Juice with Gerard

2772 Words

Lana’s POV Arden and I ended up staying for the entire evening at Cynthia’s apartment until the storm died down a bit and then Arden had to go home to check up on Charl. The power was restored when I went back to my apartment and I got dressed as sleepy as I felt. I wanted to get out the apartment for a little while and just go for a walk. My car that I left at the airport was brought back to my apartment. I hardly use it though, because now that I'm back in New York, I would pretty much prefer walking. I was dressed in jeans, a white blouse that was tucked in and a black blazer with black boots because it was still cold. My hair was tied up in a ponytail. I needed to get a dress for the function too and, apparently, Cynthia would attend it too because she works there. The sky was a bi

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