Lights out

2641 Words

Lana's POV I was concerned about Cynthia. I was in shorts and a tank top, contemplating if I should go over to her. I jumped with a fright as thunder crashed, my hand on my chest. I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly, calming my racing heart. I ran to my bedroom, grabbed a black hoodie, putting it on as I walked towards the front door. Gosh, I’m in flip flops, the rain started to pour heavily. I put the cap of my hoodie over my head and I just left my apartment, closing the door behind me as the rain poured down on me. I turned around and the rain just slapped me against my face with wind that has picked up. I ran down the driveway and over the road until I got to Cynthia's front door. Her lights were still shining. I knocked on the door. I was getting soaked. "Oh, come Cynthia," I said t

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