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Maximus  I left Annie in my office while I went to sort out the rogue issue. When I got to the border on the East side of my territory, I was shocked. Half of my border patrol were dead, hanging from the trees. Carved into a nearby tree were the words  ‘She’s Next’ I knew exactly who the threat was to. I turned by back for only a moment, just long enough for a few strangling rogues to emerge out of the tree lines. I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings. One of them got the jump on me, biting down on my shoulder. It wasn’t deep but it did puncture me.  Storm broke to the surface, attacking the rogue, snapping its neck in one swift motion. A second rogue comes running towards me, Kayden attacks it mid air, taking it down.  ‘What the hell is going on lately?’ Nathan asked through the mind link ‘I don’t know, but until we figure it out, I want patrols tripled, and I want a 24/7 security detail with Annie’ I run back to the house. Shifting and pulling on shorts before running back to my office.  “What happened?” Annie asks me as soon as I get back to my office. She had been sleeping on the sofa.  “It doesn’t matter. You’re safe that’s all I care about” I say taking her hand, leading her back to the bedroom. She sits down on the bed, watching me like a hawk. I step into the bathroom, turning the shower on, I strip out of the shorts throwing them to the side. I scrub my body, watching the blood go down the drain. Six men’s lives were lost tonight. I would have to tell their families, try to explain that they did not die for nothing...but they did. Their deaths were senseless, unnecessary. I need to get to the bottom of this, fast. I can’t let anymore of my pack die.  I turn off the shower once my whole body is scrubbed clean, my skin beet red and pulsing. I look in the mirror, checking my shoulder, it’s healed over already, a small scar showing. I wrap a towel around my waist and walk back into the bedroom. Annie is still sitting on the bed, she looks scared.  I hate to think I am the one scaring her. I pull on a pair of grey sweatpants and walk over to her. I kneel beside her on the bed, opening my arms for her. She comes into them without a second thought. Having her in my arms feels so natural, so peaceful. It feels right. I’ve been waiting for her for so long. I will not let anyone take her from me. They would have to kill me first to get to her. I pull us down onto my back, she is draped over my chest like a thin blanket. Her warmth is more than enough to keep me warm, but I know she will be cold so I pull the blanket over us.  Sometimes it slips my mind that she is human, she has the warmth of a werewolf, but I still worry she will be cold. She never complains about being cold though… maybe it’s just in my head. I need to stop looking at her as a thin piece of paper that's going to blow away in the wind. She may not have the strength of a werewolf, she is still a very strong woman...In her own way.I don’t want to lose her, I can’t.   “Just stay with me Annie” I whisper as I tighten my grip on her waist. Her hand reaches up to my head, she caresses my hair. I close my eyes, enjoying her small touches. Just when I feel myself drifting off I feel her kiss my chest.    I wake up early. I have a lot of work to do. Annie is still draped over me, sleeping soundly. I hate to move and wake her. I try to slide out from under her and gently as I can. She stirs slightly but doesn't wake. I kiss her forehead, pulling the covers over her.  ‘Who’s up for some sparring?’ I mind link Nathan and Kayden at once ‘It’s like five AM…’ Kayden responds  ‘Well better get dressed quick. Don’t want to be late…’ I chuckle ‘Last one there is up first’ I add  ‘Be right there..’They both say Five minutes later I am standing in the sparring circle, still waiting. You’d think my Beta and Gamma would be more punctual. Finally Nathan walks over, sipping a coffee. I slap it out of his hand, making him growl at me.  “Had time to get some coffee did ya? Well that means you could have been here five minutes ago. Not making your King wait on you!”  I snap at him.  “I’m sorry my King. It won’t happen again” He bows his head at me. He knows his place at least.  “One hundred sit ups” I ordered. He obediently gets down and starts his task. As a werewolf, it is an easy task.  “Where is your brother?” I snarl “Last I saw him he was flirting with an the kitchens” Nathan groans out I stomp away towards the house, right into the pack kitchens. Sure enough Kayden was in the kitchen showing off to an Omega. I walked right up to him, punching him in the face. The Omega cowered in the corner.  “What the f**k Max?!” Kayden yelled I grab him by the front of his shirt.  “You forget your place Beta. I am your King. When I say we spar in five minutes, it means five minutes. Get your ass outside!” I spat at him.  He makes his way outside, gripping his jaw.  I admit I was too harsh, but the safety of my Luna, Mate and Queen and my pack is on the line. That is not something I will take lightly.  Storm is on the surface, itching to break free. I think I may just let him. I walk over to the circle, pulling off my shirt.  “Bring it on Beta” I snarl at Kayden  He spits blood and wipes his mouth. “My pleasure to kick your ass Alpha King” He barks back at me. He shifts and starts to circle me slowly. I stay in human form for now. We pace around each other for a few minutes. “Are we going to dance all day Kayden or do you plan on attacking me anytime soon?” I am getting bored already. He jumps at me, I easily side step him. He lands on all four paws, circling back around. He bares his teeth at me. He lunges at me again, knocking me off balance this time. We fall to the ground, he snaps his teeth at me, only inches away. I throw him off of me, he lands on his side, whimpering. I shift now, taking advantage of his weakness. I charge at him, my wolf is almost twice his size.  ‘Remember this is a friendly match’ I remind Storm.  ‘I won’t hurt him… much’ He says as I take a backseat and watch.  Storm snaps at Kayden’s wolf, Razor, biting him on the shoulder blade. Razor backs off slightly, still pacing, watching carefully. He is cautious. Just as Storm is about to lunge at him again someone shouts at us from the side lines. “Alpha King, a letter has arrived.. It’s a warning..” Storm let’s me take back control, shifting us back into human form. Kayden does the same. I reach my hand out to help him up, he takes it, holding his shoulder.  We walk over to the messenger, I take the letter from him. ‘You disgrace this kingdom. Taking that weak human as your mate and making her our Queen. It’s shameful. We will not stand for it. We will take control of the situation. Enjoy your last days with that weak creature, they will be coming to an end soon. As will your authority. -Rogues”  I feel Storm growling loudly as I finish reading the letter. “Who delivered this?” Storm and I both speak at once, my voice becoming deeper than I’ve ever heard it before. The warrior who brought the letter forth takes a step back. Kayden puts his hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down.  “She left my King. She said she was asked to drop off a message by an old friend… She did not stay” He mumbles, looking down at the ground. “What did she look like?” I snap “Long brown hair, green eyes.. I don’t remember much else” He is describing Annie's mother, rather poorly.  I had hoped it did not come to this.  “I want the perimeter searched, right now. She won’t be far. Her target is Annie.” I say. Everyone scatters, starting to hunt.
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