
1065 Words

Lana’s POV Before I got dressed, I looked at the red lingerie that Arden bought for me yesterday. He only dropped it off because Charl wouldn't stop crying. I understood. I wanted him to stay longer but I got it. Maybe he had the same thoughts as I did about s^x. He wouldn't tell me why he really bought it. It seemed like he was in a hurry. I put on the red lace thong and left the lace bra because my dress didn't need one. Then I slipped the dress on and I smoothed it down with my hands. It was gorgeous. I'm really glad that I bought it…with my own money. I curled my hair and pinned it up into a low messy bun with strands hanging loose around my face. Next, I apply makeup. I'm going for a natural look but I finish it off with red lipstick. As I look at myself in the mirror, I'm stunned.

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