “you were holding all that in?” He shook his head “Don't be afraid, little wolf” “You keep saying that but that tells me nothing” she grew bolder, “and I'm Leslie. I told you that” “I prefer little wolf” “Well I don't” she folded her arms and pouted. He merely chuckled. She caught Aaron’s eyes in the mirror, his eyebrow raised. “To answer your questions, I'm Lucas, my pack’s name is Obsidian. We don't want anything from you. Instead” he looked at her, “I want to help you” “I don't need help, I'm okay on my own” “Do you think if you had injured any other alpha, you would still be alive?” She stopped at the question. “A wolf with a powerful skill like that is a threat to any alpha” “But I'm not powerful! I already told you” “Your skill is, whether you know it or not.” He turned to his papers “You have a choice. Risk death at the hand of another alpha or let me help you” She kept silent. “Aren't you curious? I don't commend just any skill. An alpha calls your skill powerful. Why aren't you happy? “I just–” Leslie was lost for words. “I don't believe it” she muttered “I can just transfer little energy to my claws, that's all” “That's not all. You just don't know it.” He tapped the back of the driver seat. “I'll show you at Coral grove” “What? I thought we were going to your pack” He smiled at her “we need to make a shortstop” Five hours later, they stopped at a pack house located a few distance away from Coral grove. Coral grove was the judicial center for all werewolves. Pack members could send their petitions to coral grove, pack cases that could not be solved within were brought to coral grove, even alphas that mistreated their pack members could be imprisoned and put on trial here. It was also the enforcers unit headquarters. “This is one of my hideouts” “It looks like a normal pack house” “That's the point.” He nodded to Aaron who rushed into the house. “This way”. He led her towards another door at the corner. She entered what seemed like a basement. “This will be our first lesson, since we're pressed for time,” he turned to her. “Huh?” “Come at me, with your claws” “What?!” “Don't worry. You can't hurt me, little wolf.” She released her claws and bolted towards him. As she tried to swipe at his face, he moved back. “Come at me like you mean it! Come on!” She rushed him, stretching her right arm towards his neck. As he took a step back, she shifted her stance, bringing her left arm up and brushing his abdomen. Her claws caught his shirt and tore it open. He bounced back “that's better. Watch this.” A powerful force threw Leslie back. She landed on her back. She blinked repeatedly, clearing the fog in her mind. “Sorry about that” Lucas held out his arm to her. Standing on her feet “what was that?” “A part of my power. Like a force field. Look.” A white glow surrounded his arm, threatening to blow out. “I call this Perfect defence. Now, try to use your claw to pierce through” She raised her claw and touched his arm, the white glow disappearing instantly. She looked up at him, mouth open. “Not really perfect is it?” She removed her hand immediately. “Did I do that?” “Yes. You destroyed my forcefield.” “But–but” “You said you can't transform?” She nodded. He rubbed his chin, his brows knitted “I can probably help with that.” Leslie felt hope rise in her chest “really? She withdrew, quenching the hope within “but why? What do you want from me?” He stared at her “Good question” A knock sounded on the door, Aaron came in, “It's time, Alpha.” Lucas nodded. He glanced at Leslie, “I'm guessing your powers are unstable?” She shrugged “I don't know. I haven't really used them.” “We're going to coral grove.” He stared “Stay with one of my guys, and do not, under any circumstances, release your claws or energy”. She nodded “don't worry. I won't” “I mean it” He stared her down. She frowned at him, raising her chin, she stared back, “I get it!” “Interesting” he muttered and walked away. She stopped in her steps suddenly “did he just use his alpha stare on me?” At Coral grove, Lucas and Jason, the driver, went to the inner office while she stayed in the waiting room. According to Aaron, they had to report the raid on the bar and register the suspects for further questioning. Rising from her chair “I'll be back” she told Aaron beside her. “Where are you going? “Restroom.” She walked briskly to the restroom and did her business. It was weird, she thought as she ran her hands under the flowing tap. She was a wanted wolf, in the midst of the baddest enforcers in the werewolf world. Coral grove was the last place she should be seen, yet, she felt a deep calm. Grabbing some toilet paper, she dried her hands. “It's probably my skill. I'll ask Lucas about it”. She felt hot all over just thinking of him. She shook her head and glanced at her reflection before walking out. As Leslie strolled down the passage, she was filled with a sense of dread. This time, it was very strong in her core. She buckled to her knees at the pressure. This was a bad sign but telling Lucas would mean explaining another aspect of her skill, she didn't trust him yet. She walked forward but a body collided with her and pinned her to the wall. She reacted fast, her claw going for the neck. She looked up at her attacker. The pair of brown eyes staring back at her was one she never thought she would see again. She felt her heart stop for a second. “Jackson!” “Leslie? You're alive? How?” Leslie's sense of danger kicked in. She forgot Lucas' warning to not use her skill and punched Jackson in the stomach. The force made him release his grip on her as he stumbled back. She made a move to run but he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. She stared into his eyes, immune to his alpha stare. Her anger burned bright from within. He chuckled low against her “I knew you were alive.” He shook his head “There was this gnawing in my heart. I just knew it. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. It drove me mad.” Good, Leslie thought, she wished he went mad and died in a ditch. He studied her closely as though he couldn't believe his eyes. He raised his other hand, pushing a strand of her hair. Leslie headbutted him but he dodged quickly. He laughed “Not so fast” He looked her up and down “You're different. What happened to you?” “What do you care?” she struggled against his grip. She was still too weak, she cursed at herself. He sniffed her, “even your scent has changed.” He closed his eyes, inhaling, “This wonderful scent that called me” Opening his eyes with a devilish smile on his lips “I'm glad you're alive” “Bullshit!” She kept struggling. “What are you doing here? Are you in trouble?” His questions pissed her off even more, his hand on her skin made her skin crawl. “Let me go Jackson, or I swear, I'm going to kill you!” His smile widened “Feisty, I like it.” He leaned closer, “Now, tell me what I want to know!” he growled. “None of your goddamn business!” She yelled at him “What's going on here?” Leslie turned and saw Lucas watching them, Aaron behind him. He glanced at her where Jackson was holding her captive. Taking a step forward, he released his Alpha aura. He stared at Jackson “Are you going to make me ask again?”
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