3 - Sleep tight

1570 Words
Bastian “Zayne told me what happened, Chris. You had no right to capture Lilly, even if you did think she was a rogue.” “She was in Wolf form, Bastian, and she was massive! How was I to know that she meant no harm?” “The fact she was larger than other Wolves, was clean, and didn’t have chunks cut out of her should have told you she wasn’t a rogue!” I finally look up at him. “She didn’t attack or even look as though she wanted to. According to Zayne, Lilly’s Wolf was looking at the flowers near the border. “She’s the fu.cking future Supreme Alpha of Scarlet Nightwalers, Chris! You could have caused a war and probably still will when Alpha Dalgaard finds out! Every pack knows to allow Alpha Dalgaard and his family passage through their territories without a problem. They own all of us! Do you have any idea what will happen to the pack once Orrin Dalgaard finds out we have his daughter?” He’ll wipe us out; that’s what he’ll do. Lykos is hundreds of thousands upon thousands strong. Scarlet Nightwalkers is thousands strong, and they have connections we could only dream of! Orrin Dalgaard is the Alpha of all Alphas, deemed so by King Thane himself! We’re a large pack, almost six thousand strong, but nothing like Orrin Dalgaard’s pack. Gray Shadows is part of the Lykos Kingdom, a large pack, but small compared to some. Orrin could wipe us out without breaking a sweat. Maybe the broken mate bond killing me is the better plan. Being killed by Orrin Dalgaard is not at the top of my to-do list. The man is ruthless when it comes to his children. The man doesn’t even need permission from the King to decimate packs! ‘You should hope it is Orrin who kills you.’ ‘What do you mean by that?’ Bane chuckles inside my head. ‘If the Supreme Luna gets her hands on you, there won’t be anything left for your people to mourn. Then there’s Luther and Leander. They’re Lilly’s triplet counterparts, and you’ve torn their sister away from them. All the pain they’ll suffer if she dies will be nothing to what you’ll feel if you do live through this.’ Bane is right. I don’t have a clue how to fix this. I can’t just let Lilly go because she’d never make it home in the state she’ll find herself in shortly. Any damn Wolf could get his hands on Lilly, and she wouldn’t care once in heat. When a female wants to fu.ck, she fu.cks. I can’t have someone take her back to Scarlet Nightwalkers because Lilly will tell Orrin, Anja, Luther, and Leander what happened here. I’m fu.cked whichever way I look at things. Chris groans and leans back in his seat in front of my desk. “I know what I’ve done, Bastian, but I didn’t know who she was.” “No excuse!” I slam my fists down on the oak table while shooting to my feet. “You...” The burning in my thighs takes my breath away. “Went against...” It radiates over my groin and to my stomach, and I can’t help the groan of pain falling from my lips. “Bastian, are you all right?” “Does he look all right?” Micha, my Theta, pack doctor, snaps at Chris. “Fu.ck!” I managed to hiss out while grabbing my chest. “We have to get him to his room; his side of the bond is breaking. This is going to be nasty,” Both Chris and Micha take my arms and drag me out of my office and to my bedroom. I can barely breathe by the time they drop me on my bed. I’ve never felt anything like this in my life! ‘I hope you’re feeling this too, you bit.ch,’ I know Lilly can’t hear me, but I think it anyway. An evil laugh fills my head, and I’m stunned. There’s no way I should be hearing her in my head; we haven’t mated, and she’s not part of the pack, so there shouldn’t be a link between us. ‘You’re so fu.cking dumb it’s ridiculous.’ Lilly mocks inside my head. ‘Do you know anything about Supreme’s?’ ‘As my pack has never produced one, I don’t know much.’ I’m being honest. Gray Shadows has never seen a Supreme Alpha or Luna. Those gifts are usually found in Royalty or those of high standing. ‘I don’t need to be a member of your pack to tap into the link. Nor do I need to be mated to you to read your mind, hear your thoughts, or send you mine—perks of being part Vampire. Oh, the fun I could have in your head! Though you can only hear what and when I want you to, I can hear you all the time.’ ‘Why are you doing this to me? Can’t you feel the pain?’ ‘I feel it,’ I keep my eyes closed, trying to breathe through the agony in my gut. ‘But I won’t succumb to it. You rejected me, and now you’ll suffer the consequences. Don’t worry; the bond shouldn’t kill you; I’ll save that for when I finally accept your rejection.’ She laughs again. I don’t answer Lilly; I can’t concentrate on anything other than the pain I’m feeling. No one has been able to bring me to my knees the way that girl has. A she-wolf’s heat usually lasts between three and five days, and I’m only too willing to help pass those days away with any willing she-wolf. As Lilly is my mate, I can’t sleep with anyone else unless I want to kill her. Lilly wouldn’t be immune to feeling everything I feel when I’m touching someone else, even without the mate mark, thanks to the Alpha in both of us. I may well want to strangle the bit.ch, but I don’t want to cause her more pain. ‘It wouldn’t kill me, Bastian,’ I groan because I hate that she knows what I’m thinking. ‘It would cause me pain, but I’d live. I’m stronger than you could ever imagine. It’s a pity, really. We could have been magic together if you’d treated me better and accepted me. Oh, well,’ She sighs dramatically. ‘Sleep tight.’ “We need to strip him to his boxers and then strap his wrists and ankles to the bed.” “What the fu.ck for?” I hear Chris snap at Micha. “Because the pain he’s in will only intensify. By this time tomorrow, he could tear his own heart out!” The pain has nulled a little, but I don’t move to stop my Beta and Theta from restraining me to my bed. I’ll kill them for doing so once this is over. But right now, I’m too exhausted from the pain to care. “Why don’t we just bring Lola in and let her ride the pain out of him?” “Because,” Micha snaps. “His mate would feel everything! Do you really want to be responsible for the death of Scarlet Nightwalkers future Supreme Alpha? Do you have a fu.cking clue what kind of war that would bring to Gray Shadows? You’ve heard the stories of how powerful her mother is, and I, for one, do not want that brought down on us!” “You’re such a fu.cking pu.ssy, Micha. Who the hell would even know Lilly was here? Has anyone come looking for her? No.” “Yet! Do you really think the Scarlet Nightwalkers Warriors won’t find her? Oh, my Goddess, Chris! I don’t even know who the hell you are right now. Luther and Leander will slaughter the whole pack if they sniff out their sister. It won’t matter that Bastian is Lilly’s mate; her brothers are insanely protective of their sister. “I have a family, Chris, a wife, pups. I can’t risk anything happening to them. Now, we either convince Bastian to retract his rejection and Lilly to accept him as her mate,” I groan a little because my head is banging, and that’s never happened to me before. “Or we let the girl go before war comes to Gray Shadows. A war we’d have no chance of winning.” “And you think war won’t come if we let her go?” I don’t know if I blacked out or what, but I can no longer hear Chris and Micha. I can see Lilly in my head, her smiling face looking down on me, telling me that I was an idio.t. Then I feel her lips on mine as she tells me she’ll never accept my rejection. I see myself taking it back and Lilly smiling while telling me we can’t fight what the Goddess Selene wants. However, I know it’s nothing more than a dream. Lilly will never forgive me, and if I don’t die, I’ll never be the same. War will come to my pack when Orrin Dalgaard realizes his daughter is my prisoner. My pack will be slaughtered, and there will be nothing I can do to stop it, and it’s all my fault. ‘Well done, Bastian, you really fu.cked up this time.’
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