2 - Mistakes made

1298 Words
Bastian “Bastian, if I’d known who she was, I’d never have brought her here.” I don’t look at my Beta and best friend, Chris. I’m too angry to look at him right now. I was displeased when he came to me an hour or so ago, telling me he’d come across a rogue on my territory. I was because we generally let them through unless a rogue causes trouble. According to Zayne, my army general, this rogue hadn’t done anything. She was walking along the border in Wolf form, minding her own business. So, what gave Chris the right to catch her unawares and knock her out? I don’t know, but I’m not going to let him get away with what he’s done. How could he not have known who she was? The size of a Supreme wolf makes them recognizable! I hope Chris knows what trouble he’s caused. The fool brought my mate here, and I rejected her because I didn’t want a damn rogue as a mate. That was beyond prejudice of me, using the rogue thing as an excuse. The truth is, I didn’t think I was ready for a mate yet. I didn’t even think about the ramifications of what I was saying. They shot out of my mouth before I could stop the words. Maybe if I’d taken a moment to think about the situation, I wouldn’t have rejected Lilly. I won’t deny that as soon as I smelt that strawberry mixed with flower scent, everything inside of me screamed to go to my mate. I searched the damn house looking for who that scent belonged to, and when Chris told me about the rogue, I felt sick. I have nothing against rogues; if you don’t count that, most of them have a hidden agenda. But the stuck-up as.shole I am, the man my father made me, would never take a rogue as a mate. So, I did what I was taught to do and rejected Lilly. ‘Sounds like prejudice to me,’ My Wolf snaps inside my head. ‘Shut up, Bane, I already have a headache.’ ‘Good.’ I can’t deny that even though I believed her to be a rogue, Lilly was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Dark hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, and a body made for sin. However, my pack would never welcome a rogue as their Luna. Accepting her would have made me look weak in the eyes of my pack, and I can’t have that. I rule my pack with an iron fist, though I don’t cause pain to loyal ones. Rules are rules, and I wouldn’t allow a member of my pack to claim a rogue. So why would I think it would be okay for me to go ahead and do just that? When she said her name, I thought she was lying. There’s no way the future Supreme Alpha of Scarlet Nightwalkers would be in my dungeon. There’s no way my Beta would be that stupid. I can’t deny that I squinted my eyes a little to see if there was any resemblance to the little girl I once knew. I couldn’t see it, and maybe that was because the lighting in the dungeons was all but nonexistent. It was hard to see her clearly. So, I believed the little tramp would say anything to save herself. The second I heard her laugh, I knew I’d just made the biggest mistake of my life. I rejected Lillian Dalgaard, Supreme Alpha, and didn’t my Wolf just love that? I thought he’d tear out of my body and kill me right where we stood. I haven’t seen Lilly since she was twelve and I was fifteen. My father is friends with Alpha Orrin Dalgaard, and we’d visit Scarlet Nightwalkers once a year for their annual Snow Ball. Scarlet Nightwalkers is the most extensive Werewolf pack next to the Royal Pack, though the Royals are Lycans. Alpha Dalgaard is the highest-ranking Werewolf in the world. There is no Alpha higher than him, and that affords him a lot of power in our world. He’s also good friends with King Thane of Lykos. The Snow Ball was a dance, and many Werewolves and Lycans would attend. King Thane and a few of his Lycans would attend every other year. The Ball was a massive event in any Werewolf’s social calendar. However, I refused to go once I reached sixteen. I’d released my Wolf and wanted to make my own choices. I didn’t want to be around the Alpha, Luna, and their three little monsters. Not that they were monsters in any real sense, they were pampered little sh.its, and it irked me. I also hadn’t been the same since my sister went missing at the age of two. I was ten, and something inside me died the day Stella vanished from the forest. I never wanted to get close to anyone after that. Losing Stella, never knowing what happened to her, I lost a part of myself that I could never get back. Why would I want a mate if I would only lose her in the end? Therein lies the problem. The rogue thing was an excuse, and I knew it, but it was the best excuse I could think of because I’d never admitted that losing Stella still kills me every day. However, realizing who Lilly was, I wanted to take back the rejection. Not because of her status and who she’ll one day become, but because my Wolf howled that Lilly could be the one who shows us that we can trust again. But the little bitc.h didn’t give me a chance. Lilly threw at me how she didn’t accept, and I didn’t want to look weak, so I said nothing. Not accepting my rejection made me realize that she’s mental in every sense of the damn word! Every Werewolf knows what happens to an Alpha when they reject their mate and the other refuses to accept. The pain we go through when a female is in heat is excruciating. That hour isn’t far away; I can feel it creeping up on me. When mates meet, the bond is instant, and heat soon follows. If we don’t mate within two days, we could do some permanent damage to ourselves. If rejected and said rejection is accepted, it’s easy to ride out the heat with any willing partner—however, mates who do what Lilly did have been known to die from the pain. Lilly isn’t the everyday Alpha; she’s a Supreme, and everything will be much worse for her and me. I can’t even believe Lilly wouldn’t care what happens to her! I know she doesn’t give a shi.t about me, and I know she’s hoping I’ll die. But to be so stubborn as to let herself suffer? The girl is insane! I swear to the Moon Goddess Selene, why have I been given this nightmare woman as a mate? I barely gave Lilly a second thought in all the years since I last saw her. How was I to know she was my mate? ‘Maybe if you’d visited Lilly’s pack each year with your family, you’d have known when Lilly came of age. But not you, huh? You dumb bastar.d! Now we’ve lost our mate!’ ‘I know what I’ve done, Bane; you don’t need to remind me.’ ‘Do you have any idea what will happen if her father finds out she’s here? Not to mention Lilly’s brothers! They will slaughter the whole pack, Bastian. It doesn’t matter how large this pack is; Scarlet Nightwalkers beats us fivefold!’ ‘I know, Bane! Now shut the fuc.k up!’ ‘Fu.ck you!’ My Wolf spits and then quietens down.
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