Chapter 5, Breaking In

1283 Words
Gia’s POV We left the woods and we’re on a road. I still can’t see who they are carrying yet. Once they hit the pavement they went so fast. They ran to a large house where more men where waiting, holding open to door. “Upstairs and to the right” I heard one man yell out. I can’t follow them into the house. I don’t know them and they don’t know me. If I try they might attack me and take longer to get the man to the doctor. Why would they come hear for a doctor. I thought all the doctors were at the infirmary in town. We only have 2. If they took him there it would have been closer. Who is this man. Could it be my mate and he is from a visiting pack? Maybe they brought there own doctor. Hmm how can I get in…? They said up the stairs and to the right… Walking to the back I see a few large trees near by. Maybe I can see through a window and then find out if it’s my mate. I know he is in there but I couldn’t see if he was the injured one or one of the men carrying him. I’m so very thankful for my wolf scenes now or I wouldn’t have been able to smell or hear them from so far away. The branches on this tree are out of my reach. Grrrr, I will get up there! I have to get up there. I say to myself with determination. Without thinking much I step back closing my eyes to control myself and concentrate. I have never done this before. I channel my rage down my arms and only let part of my wolf out. My hands are half paw half hand and thin stiff fur is poking out of my arms and legs. I push off the ground leaping up high. Higher then I have ever went before! My claws dig into the tree and I use it to throw myself even higher. I grab ahold of the branch and throw my legs over using the momentum. “I did it!” I say out loud with excitement. I didn’t know that I could do that. Omegas can’t do stuff like this. It must be the mate bond thing and of course sheer desperation. With my hands turning to normal I am able to climb around and peek into a window. They just put him down on the bed. There are 5 of them in there. And….and…. I don’t see my mate. He wasn’t carrying him! My heat sank I still smell him. He is in the room. That must mean He is the one on the bed!! I just listened and watched in shock. All but one man left. The doctor came in. I know that doctor! That’s doctor Adam’s, I have assisted him before. He is really good, but why is he over hear? Dr Adam’s looked him over and then blocked my view. I can’t tell what he is doing. After about 20 minutes he went over to the door to speak with the other brown haired man. In a low voice he said “I’m sorry, this isn’t good. I doubt he will make it even though the next hour. I have done all that I dare to do in his state. If he makes it through the next few hours I can do a little more but I don’t think his body can handle anything right now. I have given him pain killers fluids and my special mixture of vitamins and antibiotics along with a injection to stop the spread of the silver poisoning. He needs surgery, stitching, and bones reset among other things I’m sure. It’s remarkable that he is still alive! You did a great job getting him hear and controlling the bleeding. There is just too much damage. All we can do is cross our fingers and let him rest. I’ll be back in 2 hours if he is still with us by then. I’m so sorry.” He turned patting the man on his shoulder as he walked out. The man took a moment to kneel at my mates bedside. While letting out just a few tears he said. “Don’t you listen to him. You can do this. You can pull though, I know it. We need you too much man. You fight for us. Your strong.” Then he too left the room. I HAVE TO GET IN THERE! He needs me. But the branch that I’m on doesn’t go all the way to the window. Hmm none of them do. And I can’t just jump they will hear the glass break. After sitting and staring for about 2 minutes I decide that if I’m going to get in there I’m going to have to do something really stupid. Without letting myself think anymore about it. I stand up grabbing the branch above me with both hands while still facing the window. It’s a tin branch and I’m not sure if it can hold all my weight. I walk my hands down the branch towards the window pulling the thin limb down causing it to start to bend. I close my eyes for a second and then allow my feet to leave the branch underneath be. All my body weight is now on the one thin branch over my head. Using it like a monkey bar I keep going I’m hanging about 30 feet above the ground with nothing to brake my fall. It’s a higher longer branch so with me weight bending in down I can just barely touch the window. I start to swing my body and place my feet on the window ledge but I slip and almost fall. I hear the branch start to c***k but I can’t stop. So I swing myself again but this time not as forcefully. I got it! Now ah how do I let go? Ahh… I fearfully reach out with my one hand to grasp the tiny little ledge dividing the window, then puch off from the branch fast as I can. I feel it already wanting to pull me back. As soon as I let go of it I hear the branch bouncing back into its place high above me causing branches to shake around it. I’m terrified but can’t allow it to consume me. I push my emotions down and go on. I’m thankful this window is so large! I can see the latch on the inside and to my relief it’s unlocked! I don’t know what I would have done if it was locked. Maybe there is some hope for this idiotic plan. This really is dump of me. I can’t reach the bottom of the window without falling. So again I take a breath and focus. Then lean into the window, moving my hands off the little ledge and to the glass. I spread and plant my finger tips into the glass then slowly work it up, moving the bottom window. “Ah..” I almost fall again for the upteenth time. If I fall I will get seriously hurt. I’m so high up and so nervous but I keep going working the glass. I can finally breath again when I see it lifted enough for my feet to move in. I’m relieved to have my feet on something solid. But I don’t stop I keep going razing the glass until I can reach the bottom of the window. I grip it tightly and swing myself in scraping my whole back as I fall on the floor. “I’m in!”
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