Chapter 7, Setting In

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Gia’s POV Two people came into the room. One sat on the bed. “He’s still alive. That’s something.” I recognize that voice. It’s Dr. Adam again. He must be examining him. “Hand me that bag over there. He still isn’t good. But he is a little better and he made it this far so maybe he will surprise us yet.” He fumbled around in his bag, made a bunch of grunting and grumbling noises which I remember he always dose. I wish I could see what he was doing! “Thomas I’m going to stitch up some of these cuts better because they don’t seem to be healing. We will keep him on the fluids and my cocktail. There doesn’t seem to be any silver left in him but we still can’t be sure and he will need surgery once he is stronger and gets some more blood built back up in him… I’ll send a nurse a few times a day but I won’t need to see him for a few days.” “When will he be out of the wood?” Another voice said “I’ll be able to tell you more in a few days its still a miracle that he’s even alive right now! You just have to be patient and hang in there. Maybe there is a chance for him yet. No promises, though.” It took awhile for him to finish with the stitches. We heal so fast they normally just put some glue on deeper cuts. Stitches are hardly ever needed on adults. I concentrated on my mate emotions as the doctor stitched him up I could feel the needle prick as if it was in my own skin. The rest felt num or blank, like the feeling you get when you walk into a empty room. I counted 2 pricks per stitch so that makes 230 stitches through out the body. Mates can feel each other’s pain and emotions after being marked. He is so wounded. I barely feel anything from him at all. I hope he is just sleeping and can feel me. After Doctor Adam left someone sat on the bed next to him. I assume it was the man called Thomas whom the doctor was talking to earlier. “Hay man, you did real good. We won and the pack is safe. But I need you to keep fighting for me. ALRIGHT, YOU FIGHT. You hear me. I’ll take care of the pack but we need you. I can’t do this alone... Evander we ALL need you.” I could hear he was trying to hold back his tears. He sounds like he really loves him. After a few more minutes he got up to leave pausing briefly at the door. “Evander, buddy, your my best friend. Please don’t leave us. You have to get better.” With that he exited the room. Evander? Is that his name? My mates name is Evander! Wow Evander, that is a fitting name. It’s strong and brave and big just like him. He didn’t even have the chance to tell me his name before those wolves attacked. I crawled out from under the bed and knelt down beside him resting my hand on his chest. “Evander, honey, I’m still hear. I love you and so do others. You just rest now and come back to us soon ok.” I know he needs sleep to heal. I just wish I could see his eyes one more time and hear his voice tell me that it’s all going to be ok. — I stand up from his bedside to look around the room. It’s a really big room. It’s mostly empty and is all dark colors. It looks like a well used but sad and dreary bedroom. It has several dressers both long and tall ones, a large desk, a cheerio cabinet, and a drafting table all lining the walls. In one corner is a lounge chair with a small end table facing a medium sized tv. Most of the room is just a big empty space with a giant bed in the middle. Who would have ever put a room together like this? If you took the bed out it could be used as a dance floor. Everything is just shoved against the walls. The desk is a mess, full of papers and there are random stacks of papers and files all over the place. They are on every piece of furniture except by the chair and even piled on the floor. Nothing is neat! It looks like a cross between a teenage boys room and an office. I wonder if this is his room. It smells like him and I don’t smell anyone else. Thinking about the smells made a light go on in my head. What if they smell me! I don’t want them to find me and make me leave. If they were paying attention I’m sure they could have smelled me. I have to try an mask my smell for next time. I make my way over to the attached bathroom. It’s big and nice in hear. The walls are a tan and it has a light gray stone floor. It’s spacious and neat. Most of the draws are empty and going by the little that is hear. I would definitely say that one one man lives hear. If I take a shower I can get some smells off me and if I use his soap I’ll stand out a little less. But I can’t take a shower because they would hear the water running if they came in the room so instead I use a wash cloth and a little water from the faucet. It’s not the best but at least I’ll be mostly clean. I hate putting dirty clothes back on! So instead of doing that I go to one of the dressers. I can where his clothes. That would help to cover up my scent. Laying in bed with him so much will help a lot as well. I’ll mostly smell like him. They shouldn’t pick up on my smell unless they are looking for it. Pulling open the first dresser I see… more papers! Wow really. What are all these for anyway. I really want to go through them all and find out, but I restrain myself from looking. He may be my mate but I have to respect his privacy. Evander should be the one to tell me about his life. I shouldn’t find out by spying and going through his stuff. After trying several drawers around the room I find gray draw string sweat paints that I can mostly make stay up and a huge royal blue t-shirt. The shirt is soft and feels well used but it’s also so big that’s it’s not very comfortable. The sleeves are so wide. My whole body could almost fit through them. It’s feels like I’m drowning in a tent with holes to get tied up in. Oh, they smell so good through. Mmmm they smell like my mate. It’s the best smell in the world. They may be uncomfortable and a bit difficult to wear and move in but I think I like wearing hem anyway. After finding the clothes I throw my dirty ones in the laundry basket. If anyone see’s they’ll probably assume he had a girlfriend with him. The thought of Evander with anyone else causes a rage and a growl to rise up in me. I have never been one to be jealous before and I don’t want to be. Pushing that feeling aside I run back and crawl in bed with my mate. I want to give him as much contact as I can so that my wolf can help him heal faster. To be honest I also don’t want to be anywhere else but by his side. I think I need him as much as he needs me right now.
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