
1016 Words
Maximus My mother gave her a dress to wear with a pair of sandals. I helped her into the truck. I mind link Kayden ‘I’m taking Annie shopping, take care of things till we get back’ ‘Of course Alpha’  We drive for a while, passing malls. I have a specific mall I want to take her to. It has a good selection of women's stores.  “You know we can just go to walmart or something.” She speaks as we pass another mall.  I laugh before answering her ‘We will be there soon. Just relax alright. You can put some music on if you’d like” I motion towards the radio. She fiddles with it for a while before settling on a station.  ‘And I know this isn't enough, I still don't measure up And I'm not prepared; Sorry is never there when you need it And I do want you to know I'll hold you up above everyone And I do want you to know I think you'd be good to me And I'd be so good to you I would’ She nods her head rhythmically to the song. I pull into the mall parking lot. Cutting the engine before the song ends, I jump out, running around to get her door before she has a chance to open it. We walk hand in hand into the mall. Stopping at each store that sells clothing. She looks at a lot of stuff, looking at price tags and putting it back. I make a mental note of what she looks at. This goes by at three stores. She doesn’t pick out anything.  “I don’t care about how much anything costs. Pick out what you like. Don’t look at any prices” I whisper to her when we enter the fourth store.  “But everything is so expensive.” She complains as she picks up a t-shirt, seeing it is $30 she starts to put it back before I growl at her. She sighs and puts it over her arm. After that she doesn’t hesitate to pick up stuff. Once she has her arms full she goes to try everything on. I excuse myself, going back to the few stores she had looked at stuff before. I quickly bought everything she looked at.  I make it back to the current store in time, seeing her coming out of the fitting room. She has a pile about half the size it was before. I pay for her stuff and we head to the next store, passing by a candle shop. She stops and looks in the window.  “Want to go in?” I ask “Can we?” Her eyes light up  “Of course. Anything you want Little One. You go in I’m going to drop these off at the truck I’ll be right back” I give her forehead a quick kiss before going to the truck. I come back and see her smelling candles. She picks out about six before heading to the register. I follow behind her and pay, taking her bag. She takes my hand as we leave the store.  I feel myself and my wolf puff in pride, my mate is holding my hand.  We are passing by a store when I stop. This is probably going to be embarrassing for her, but it is an important store.. Underwear. Victoria Secret.  “Um Annie.. You will need to go in here too. I’ll wait outside. Just let me know when you’re done okay? Pick out whatever you want.” I point to the store, she goes a deep crimson. She walks into the store. I see a sales associate speaking to her, she is nodding. The lady takes out a tape measure and wraps it around her chest. I turn away, feeling my eyes go black with lust. I want to be the one touching her chest. I find a bench and sit down.  I check in with Kayden ‘How’s everything going?’ ‘Nothing to report.. How are you guys getting along?’ ‘So far everything is good. She is stubborn though. It took a lot of convincing for her to buy anything over $30’ ‘Hahah so she is your perfect match. Two stubborn Alphas’  Luna’s are often referred to as Female Alpha so it was not surprising to hear him say this. After almost an hour she comes skipping out of the store, a smile on her face.  “All set?”  “Yes..” We walk back in and the sales lady tells me the total “$1236.23” “That much?? No. I will put a bunch back!! I’m sorry I didn’t realize it added up so fast!!” She starts to go through everything, the sales associate gives her a nasty look. “Credit please.. Annie, stop. It’s all good. I told you I don’t care how much it costs” I take her hands in mind, kissing the tops of them. She gives me an apologetic look.  The lady hands me the bags and we leave. “Are you hungry? I haven’t seen you eat since we met” I ask her just not realizing this “Oh um. No I’m not hungry” She glances away “Annie?” I can sense her uneasiness all of a sudden. I know she is lying. “Really I’m fine. We should go back now”  I don’t know what just happened, or what to say. I stare at her, she stares back at me.  “Okay.. if you’re not hungry that’s fine. I won’t push you. We can keep shopping until we are done.” I sigh as I run my hand through my hair. I hope I am not pushing her too hard. Being stuck in an attic for six years is probably making her stress out. She is probably tired, just not wanting to show it.  Our pace slows down quite a bit, we shop a bit more. We pass by an art store, Annie stops dead in her tracks when she sees it.  “Do you like art?” I ask her “I used to paint and draw before… everything” I sighs “Let’s go in!” I grab her hand and start to pull her inside She pulls back, “No it’s okay. I wasn’t very good anyways. I’m getting tired...can we go home now?” “Of course..” I lead us to the truck, placing the last of the bags inside. I help her into the truck and drive us home. I leave the bags on the bed and give her some space to unpack.
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