Fresh Meat

1157 Words
Maximus  We spread out to start the search. After hours we finally catch a scent, about fifty miles south of the land. It is pungent and nauseating, like sour milk on a hot day. There is a den nearby. We creep up on the trail, the scent so strong it leads us right to the den. Around ten rogues are sitting around a fire, the camp recently made. They are weak wolves, sickly looking. They don’t even notice us advancing on them until it’s too late.  ‘I want one alive for questioning’ I tell my warriors as we attack. Ripping out throats left and right. A young boy, maybe thirteen cowers shaking like a leaf near some fallen trees. I pay him no mind, he is afraid, just a child. His eyes looked haunting, this boy has been through Hell. He immediately reminds me of myself.  ‘Leave him be. As long as he poses no threat he may live.. For now’ I mindlink Nathan who is slowly advancing on the boy. Nathan backs away.  Once we take care of the rogues I turn towards the boy.  “Do you know who I am, boy?” I ask him “A-Alpha King” He nods his head  “Then I assume you know what will happen to you, should you try anything?” I narrow my eyes at him He nods vigorously. He is weak, and malnourished. He has a lean body, needing some much needed substance but it has great potential. The fire burning in his eyes is what grabs my attention each time  I look at him.  “Why are you here?”  “My brother, he forced me to come…” He nods to a fallen wolf a few feet away from him.  “Where is your family?” I feel bad now for killing his brother, in front of him.  “It was just me and my brother.. When Alpha Conrad came to our pack, he offered Tyler a high position… if we joined them.”  “Where is Conrad now?”  “I don’t know. We were sent ahead to scout out the land...Please don't kill me” He starts to cry, his voice cracking. I kneel down in front of him, putting my hand on his shoulder.  “It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.. What is your name?”  “Mason..” He whispers through tears. “Have you shifted yet?” He shakes his head shamefully. It’s better that he hasn't. He will be easier to train as a new werewolf.  “Well Mason… if you’d like you can come with us.. To my land. You can be part of my pack. I know you are innocent in all of this. I believe you to be a good kid. What do you say. Want to start over?” I ask, he looks up, deep into my eyes. As if trying to decide if it’s a trick or not. After a moment he smiles and nods. “I’d like that very much..”  We get to our feet. Kayden gives me a look before mind linking me  ‘Are you sure you can trust him?’  ‘Did you see how scared he was? He is not a threat. He’s just a child. I can sympathize with him. I will take him under my wing.’  ‘Yes Alpha’  We shift and run back home, taking along one prisoner. Mason rides on Kayden's back, gripping tight the whole time, Kayden complains that he is tearing out his fur. As soon as we get back to the pack house I take Mason inside, to the kitchen.  “You must be hungry, the Omegas can make you whatever you’d like. I will be back in a moment. Stay here” I head upstairs to Annie. She is in her office, which she has been using as an art studio lately. Top secret, she won’t let me inside. I am very curious as to what she is up to but I won’t press her, I’m sure she will share when she is ready. I'm just glad she is happy. I knock at her door, I hear footsteps, the door opens revealing a paint covered Annie. She is wearing shorts and a blue smock, covered in various colors of paint. She has a bit of green paint on her cheek. She is breathtaking. “Hello darling” She smiles brightly at me, closing the door behind her as she steps out. I pull her into a hug, she feels slightly warmer than normal. Her cheeks are slightly flushed.  “Are you alight?” I ask, holding her at arms length away, looking her over. Maybe she is getting a cold? “I’m feeling a bit warm today but I’m fine. Nothing to worry about. I’m sure it’s just from being in the room all day. I don’t have a window open” She shrugs, leaning back into me.  “I have someone I want you to meet. Keep an open mind please. We found a camp of wolves sent by Conrad to scout the land. We killed almost all. But we found a child no more than thirteen, I spared him. He seems harmless. But I’d like to make him part of the pack. If you agree to it I’d like to start training him… to be your personal guard. I see a lot of potential in him..I see a lot of myself in him... He is young and has a lot to learn, but I think he would be a great asset to this pack.” She seems to ponder it for a moment before nodding.  I take her hand and lead her downstairs to the kitchen. Mason is eating a grilled cheese sandwich with mushroom soup. He stands up and bows at me when he sees us coming.  “Mason. I’d like you to meet Annie. She is your Queen Luna, my Mate” He shifts in front of her and bows low.  “It’s nice to meet you Mason. I hope you can come talk to me about anything, okay? Don’t be shy”  Mason straightens up a bit and opens his mouth to speak, then closes it.  “Don’t be afraid to speak Mason. If you’d like to say something go ahead” I encourage him.  He pauses for a moment before finally speaking “Luna Queen it is an honor to meet you. Thank you for your kind words. I will do my best…”  “Mason, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you.. How would you feel about training to become Annie’s personal guard? I see great potential in you.. Training will not be easy. You would have to train extra hard to become strong enough to protect your Queen, but I think you can do it. What do you say?”  He looks at me with wide eyes for a minute then to Annie. She gives him a soft smile.  “It would be my honor to protect my Queen. I will protect you with my life…my life you allowed me to keep.. I am forever grateful…”He says as a stray tear runs down his cheek. As soon as Annie sees that tear she goes forward, wrapping Mason into a hug.  He seems stunned at first but after a moment he hugs her back.  “Annie, why don’t you show Mason to a room. Training will begin at 5AM Mason. Don’t be late. Have a good rest”
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