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Jackson wore a smug smile as he let go of Leslie’s wrist. He raised his hands up in surrender as he turned towards Lucas. Immediately, Leslie ran towards Lucas and hid behind him, her heart beating rapidly. “Alpha Lucas, pleasure.” Jackson greeted. “I can't say the same for you.” Lucas replied “What did you think you were doing?” he asked as he withdrew his aura. “No harm done. Just greeting an old friend.” Leslie peered through Lucas’ back and caught Jackson’s eye. Instantly, she looked down at the ground, it was a force of habit. Suddenly, a voice called out “Alpha Jackson!” Leslie furrowed her brows at the familiar voice as she struggled to remember where she had heard it. She took another peek and recognized the face. It was Collins, also known as the pack bully. What was he doing here? She wondered. “It's time for our audience.” Collins said “Alpha Lucas, greetings.” he bowed. Lucas plainly stared at them, not replying. “I guess it's time I took my leave.” With a smirk in his face, Jackson said, “See you soon, Lily.” Goosebumps filled Leslie’s body at the mention of the nickname she had long forgotten. She watched as Jackson strolled back towards the corner he came from. A sigh of relief escaped her as he went further. “What was that about?” She jerked at the voice. Oh crap! For a moment, she had forgotten that Lucas was there. “It was nothing,” she answered as she rubbed her wrists. Lucas glanced at her wrists and grabbed one of them. He eyed the bruise mark that had become prominent around her wrists, “This wasn't nothing.” “He thought I was someone else.” Leslie willed her heartbeat to decrease as she tried to play it cool. Telling Lucas about her history with Jackson will only breed more questions. Lucas let go of her wrist, folded his arms across his chest and stared at her. “You heard him! He called me Lily! Clearly, I look like someone who pissed him off!” Lucas shook his head, “I don't buy it.” “Well…” Aaron shrugged “to be fair, Alpha Jackson is known for his erratic behaviors.” “See? He's crazy!" Leslie defended, “and you said I shouldn't do anything, remember? So I couldn't fight an alpha, yeah?” She tried to convince him. “Alright. I'll let it go. For now.” Lucas said as he walked back with Aaron trailing behind him. God damn it. Lucas was too smart, she thought. He wouldn't let this go easily. The only reason she was able to lie to an alpha as dominant as Lucas, without batting an eye, was because she had enough practice through the years. Spinning tales under pressure had become second nature to her. Alpha? She turned to the corner Jackson had walked through. When did he become an alpha? “Are you coming?” Lucas asked. “Oh, yeah.” She jogged to meet them. They got into the car and headed for Obsidian pack. Biting her fingers, Leslie reflected on what had happened. Now that Jackson knew she was alive, he would come after her, one way or another. I need to get stronger before then, she thought. “If you're hungry, we could stop for a meal.” She turned towards Lucas, wrinkling her brows in confusion, “What?” Chuckling, he nodded towards her hand, “It looks like you want to bite off your hands.” “Oh” she quickly removed her fingers from her mouth, “Habit” she muttered. “You nervous?” He asked “There's nothing to be nervous about. My pack is welcoming.” Leslie felt her brows rise up as she realized what he was saying. He had no idea she was thinking of … She shook her head to clear the thoughts away. “Yeah, I mean, new place and all that.” She replied. “You don't need to worry. You'll be spending most of your time with me anyway.” Leslie leaned back on the car seat as she let his words sink in. Being close to an alpha seemed like the only way out to avoid the clutches of another one. _____ “Hey!” A hand tapped Leslie's shoulder, waking her up from her sleep, “we're here.” She looked around and saw it was just her and Lucas in the car. “Oh, when did we arrive?” Chuckling, Lucas said, “You were sleeping so soundly, my ego is hurt.” “What?” Her brows furrowed, “why would your ego be…?” “I'm supposed to be the big bad scary alpha but there you were, sleeping without any care in the world.” How could she begin to explain the strange calm that overtook her senses every time he was beside her? Leslie wondered. She even had a hard time trying to figure out why. “Watch your step as you step out,” Lucas said as he opened the door for her. When had he gotten out of the car? Leslie turned to observe her surroundings as she got off of the car. “Wow!” She exclaimed as she took in the beauty that was the Obsidian pack. The various lights along the streets made it seem more beautiful in the night. “We arrived so late. Aaron will show you to your room. I have some business to handle.” Aaron stepped in as Lucas walked away, “This way.” He said as she followed him. The room was well decorated and had a single bed. It was bigger than what she expected. “Alpha requested that you be somewhere close.” “Wait, Aaron, does that mean his room is somewhere close?” “Huh? No, you misunderstand. Usually, visitors don't stay in the main house but in the visitors cabin.” He continued, “But you are here on the second floor, among the warriors' rooms.” Aaron stared intensely at her, “This shows the Alpha trusts you. Even if it's to an extent. I hope you won't betray his trust.” “Yeah, I hope so too.” She replied. Aaron left after that. She wasn't sure if she could be loyal to Lucas. If anything, it depended on what he wanted from her. Taking off her shoes, she jumped right into the medium-sized bed at the center of the room and landed smack in the middle with a belly flop.” “So soft!” she sighed as she rolled around on the bed. Obsidian pack was known for its fearless warriors and ruthless alpha. She giggled to herself as she thought, ruthless wasn't the word she would use to describe him. Her body grew heavy as she succumbed to the sleep that was overtaking her. “Hey you.” a voice brought Leslie out of her sleep. “Hey” she croaked out, her voice heavy with sleep. Peeking through one eye, she saw Lucas staring at her. “Hey” she greeted as she let her eyelid drift shut again. “I was going to check on you, see how you have settled in. Guess I worried for nothing” he whispered. “You were worried? About me?” “Yeah.” he pushed a strand of hair from her face, “I don't know why but I want you to fit in well with my pack.” Smiling, “I want to.” “You want to what?” “Fit in.” Stretching her hand, she touched his face “Your eyes are so blue. I didn't know that.” Lucas leaned into her touch and inhaled deeply. “I'll let you rest now. You only have three hours remaining before it's time.” “For what?” She asked. “What else? Your training begins immediately.” He smiled dangerously. At his words, the sleepy haze that clouded her eyes lifted and she struggled to sit up. She stopped as she realized that Lucas’ face was only a breath away from hers. Her eyes glanced down to his lips which looked full and luscious. She had the urge to bite them. She shifted closer unconsciously. Lucas flicked her forehead with his fingers as he straightened his stance. “Ouch!” her hand went to her forehead. “Rest well, little wolf.” he said as he began walking towards her door. “You might want to change out of those clothes. Your muscles will thank you.” “Why? What training?” She asked, dumbfounded. Turning at the door, he smirked at her, “It's going to be a long session tomorrow. See you soon.” he winked at her and left. “Wait, what does that mean?”
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