Chapter 4, Can’t Wait

1356 Words
Gia’s POV I hate this! I’m in hear and my mate is out there in danger. I don’t know if he’s ok. I can’t feel him from so far away yet and I can’t even mind link him because I don’t even know his name and he probably isn’t from our pack. Oh no, what if he is hurt and they take him back to his pack to be with his family. How will I ever find him then. Ahh I’m rambling on, pacing around the door and simply going crazy hear. I just met my mate and now I might lose him before ever being with him. That’s the worst luck ever. I don’t know what I’ll do or if I’ll ever be ok if I lose him now before we even have a chance. I slump on the floor again and continue crying. This can’t be. It just can’t be. No, really it isn’t right. I know Goddess picks mates very carefully and plans it out. She wouldn’t want this. I mean she can’t control everyone or the world would be a perfect place but losing him now wouldn’t be the plan, it couldn’t be. Oh Goddess if you are on my side then please help him through this! Ok I need to be positive and help him. Even if I can’t fight I can still do something. Everyone that isn’t able to fight is gathering in the pack house and the infirmary is open for the wounded. I’ll go there. He might be brought in. I dried my tears and headed out. I have to pull myself together and look strong or they won’t let me be with patients. Walking in I see that the place is empty. Everyone is still waiting for wounded to arrive. I smile and join them asking if anyone has heard anything yet. Sarah just shrugs and tells me how it’s probably just another boring drill. I go and sit in one of the rooms. I know I should be patient and have a happy face on but I simply can’t. Not with knowing he is still out there. My mind is racing with all sorts of awful thoughts and images of him laying there bleeding out in the middle of a battle field all alone. My eyes start to well up again threatening to cry. “No, I can’t cry, not yet. Not until this is over. I can go out and find my mate. I can stop bleeding and help get him hear if he is hurt.” My wolf is strong. She can carry or maybe pull him if we need to. It’s better then sitting around hear waiting. I casually start to walk through the building and out the front door. As my hand pull open the door I feel a hand on my shoulder. Turning I see it’s Sarah again. “Hay where are you going and can I come with?” She asked hopefully. “No, you are needed hear. You know I’m not assigned anywhere in particular. I am just going over to the pack house to make sure they have everything they need. Maybe play a game with the kids if they are scared. Can you mind link me if things get crowded in hear. I mean it looks like you have plenty of help but I wouldn’t be far. I just want to be where I’m needed the most.” I over explained hoping that she couldn’t argue with that or want to deal with crying children. She thought about it a moment then crossed her arms and put on the biggest pouting face on. “Fine” she huffed “but if this does turn out to be another drill I won’t be sticking around for hours just twiddling my thumbs. I have stuff I want to do.” With that I slipped out the door. People might be watching so I headed down the road towards the pack house. As I turned the corner I ducked behind a building and ran for the woods. I was halfway to where I left him when I realized that I didn’t have anything with me! I was in such a rush to get hear that I didn’t stop to get medical supplies or even any bandages. Well it’s too late now I’m not going back. I’ll just have to work with whatever I find around me. I can smell him now but I also smell a lot of death and blood in the air. I hope it’s not from him. I run the rest of the way unable to contain myself and with little care if I’m seen. As the battle ground comes into view I freeze. This is awful! Dead body’s are everywhere even hanging from the trees. There are many wounded! I think we must have won though. I recognize a lot of these men. They are all helping each other now. I know I should help them too but I can’t. Not until I know that my mate is ok and is being taken care of. If they see me they may remember me as a nurse. I can use that but no one is supposed to be out hear and they could make me leave. I climb up a tree not even caring that I’m in a dress. From hear I can see the whole area. He is a big guy. I don’t know what his wolf looks like but almost everyone has shifted back to human form. As I frantically look over the area I still don’t see him. Could he have been taken captive or is he…. No I can’t think that. It’s just not possible. I’ll just have to track his scent. I climb down and try to stay low skirting around the edges. I can smell him but it’s faint. As I go to the south side I’m hit with a much stronger smell. It’s his scent mixed with blood. I feel all the color drain from my face. The ground is speckled in red but I don’t see a body. I look all over and even stepped a little too far out from behind the tree line. No one is noticing that I’m hear. They are all too busy helping the injured back to town. Maybe he is already there! I can’t be sure though. I continue to follow his scent. If he wasn’t my mate I don’t think I would be able to smell him at all through all the other smells. Your mates smell is much stronger to you then any other and it’s the best smell in the world. Or it would be if it wasn’t hear. I cross through the middle of the field and again no one seems to notice me. The way they all look I’m sure I stand out. Plus I’m almost the only one with clothes on. His smell is so week but it’s leading away from the battle and he wasn’t alone. I track it through the woods but it’s not leading towards the clinic. Oh my, oh no could he actually have been taken prisoner! I have to find him. I just have too! Pushing everything else out of my mind I more swiftly following the trail. It’s starting to get stronger now. And we are still on pack grounds. In fact we are close to town just not the right part of town. Shortly I start to hear voices from up ahead. “Come on hurry up! I don’t think he has much time.” A scarred voice says. “The doctor is already there and waiting for him.” Said another. Then they picked up there pace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello everyone, this is my very first book. So I just wanted to thank you for taking the time and giving it a chance. I will be updating it every Friday and hopefully several other times a week. If you have and advise or find mistakes please leave a comment and let me know. And again thanks for letting me share this story with you. I hope you enjoy it.
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