The Drive

1378 Words

Arden's POV As we drove home, Miranda was sitting in the back. She was fuming about my dad. I was not impressed with him either. His eyes were on Lana the entire time and I wanted to f^cking leave sooner or just beat the s**t out of him. I tried my best to remain calm during dinner. He did the same with Lucinda. I just wish that he could stop looking at the women I have in my life like a piece of meat. My knuckles tightened as I gripped the steering wheel. He tried to get rid of Lucinda, and now he might need to reconsider that with Lana if he wants to do business with Sternpoint. I know that Lana's uncles won't allow that to happen to Lana. "He is a piece of work. Mom refused to see me because I was on f^cking drugs and she didn't even believe me when I said I'm clean." Miranda sound

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