
1369 Words
Maximus  “You're telling me she is in heat?” I ask once more as I hold Annie in my lap. She is squirming around like a puppy that can’t sit still. I tighten my grip on her. My c**k is already hard just from her sitting on my lap, the last thing I need is her body grinding on me.  “I know it’s crazy, but that's what everything is pointing to” She sighs  “You know what you need to do to stop it. It will only get worse for her as the week goes on” She adds I have to Mate her, something I’ve wanted since the first time I saw her face. However I will not force that on her.   “Max?” She looks at me with puppy dog eyes. “What is it Love?” Her cheeks are flushed, her breathing heavy. She gives me a knowing look, opening her mind to me. All her thoughts rush into my mind, overcoming me with desire.   Thoughts of me kissing her body, making her mine. I feel like I’ve been sucked into a vision I can’t escape from. One I don’t want to escape from.  “Annie… I don’t want you to feel rushed. We weren’t expecting this to happen. I’m sorry I didn’t think about the possibility you could go into heat” I tell her as she pushes herself into me. I don’t think she is even listening.  A knock comes at the door, Dr Falls stands and goes to the door. As soon as the door is cracked open, Dr Falls goes flying backwards. The door was pushed open, storming in Jacob, an unmated wolf from the pack.  He stares at us breathing heavy. “Jacob, what are you doing here?” I demand, standing up, putting myself between Annie and him.  “She smells so f*****g good. I can smell her from across the training yard. If you don’t want her then let me have a turn!” He declares. I know it’s just the fact that she is in heat. Her scent is more powerful, attracting unmated males, but he is so far out of line. I growl at him. “How dare you” I snarl at him, advancing on him, throwing him into a wall by the scruff of his shirt. I drag him outside. There are other unmated males coming towards the house.  ‘Annie is going into heat. I need you two to keep your heads on and make sure no unmated males come into the pack house!’ I mind link Kayden and Nathan. ‘But we are unmated too…’ Nathan says ‘We will keep them away. Nathan, think of grandma, that’s what I’ve been doing since I smelt her this morning…’ Kayden says embarrassed. ‘Ew. Thanks for the visual… but it’s working’  ‘Great… now that you have that sorted. Keep the house safe’ I cut the link off, going back to Annie’s room. She is sitting on the bed, wiggling around. I can feel the heat from her body from across the room. She must be in so much pain. I want to make it go away, but I don’t want her to hate me afterwards.  “I could never hate you Max” She suddenly whispers, as if she can hear my thoughts. Wait.  “Did you.. Just now did you hear my thoughts?” I ask bewildered. The last time she even tried to mind link she was in excruciating pain, so why now?  ‘Yes… I don’t know how or why.. But I can hear you’ She mind links me. I stare at her in confusion.  ‘I don’t want you to think I will hate you afterwards Max. Yes I’m scared, but why wouldn’t I be? I’ve never done this before, but I want to. As long as it’s with you…I love you’ She adds through our mind link.  I walk across the room to her, picking her up. She sighs in relief, snuggling into me. “I love you Annie” I kiss her.  “Let’s go to our room… I don’t want to stay here” She whispers.  I look back at Dr Falls, who is sitting down now, rubbing her arm. She gives me a small nod of approval before turning her attention back to her arm. I walk Annie out of the room, across the house to our bedroom.  ‘We have quite the crowd out here…If you're going to Mate her, you might want to do it quick..’ Kayden mind links me.  I won’t rush this for us....for her. This is Annie’s first time. I want it to be special for her. Under different circumstances I had planned a romantic evening for us.  “How about a nice bath?” I ask her as we get to our room.  “Only if you join me..” She smiles at me. I walk over to the bathroom, filling the large tub, adding bubbles. I grab towels for us, heading back to the bedroom, going into the closet, taking out our robes. Once I have everything prepared I go and get Annie from the bed. She is curled up on her side. I gently slide my hands under her, lifting her off the bed. She is always so light, I had hoped she would put on a bit of weight. She hardly eats.  I help her undress, taking off her dress and panties. She slips into the tub, the water submerging her breasts. I get in behind her, pulling her flush against me, my hard c**k hitting her in the lower back. She leans her head on my chest. I grab a washcloth and lather it up with soap, rubbing it along her arms, up to her soft plump breasts. Working in a circular motion until her n*****s are as hard as my c**k. I kiss her neck lightly, tasting her sweet sweat. I lick up her neck to the back of her ear, nibbling gently on her ear lobe. She sighs, leaning into me more.  After a while I get out grabbing a towel, I can feel her eyes on me, watching. I pull on my robe and turn to see Annie standing from the tub, water dripping down her beautiful body. Her body seems to glow in the soft light. Once she sets out and drys off I hand her her own robe. She looks at it for a moment before dropping it to the floor, walking out of the bathroom, into the bedroom. I watch her as her amazing ass sways as she walks. I follow her blindly, she is sitting on the bed waiting for me.  I can hear her heart beating fast, unevenly. She is nervous, so am I... I stand before her, looking down at her. She reaches up grabbing onto my robe pulling me down on top of her. I don’t have time to react, I fall on her, holding my weight off of her. She crashes her lips onto mine, in a hurry.  I kiss her back just as greedily. She is pulling my robe off of me, sliding it down my back and my arms. I sit up and dispose of it, leaving myself bare to her. She looks me over for a moment, her eyes landing on my erect c**k. Her eyes widen, this is the first time she has really seen it, on full display. I’ve been careful not to be indecent in front of her, as I didn’t want her to think I am rushing her. With nothing standing between us now, I can sense she is scared. I focus on her thoughts, she has a wall up, but it is not strong, I can go through it.  ‘It’s huge… there's no way it will fit. No way…’ She is thinking. “Don’t worry Little One…. everything will be okay. If you want me to stop I will. Just say the word” I whisper, leaning down and kissing her chest, working my way to her breasts. I feel her relax a bit, leaning into the bed. I caress her n*****s with my tongue before moving further down. Tasting her sweet nectar, sliding my tongue inside her.. Once she is soaking wet, which doesn’t take long, I pull back. She whimpers slightly.  “Are you ready?” I ask her, looking into her eyes.. She nods slightly, holding her breath.  I line up my swollen c**k to her entrance, very slowly sliding inside her. She cries out once I am fully inside. I stay still. I hate that she is in pain.
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