A Day With Miranda

1342 Words

Lana's POV Cynthia told me that she was going out tonight with someone. As long as it's not Arden's father, then I'm happy. She came over this morning to chill a bit. On the other hand, I gave Arden and I a lot of thought. Am I ready to get back together with him? There are so many things that are happening to him that I was actually unaware of as to what extent and I guess he had every reason to not be open with me in the beginning. At least bits and pieces get revealed. There was a knock on the door and I opened it. Miranda was standing with a smile. " I got some champagne," she held up the bottle. "Don't worry, its for me and I got you this fruit," she held the punnet of fruit up. "Well, come in," I said as I opened the door wider, stepping out of the way so that she could enter.

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