The Dinner Conversation

1387 Words

Lana's POV I wasn't sure how I was going to get through this dinner, with an attractive and intimidating man, seated at the head of the table. My hands were clasped on my lap under the table and I just wanted to go back to my apartment. Instead, I feel like a nervous little girl. "Dad, I got a call from Sternpoint and I was offered to work with them, for my designs," Miranda said. "I'm happy for you," Gerard said. I find him looking at me. "Really? Other times you couldn't care less, even what you did to us," Miranda seems to be holding some hatred towards him, not that I blame her. He finally removed his eyes away from me, to give his daughter a stern look, while holding her gaze. "This is not the time to talk about it," he said calmly, yet there was an authority to him. Arden do

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