
1170 Words
Maximus  She wants to see her parents before we leave. I don't blame her, but I'm not sure what she would want to say. I spoke with Tracy and she filled me in on Annie's life, her heart condition, her not being able to shift and how her parents abandoned her. If I were her I know what I would say to them, but we are different. I don't know her well enough to be able to anticipate her moves. It makes me nervous.  I took her to the bedroom I was given, I told her to make herself comfortable. I would be back after tracking down the rogues. She looked lost.  I mind link Nathan 'Stay here, keep an eye on her. I don't trust these people'  'Yes Alpha. I will keep our Luna safe'  I took Kayden with me and shifted into my wolf, I ran through the forest with six other wolves from my pack, ten from Pinewoods. We came to a clearing, the rogues were scraping at the remains of a dead deer.  'Shift' I mind linked them. Being King Alpha I have the power to command any wolf.  They all shift in an instant. Their bodies naked, looking sickly thin. These are not rogues, they are just regular werewolves, without steady pack. They do not have the black eyes of rogues.  One man speaks for the group "Well, what are you waiting for? You're here to kill us right"  "Why have you been attacking the Pinewood Pack?" I ask "We only wanted food, they refused to help us. We were angry and starving. Our small pack was wiped out many years ago. We are just scavengers. Our wolves took over.."  He hangs his head low.  “This is not what you said when you asked for help” I turned to Conrad. “Please, they are a nuisance. They need to be wiped out” He replied, forgetting he was speaking to his King.  “Kayden, deal with this as you see fit. I’m going back to my mate. We are leaving. Come home when you’re done” I turn shifting back to my wolf.  I can hear Conrad calling after me angrily as I run back to his pack house. I don’t pay him any attention. I have no patience for Conrad any longer. One more mistake and he will no longer hold Alpha title. I get back to the house shifting and pulling on a pair of shorts sitting nearby.  ‘How is she?’ I mind link Nathan.  ‘She’s been in the bathroom since you left..’ I go to the bathroom door, knocking gently. “Annie… are you alright?” I am a bit worried.  “Y-Yes! I’m fine!” She splashes water as she answers. “What are you doing?” I am curious “Having a bath.. I haven’t had one in so long. I’ll be right out. Sorry”  “No. Please take your time.” I don’t want her to rush. If she is happy I am happy.  “Are you sure?” She asks “Yes. Please enjoy your bath.. I’ll see you when you’re done. We can go see your parents”  “Oh yeah.” She doesn’t sound excited.  I sit on the bed, waiting for her. I grab a book off the bookshelf and start reading, twenty minutes go by. She comes back into the room, she is wearing the same clothes she was before. Maybe she doesn’t own anything else. I mind link Tracy asking her to bring some fresh clothing to my room for Annie. A few minutes later there is a soft knock on the door. I open to see Tracy, holding a stack of clothing. I take it and give my thanks.  “These are for you” I place the clothing on the bed for Annie.  “Thank you..”She grabs them and goes back to the bathroom, changing.  She comes out, wearing a light purple track suit, it hangs loosely on her small frame. She looks adorable in it.  “It’s a bit big, but better than my dirty clothing..” She says as she zips the sweater up.  “Ready?” I ask, as I place my hand on the small of her back leading her out of the room.  We walk in silence, not awkward but comfortable. We get to the kitchen, she looks around, her face drops when she doesn’t see the people she is looking for.  “Have you seen Trisha and Paul?” I ask in my Alpha tone to the kitchen workers. “Out in the training yards King” They bow to me, I pull Annie along with me.  Once we are outside, I feel her starting to tremble.  “Are you feeling any pain Annie?” I ask her “No… I just…I don’t think I can do this after all”  She sighs, starting to turn back towards the house. I catch her wrist gently, tugging her back. “I think you need to do this. You need to tell them whatever it was you wanted to before. You need some sort of closure. Do it for yourself Annie” I encourage her. She thinks for a moment before nodding. She points out her parents. “That’s them”  “Trisha and Paul, a moment please?” I call out, over the fighting. They look at me then each other. They walk over cautiously. “Yes. What is it King?” Paul asks, looking incredibly nervous. “Your daughter would like a word” I say, motioning towards Annie “We have no daughter” Trisha says bluntly. I see Annie flinch at her harsh words. Tears spring to her eyes as she looks at her mother.  “Mom please…”  Trisha suddenly slaps Annie, right across the face.  “YOU ARE NO DAUGHTER OF MINE!!” She hisses at Annie, I launch myself at her, pinning her down to the ground. I glance at Paul, daring him to make a move.  I mind link Kayden and Nathan telling them to get here on the double.   Annie is standing there in shock, I feel her heart rate increasing, and the feeling of the vice grip on my heart again. I release Trisha and rush to Annie. Placing my hand over her heart, trying to calm her. I feel the pain she is feeling but to me it is dulled. I do not feel it to the extent she does, that scares me. How bad is the pain. How has she gone through this over and over again.  Kayden and Nathan show up a few moments later.  “Take her away. She attacked your Luna Queen” I calmly said, not wanting to make Annie’s heart rate spike again.  “Luna Queen?” Trisha asks. “Yes your daughter is my mate. She is your Queen. You attacked your Queen, you will be punished accordingly” I say. She looks horrified, Kayden pulls her away. “Are you going to make trouble too?” I ask Paul. “No my King. I am sorry for my mate. She didn’t mean it” He tries to calm the situation. “Get out of my sight”  Annie's heart rate has come back down, she seems calm. “What’s going to happen to my mother?” She asks, tears in her eyes.  “I won’t kill her if that’s what your asking… I know you wouldn’t forgive that” She nods and places her head into my chest. I pull her into a hug. “Let’s go home now shall we?” I ask She nods, burying her head back into my chest. I sweep her up into my arms and carry her out of this hell hole.
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