Chapter #3: "I Think They Over Killed It..."

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NARRATOR P.O.V. Rain falls hard onto the window. A very tall, well-built man leans against the wall watching the storm rage on. His steel grey eyes are trying to focus on something other than his phone as he twirls it in his hand. He runs his hand through his mid-back length, jet black hair as he nervously checks his phone for any messages. A knock comes on the door. He doesn't even turn around. "Enter." Another man comes into the room. His eyes are a deep ocean blue, his hair is almost waist length and fiery red, and his skin is flawless porcelain. A little shorter than the other but equally as built. "What is the status?" "My Lord, they will be arriving within the next four hours. How is your health? Have you been having any trouble?" The man turns around and sits at his desk. "No Ezekiel. I'm fine. And why the hell are you calling me that? You know I hate that shit." They both start laughing. "You gave everyone a scare last night, Lucifer. Those attacks are getting worse and we still have no idea what is causing them." Lucifer sighs, leaning back in his chair. "I know Zek. I have no f*****g clue what the hell is causing them. Neither does Toci or The Fates. They keep saying the same damn thing but nothing can be proven. Who knows, maybe I'm finally starting to crack. f**k knows I should have a long time ago." "Oh, come on. It hasn't been that bad. I've been there making you laugh. At least if you do go off the deep end, you'll have me making you laugh the whole way down. Like Monet in your birthday cake last year. That was f*****g hilarious, Mr. President." They both erupt into laughter. Lucifer shakes his head. "You're a f*****g asshole, you know that right." He says to Zek through the laughter, remembering. MEMORY FLASHBACK-LUCIFER P.O.V. My eyes open to the morning sun shining brightly through the window. After living in the icy darkness of Hell that I was damned too, every morning I greet that beautiful sun with immense joy. Although today is my birthday, which I absolutely wholeheartedly despise, the sun can always bring me a smile. My lady of the night, Raven, lays sleeping next to me. It's a sad case when it comes to Raven. Her true love damned her to this life. Her wedding day was the last time she felt any emotions. Her husband ripped out her own heart, which in return sent her soul to Hell. Through her training there, she is now a fierce warrior. My need for companionship was intense last night. She is the only one I trust in these moments due to her emotional state. That may make me sound like a selfish bastard, but I cannot afford any problems for when my bride arrives. A knock on my door brings me back to the reality I have to face. Zek has been trying for centuries to have me celebrate my birthday. I hate this day because it's a constant reminder of what Jehovah did to my mother. "Zek, you can only enter if you swear to me that you are not going to make me suffer today!" I shout at the door, annoyed. He enters with a smile only to turn away disguised. "Dude, it's too damn early to be seeing your junk! Cover that damn beast up! So tired of you being a constant reminder of how your d**k is slightly bigger than mine!" I bust up laughing, grabbing my robe and put it on. "You knew better when you knocked on that door. You saw me go off to my bedroom with Raven. You knew what was going on." He turns around to face me. "Like it or not, it's your birthday. So, at six be ready because we are going to go out." As I groan my announce, my servants enter, bringing me breakfast and coffee. "Don't argue. You need to celebrate it at least once in your existence. Dark lord or not, you need this. Next year you'll have your bride and things will be crazy then." I look up at him puzzled as I drink my coffee. "Isn't things already crazy in my life?" "Psst. Dude, once you're married it's gonna be all about fixing all the s**t that is wrong and all that baby making you'll be doing. I won't be able to annoy you like I'm used to." We both laugh. "I doubt that, Zek." "No, I know you. It'll be a fight just to get you out of the bedroom away from her long enough for morning briefings." I almost spit out my coffee on that. The thought has been in my mind for years. "Alright. Let me get ready and I'll be in the conference room for ya." After a long day, it was six and all I wanted to do was just go somewhere and hide. Unfortunately, being the Lord of Darkness makes it a little hard to hide from people. A knock comes on my door as I sit at my desk smoking. Zek enters the room. "Damn bro, already starting the festivals early I see." I roll my eyes. "You and I both know this is going to annoy the hell out of me tonight. I appreciate it, but since my mother, you know I hate this day." He sighs. "I know but you deserve this. You didn't do anything wrong." I smile trying to believe him, but it doesn't even dent the issues of that day. Together we go to the party. The moment I enter the ballroom, hundreds of people shout at me surprise. I smile and wave at them, thanking as many as I can before I take my place on my throne. Although seeing the empty throne sitting beside me brings the reality back. How I wish you were here, my love. You are the only one that I will truly bring joy back to me. Once this evil is rid of, we shall have children running all around and you will be my everything. I will admit the party is rather amusing. Music going nonstop, food is amazing, and everyone I care about is here. Well, except my bride. I know she is hidden for her safety. Honestly, that is what has me on edge here lately. Time is coming closer to our union and my fears of Jehovah finding her is growing more every day. I know that's the main reason Zek put together this party for me. The music stops. Zek is on the make-shift stage they had for the band, playing with a microphone in his hands. This has me worried yet curious to see what the hell he is up to now. "Alright everyone. It's time for the birthday boy to blow the candles out on his cake." The lights go dark as a spotlight is on me. Another pops on when this giant twenty-foot-tall cake comes rolling up to me. Damn, this thing is at least fifteen layers. I know there's about five hundred people here but I think they over killed it on the cake.
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