
1283 Words
Annie  Max took me away from my pack, away from the darkness. Into the light. We had a four hour drive, we sat in the back seat while Kayden and Nathan sat up front.  “So.. What do you like to do with your  time?” Nathan breaks the silence, to be honest I was enjoying it.  “Oh um… I was given one book a month to read… so I guess reading…” I shrug, wanting the attention somewhere else. Not knowing what to say nobody replies. The rest of the ride is silent, about half way through Max reached over and took my hand, sending tingles up my arm. I felt relaxed, I drifted off to sleep.  I woke in a very large luxurious bed, with silk sheets, I ran my hand over the fabric, it felt cool to the touch and so fancy. I sat up in the bed, looking around. I was in a very spacious room, it was painted light grey tones with cool blue accents. I assumed it was Max’s room. On the side table was a family photo, a woman with long blonde hair and green eyes, a man with jet black hair and chocolate brown eyes, the woman was holding a baby. He was adorable, with dark brown almost black hair and green eyes. His features resemble his father very strongly. I had a very good hunch the baby was Max. He doesn’t look much different as an adult, his features are much sharper now.  Other than some books on a shelf covering a wall there were no other personal touches in the room. I walk over to a double door thinking it will be a walk in closet, but to my surprise it's a massive bathroom. There is a large clawfoot tub in the middle, a shower off to one wall. Double sinks with a full length mirror. I step inside the room in total awe of its beauty. I’ve never seen such a big tub before. I take a step towards it, remembering how good my bath was last night, I turn on the faucet. I quickly strip out of the purple track suit and step inside. The hot water pulls me in, I lay down letting it cover me completely. I relax and enjoy the warmth wrapping around my body. I find some soap on a small side table beside the tub and scrub my body. It smells like lemons. Come to think of it, ever since I met Max I’ve had the slightest scent of lemongrass playing at my nose. I like it. Once I finish with my bath I wrap a towel around my body. I realize I have no clothing, I walk back into the bedroom, looking for something to put on. I find the closet, feeling like a snoop for going through his clothing. I find a simple black t-shirt and slide it over my head. It is way too big for me, landing past my elbows, touching my knees. It will have to work for now. I find a pair of boxers and slide them on under the shirt. I have to roll them a few times so they don’t fall off my small frame.  I make my way to the hallway, looking round. It seems deserted, the hall echoes when I take each step. It gives me an unsettled feeling. I continue down the hallway until I hear voices, it’s coming from a room at the end. I knock gently. The talking stops, the door opens, Kayden is standing before me.  “Luna?” He looks surprised but steps back allowing me inside the room. “Hello..” I say, my voice small. “Hello Little One, did you enjoy your sleep?” Max is sitting behind a big wooden desk, his brow is furrowed but relaxes when he sees me.  “I did.. I’m sorry if I am interrupting something?”  “Not at all. Come sit with me” He pats his lap once motioning for me to come to him. I walk slowly, sitting on the tip of his knee. He shifts and pulls me closer to him, making my legs drape over his.   “I believe we are done here.. For now.” He says to the others in the room. They give a small bow before leaving, closing the door behind them. I turn my head up to look at him. He really hasn’t changed much from when the photo in his room was taken. He has large green eyes filled with raw emotion.  “How are you feeling Little One?” He smiles at me, giving me a squeeze. I giggle and nudge myself into him.  “Great. I had a wonderful sleep… I had a bath too!”  He chuckles, looking me over once more. “I see you found my closet” “Oh.. I’m sorry.. I didn’t think you’d mind. I should have asked first. I’m rea-”  “It’s quite alright. I’m glad you're comfortable enough to wear my clothing.. It looks better on you anyways. How about I take you shopping?” He places a kiss on the crown of my head making me blush. “Really?” I get really excited at this. I would love to go to a mall. “Of course. I would buy you the moon if it makes you happy.. Let’s go find you something to wear.Not that I’m complaining but I don’t want you going outside in my boxers..My mother might have something for you to wear for now.. You’re about the same size” He stands us up, taking my hand, leading me out of the office.’ “You mean I get to meet your mother then? What if she-” I start to speak “She will love you Annie, you don’t have to worry about that. Trust me” He gives me a sincere smile.  We go down the hall, down the stairs, coming to a stop outside a room. Max knocks gently. “Mom you there?”He calls “Come in Dear” A soft voice calls back. Max opens the door, a beautiful woman is sitting in the bed, reading a book. She is the same woman from the photo, but older. Her once bright blonde hair has faded, her eyes dulled.  “Mother, I’d like you to meet someone very important to me..This is Annie, my mate” He places his hand on the small of my back gently pushing me in front of him. “Oh my! Dear you are beautiful! It’s such an honor to meet you Annie. I am so glad my son has finally found you. What a blessing!” Tears are slipping down her cheeks at this point. She gets up shakily from the bed and engulfs me into a hug, I return it, I can’t help it. Her motherly instincts are making me feel at home, accepted.  “I’m taking her shopping, I was wondering if she could borrow something until we get back?” Max asks her, her eyes lighting up in excitement. She eyes me up for a moment before dragging me into a huge walk in closet. Max starts to follow before she turns on him. “You wait out here dear” She shuts the door in his face. “Now dear, What kind of clothing do you like to wear?” She asks me “Oh umm.. Well.. I like… I don’t know I only had a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt before..” I admit, she probably thinks I’m some kind of freak now. She looks at me with pity in her eyes. She walks over to a rack, pulling a beautiful summer dress off a hanger. It’s light yellow with little white flowers on it.  “How about this one?” She asks, holding it up. I give her a big nod, She helps me put the dress on. It fits my small body like a glove. I twirl, making the bottom flare out. “You look like an angel dear” She says giving me a small hug before pushing me out the door into Max’s arms
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