Chapter 6, I Can’t Lose Him

1273 Words
Gia’s POV I close the window softly and head straight for the bed. I was not prepared for the sight in front of me. It was him. It was really him! He is covered in bandages. I slowly move the blankets to get a good look. His mid section and legs are mostly covered in white bandages and portions of his arms. Also one foot, his one shoulder and part of his upper chest. His face is cut up but not to deeply. His head seems to be ok, thank Goddess for that. He has a few iv bags hanging. He seems to be breathing fine but he is still unconscious and that’s not because of what the Doc gave him. I slowly recovered him with the blanket. Then I gently climbed in bed with him. Wrapping my arms around him and listening to his week heartbeat. I couldn’t help it. I just cried and cried holding onto him and trying to not be to loud. I stayed there like that for I don’t know how long. All the tears have gone out of me and I was trying to concentrating on his heartbeat and the feeling of his chest moving up and down under my hand. Just knowing that he was still alive brought me comfort. Instead of thinking about losing him I started to think about what I could do to help him through this. As I looked at his closed eyes and told him. “I’m hear honey. It’s all over and we are ok. We still have each other. I’m still yours and I’m not going away. I’m hear for you. You just hang in there ok? I know you can do this.” I feel so helpless I don’t know what I can do. The Doctor knows better then I do and even he can’t do anything right now. I feel the tears starting to come again. I don’t know how I have any left in me but I fight them back. He doesn’t need to hear me cry right now. I remember in class they talked about the mate bond. How we are 2 halves of of the same being. Not only are we draw to each other emotionally but we are also drawn physically. Our body’s crave each other’s touch. I mean I know that that’s obvious every time I touch him but it’s more then just that. Mr. Jones said that it went deeper and that your mates touch could also help speed up your healing almost like you could draw a little from their wolf as well. I remember one case at the hospital when a woman was having heart problems and her organs were failing. No matter what the Doctor did nothing helped. That is until her mate arrived back from a business trip and he stripped and laid with her trying to give her as much contact as he could. Over the next few days her heart evened out and her organs started to function again. The Doctors medicine also began to work. It was amazing. Maybe that could work for us. I mean I know we don’t have that strong long time relationship thing going yet but still. I can try to use the mate bond to help him. Maybe he can feel that I’m hear. I don’t want to hurt him I lay covering as much of him as I dare and let the feelings of touching my mate roll over me. “I’m hear” I tell him. “I’m hear.. Can you feel me?... Can you hear me?... Let me help you. Draw your strength from me. I have you, and together I know we can get through anything. You are not alone and you never will be again. I’m hear. I found you and I’m never letting go.” I waited but still I got no response or movements. My heart wants to break but I can’t let it. I have to try and be strong for him. If he can feel me it needs to be good. I can’t let him feel me while I’m broken. It will just hurt him more. After about 15 minutes I heard his heart start to slow even more. “ No!!” I screamed in a whisper. “You can’t, you can’t leave me. Do you hear me? Don’t go, don’t leave me.” I cried and I kissed his lips trying to get him to acknowledge me. Still nothing.. I could hear his heart struggling. We haven’t had any of our ‘firsts’ yet. We haven’t talked for hour into the night, or gone swimming under the stars. We haven’t gotten to know each other or held one another. We haven’t mated or marked each other… Wait… We haven’t marked each other. Marking one another deepens the mate bond and it intensifies it. That’s it I have to straighten our bond so that he can feel me more. But can I? You normally mark each other while your having s*x. I know you don’t have to it just kind of normally happens. And you definitely don’t ever mark someone without there permission! I listen to his heart one more time. It sounds bad like it could stop at any second. I can’t wait. He knows I’m his mate. I know that much at least. “Please, Please wake up! I don’t want to do this without you. Please!” I beg him kissing him again. “Alright, I’m sorry I can’t lose you and I can’t wait for you either. It’s not right but we are running out of time. I know I haven’t known you long but I love you more then anything and will willingly give my life for you.” I pause then continue with more determination in my voice. “Sweetheart I’m going to mark you now. I hope that’s ok. You said that I was yours and I am yours. I don’t want anything to take you away form me so I’m going to seal our bond the best way that I can. I love you so much. You are my everything.” I kissed him again. I tried to make it a deep passionate kiss but he was still unconscious and not moving. So I ran my hand through his hair and worked my way kissing down his neck. He may not be awake but I loved the feeling just the same. Passion and sharks erupted though out my whole body. My temperature rose and breathing labored. Then my teeth elongated as I came to his markings spot. At first I just took him in my mouth and sucked on his skin. Enjoying him in my mouth and his taste. He let out a small moan, it was the first sign on life that he showed. I knew I didn’t have much time though. The Doctor could come back at any time or his heart could give out. So without hesitation I sunk my teeth in him and there are no words to describe the feeling that I got. All of a sudden he moved! It surprised me so much. I jumped and I would have fallen out of bed if his arm didn’t go around me in time. He was halfway on top of me now and his eyes opened for a brief second. I took the opportunity and kissed him. Thankfully he kissed me back although weekly before he flopped back over and passed out again. Wow I mean did that like really happened? Just then the door started to open. I moved fast and crawled under the bed before they could see me.
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