
1366 Words
Annie Max carried me all the way home after our little session at the swimming hole. He made me feel things I didn’t know were possible. It was like being in Heaven, soaring on a cloud. My legs felt like jelly when I stood up, if Max hadn’t been there I would have fallen on my face. He is so good to me. When we got back to the house he filled the bath for me and helped me undress and helped me into the tub.  I think back to everything that has happened today, learning of my family, and then Max doing what he did. I am emotionally drained, exhausted.  I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.  It’s been five weeks since Max has Marked me, seven weeks since we have been together. I feel so safe and loved in his presence, he makes me feel like a Princess, no, a Queen. I am his Queen. He is my King.  I walk to the office door, knocking gently.  “Come in” I hear Max call out. “I was wondering if it would be okay for me to go into town? I need to get some art supplies…”  “Of course, I’ll have James drive you in a bit. Here take my credit card.” He hands me a gold card.  “Thank you!” I say as I lean  forward giving him a kiss on the lips before making my exit.  I decided to go see his mother before leaving, see if she would like for me to pick up anything for here while I’m out. I knock gently at her door. “Who is it?” Her soft voice carries through the door. “Annie, May I come in for a moment?”  “Oh yes of course Dear”  I open the door and slide inside.  “How are you feeling today?” I ask as I sit in the rocking chair beside her bed. She has a stack of books beside her, she spends most of her time reading.  “I’ve had better days dear..” She looks up at me, forcing a smile. “Well I won’t keep you. I was going into town to get some art supplies. I know Max’s birthday is coming up.. I was going to paint something for him. Is there anything you’d like me to pick up while I’m out?” “Oh that’s wonderful Dear. He will be so pleased.. I hate to be a bother to you… but if you should pass by a bookstore would you mind getting me some new Thrillers?” She hands me a slip of paper with titles on it.  “I’d be happy to!” I say.  We say our goodbyes and I meet James out front of the house.  “Luna” He bows at me opening the back door for me to slide inside. “Where are we headed Luna?” James starts the car, pulling down the long drive. “I need an art supplies store and a bookstore please James”  I lean my head against the window. About thirty minutes go by and James pulls into a parking lot.  “Will this art store work for your needs?” He asks as he opens the door for me. “Yes, thank you very much!” We start towards the store. James grabs a cart and I start to add my list into it.  “James, could you reach that large canvas up there for me?” I point to a very large canvas on the top shelf. It is about five feet by four feet. “Wait… no.. it won’t fit in the car. I’ll have to find something smaller.” I start to walk away from it  “We can tie it to the roof?” James calls, stopping me mid step. I nod in excitement. “I’ll bring it to the front, I’ll be right back” He carries it away.   I grab an easel off a shelf, adding it to my ever growing pile. I am finished grabbing everything I need so I start towards the front, looking for James. He is speaking to a sales lady at the front of the store. I push the cart towards them. “Are you finished?” He asks me  “Yep I got everything I need. Are you sure we can tie it to the roof?” I eye the canvas again. “No need. They deliver. I was just giving our info to the lady here. It should be at the house by the time we get back.”   We put everything on the counter. All my brushes and paints, new sketchbooks and pencils. Everything an artist could dream of I got.  James takes all the bags and packs the trunk. We get back into the car and drive to the next store. I quickly get all the books on the list. As I’m walking towards the tills my eyes catch a book. One I always wanted to read. ‘The Hunger Games’ it’s a box set with all three books. I quickly snatched it up, a big smile on my face. I can’t wait to read it.  We drive back home in silence. James grabs the bags from the back, I take the bag with the books and make my way to Helen’s room. It’s late and she is probably napping so I leave the bag outside her door. I walk back to Max’s office.  “Come in Little One” He says before I knock. I walk right in, crossing the room, Max pulls out his chair and I hop into his lap.  He wraps his arms around me, burying his face in my hair.  “I missed you my Queen” He inhales  “I missed you too!” I giggle  He tilts his head down to meet my face, engulfing me in a passionate kiss. He pulls me further into his lap, making me straddle him. I feel his hands on either side of my hips, gripping gently. I wrap my arms around his neck, pushing myself into him. I can feel his hard member under me. It excites me and terrifies me all at once.  “Did you have fun shopping?” He pulls away from our kiss.  “Yes I did.. I got your mother some new books.” I smile up at him.  “That was very nice of you. You’re very considerate” He kisses my neck, trailing down my exposed chest, along the rim of my tank top. Placing kisses on top of each of my breasts.  There is a knock on the door. I quickly jumped out of his lap, startled. He chuckles at me. “What is it?” He calls out The door opens entering a frightened looking warrior.  “There’s been an attack on the East border. Rogues my King. Your presence has been requested” The young man says, his eyes darting around, trying to look anywhere but at the King. They land on me, just for a moment. His eyes widen as he stares at me.  Max growls at the poor boy, his gaze shifts to the floor.  “My apologies My King, Luna Queen” He quickly exits the room.  “Stay here for a while okay. Once I know it is safe I will come back for you. Just don’t leave this room..” Max pulls me into a tight embrace and kisses me once more before leaving the room.  I pace back and forth for what felt like hours. Wishing I could mindlink Max to see what’s going on, but I am scared to try it again. I lay down on the couch and close my eyes.  The door whips open, waking me from my slumber. I bolt straight up, to see Max standing at the door, panting, covered in blood, wearing a pair of shorts I stare at him in shock “What happened?” I croak out, stunned at how much blood is on him.  “It doesn’t matter. You’re safe that’s all I care about” He takes my hand and leads me out of the room. He drags me into our bedroom. I sit down on the bed while I watch him go to the bathroom. I hear the shower running for a few minutes, I can hear splashing. He comes out in a towel, making me blush and look away. He pulls on a pair of sweat pants and crawls into bed, pulling me down with him. He locks me in his arms.  “Just stay with me Annie” He whispers as he dozes off.  He seems very different. Almost scared. I wonder what happened at the East border to make him this way. I hold him close to me, caressing his hair. I kiss his chest before I let myself drift off.  
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