
1233 Words
Annie  After showing Mason to a bedroom, getting him some fresh clothing. I go back to my studio, to clean up a bit before dinner. I am feeling very queasy, like my period is coming. I open the window in my studio to try and cool off, I am very hot. I sit in my chair facing the window, letting the cool breeze hit my skin. It feels nice. After I finish cleaning up for the day I go and have a shower, keeping the water cool. I quickly dress and head down to the kitchen for dinner. Mason and Max are at the table chatting. I walk over to the island, picking up the plates. I carry them to the table, setting them in front of the guys. It is just us for dinner tonight. I asked Mason what his favorite meal was, Lasagna, Charlotte our cook made up a big dish of it, with garlic bread and banana cream pie for dessert.  I sit down beside Max, his closeness makes me feel slightly better. I am not hungry, I just push my food around on my plate.  “Are you alright Little One?” Max asks me, pulling me out of my daze.  “I’m fine, just not hungry is all.” I take a sip of water. I do a fake yawn, excusing myself from the table, giving Max a small peck and saying goodnight. I  go to our bedroom, changing into some pj’s crawling into bed and pulling out my book. I am on the third book in ‘The Hunger Games’  I will soon have to find a new series to read.  After a little while I find it hard to concentrate on the story. I close the book and turn off the lamp. Rolling onto my side I close my eyes, willing myself to go to sleep so I may wake up feeling better in the morning.  Morning rolls around and I actually feel worse. It feels like my skin has a rash all over it, but it looks completely normal, aside from the itch. Max is not in bed when I wake up either, which upsets me. I crave for his touch. I take a cool bath, it helps with the itch. I lather on some lotion afterwards, maybe I just have dry skin.  I make my way downstairs for breakfast, Mason is waiting for me.  “How was training Mason?”  “It was hard, but I enjoyed it. Alpha Max… King Alpha  Max…?” He starts, getting a bit lost as to what to call him “Alpha is fine” I offer “Right well Alpha said I should get into the habit of being near you when I am not training… so I thought I’d wait for you here” He smiles at me. He is such a sweet boy.  “Do you know where Alpha is right now?” I want to see him. “No I’m sorry. Should I go look for him for you?” He stands to his feet ready to leave. “No that’s alright. We can have breakfast and then go for a walk, maybe we will come across him later.. sit and eat your food before it gets cold”  After having his fill of pancakes and bacon we head outside.  “Forgive me my Queen, but I noticed you only had tea this morning, and last night too you didn’t eat. Is everything okay?” He asks me, he is observant. I can see why Max saw himself in him.  “I am not a big eater. It’s nothing to worry about”  We walk the grounds for quite some time before I spot Max coming out of the dungeons. He sees us and walks over, taking me into his arms.  “You smell good today, wearing a new perfume?” He asks as he sniffs me a few times. I shake my head at him, “No? I am not wearing anything new”  “Oh well you smell good enough to eat Little One” Mason goes beat red beside me, embarrassed it seems. I just giggle. “Where is my beautiful Queen off to this morning?” Max asks as he takes my hand. It feels amazing to just hold this man’s hand. I wonder what else he can do to make me feel amazing… “Careful Little One.. Do you forget I can hear your thoughts?” Now it’s my turn to blush. What is going on with me today? “The gardens… we were going to go for a walk in the gardens” I say “May I join you?”  “Of course. I’d love that!” I lean into his side as we walk. Feeling his body next to mine is calming.  After a while I start to feel sick again.  “Max I’m not feeling well I think I need to lay down, will you excuse me?” I say as I stand up.  Max stands with me, he lifts his hand to my forehead.  “Annie you're burning up. I think you have a fever..” He says as he scooped me up into his arms. He rushes me inside, up to our bedroom. Placing me on the bed before walking into the bathroom, Mason is hovering at the door. “You can come in if you'd like. Or you can go downstairs or outside” I say to him. He steps into the room, sitting down in the arm chair across the room for me. Max comes back into the room, with a cold compress. He gently places it on my forehead, making me lay down.  “You can stay with her if you’d like, but I want her to sleep.” He says to Mason, then to me. “I’m really fine Max. I don’t feel that  sick. Honestly.” I say “I don’t want to risk it. If you were a wolf it would be different, but you're not Annie. I worry about you”  “Okay, your right..I’ll try and get some rest”  He leaves after giving me a small kiss, he tells Mason to keep and eye on me, if anything happens come find him.  I close my eyes and drift off. My body is burning and itchy. It hurts, each breath I take is like a blade raking across my chest. I cry out in pain.  Mason who must have fallen asleep comes rushing to my side.  “What’s wrong?” He asks, placing his hand over top of mine. He pulls back instantly. He gently places his hand on my forehead, again pulling back too quickly.  I hear footsteps running out of the room. I feel myself thrash around in the bed. The burning is getting worse, as is the pain.  “MAX!” I scream out, exhausted  In the same moment the door bursts open. I open my eyes and look over seeing Max breaking into the room. He pulls me into his arms. “Jesus Annie you're on fire!!” He scoops me up and runs out of the room.  "Dr Falls. Something is not right. She is on fire!!" Max shouts at the poor doctor when he gets to the medial wing.  He sets me down on the bed, I curl back towards him, missing his touch as soon as it's gone.  Dr. Falls looks me over before she purses her lips..  "What is it? what's wrong with her?"  "Well... It's..."  "Spit it out!!"  "She's in heat!" Dr Falls finally says "But she's human! How is that possible?" Max looks at her like shes crazy "I don't know, but all the symptoms I am seeing indicate she is in heat"  "Max... pleaseee....." I pant, grabbing the hem of his shirt, pulling him closer to me.  He wraps his arms around me, picking me up as he sits down pulling me into his lap. The burning is subsided by his touch, making me feel a thousand times better. 
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