Chapter #4: "Happy Birthday, Mr. President!"

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MEMORY FLASHBACK-LUCIFER P.O.V. "Now, my dear friend, I hope you are ready for one hell of a show!" Zek's words has me puzzled. Suddenly, a door pops open from the cake. Ten belly dancers come out of it. They encircle me seductively, trying to subdue me with their dances. The crowd whistles and cheers the girls on. One bravely enough comes up and sits on my lap. I smile, enjoying the effort she is putting in. Drums begin banging away as the girls walk behind me. A slow entrancing song comes on as one hell of a beauty comes out. Her features have me worried. She's the main girl and, I'll admit, pretty freaking hot. The dancer comes to me as I cross my legs. I can smell the magic on her. Meaning that part of this is an illusion spell. This has to be Zek's big plan. She comes to me giving me one hell of a lap dance. I couldn't believe the fact that my body is actually responding to this. The crowd goes wild with cheers as they notice her affecting me. Zek approaches me with the microphone still in his hands. "I know that you wish for nothing more than your bride to be here tonight, my friend. So, I'm using the next best thing. This seductive creature here will be the one teaching your bride all the tricks for your bedroom pleasures, to ensure us an heir, so we all know how we will live truly in heaven than this hell of a world that Jehovah has left us in." Zek pats me on the shoulder as I try my hardest to hide my arousal. "I present to you Madam Dominique Monet, adult entertainer and teacher. He is the best in this world." My eyes go wide as I look up at Zek. I yank the veil off her face, revealing that Madam Monet is a transgender male to female. When he stands, he jerks off the skirt, revealing his manhood. That is the only thing left of this man, showing to the world that this was a man. The crowd erupts in laughter. Monet jumps on my lap pulling my head in her bosom. I pull out of her vise grip. I glare at Zek, fighting back my own laughter. "ZEK I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! I SWEAR ONE OF THESE DAYS, I WILL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!" I shout over at him. Monet jumps up and runs over to Zek, kissing him on the lips. Zek has to fight as well to get out of that grip. It wasn't until Baset comes over and rips Monet away from Zek, did Monet take off running laughing all the way. Meanwhile, poor Zek's plan majorly backfired. Now he had to deal with an angry Baset. Everyone, including myself, laughs. LUCIFER P.O.V. I flip Zek off laughing at his thoughts. "See you'll still be laughing." Zek says, being a smartass. "Go make sure the suite is ready please." Zek rolls his eyes, groaning. "Duuude, that suite has been ready for over a month now. Every piece of jewelry, clothing, and shoe has been preciously placed, dusted, and so clean that you can literally eat off the floor. Hell, the floor shines so damn much in the bathroom you might just want to keep the blinds closed. Damn sun blinds the f**k out of you. Hell, there is a whole closet that is filled with every f*****g tampon and feminine napkin made. Do you know how much of a jackass I looked like leaving the store with a cart full of that shit." I chuckle. "I'm sorry man. I just want everything to be perfect for her, you know." He sighs. "I can't afford for one thing to go wrong, you know. I don't think I can go through it again. I don't think I have anything left in my heart to do this again." Zek makes a fake cry pouting face. "Big bad Lucifer all sad and lonely. Don't worry, I'll come and keep you company." Zek runs over to me, trying to hold him in his arms. I jump up running away. "Dude, I swear if you f*****g touch me, I'm gonna kill you." Zek catches up and bear hugs Lucifer. "I promise I'll always love you. Don't fight our love." Luke breaks free and they both laugh. "Dude, just chill, I'll go over it again if it makes you feel better." "Thank you Zek." "Ya. Ya." Zek says, closing the door behind him. Only your friends Lucifer. You know he's not right in the head, but he is right though. I do need to calm down. This time will be different. Remember what Terra said, it's my time to rise and correct the balance. I can do this. Just work on some damn paperwork or something. Hell, you are the CEO of a s**t ton of companies. Just do something, i***t. I sigh, sitting at his desk rummaging through paperwork. Turning to my computer, I begin to type memos that has been overdue for a while now. Fear has been preventing me from focusing on doing anything. Life can be one hell of a ride if you let it. All I can do is strap in, go full throttle, and pray to the Higher Powers that I can make it through all this. I can't concentrate, no matter how hard I try. I pull out a drawing pad and pencil, and begin sketching. Long ago, as a young boy, I began drawing all sorts of beautiful creations. My mind can take beautiful moments in time and capture them. Every detail I can draw. People would always have a hard time believing that the pictures I create were real and not a photo. I always loved to prove them wrong, even if it meant destroying my art. I would grab either an eraser or paint thinner and in the middle of work I'd just wipe away a giant swipe. To see them freak out, it's absolutely priceless. I can't help but laugh so hard my ribs hurt. One time I had a couple of women cry. I had to walk away on that one. I never cared about the art. I can always redo them. Sometimes it was even better the second time around than the first. Terra I cannot wait to draw her naked. I know I've done it from dreams but nothing compares to the real thing. "Stop it, Lucifer. That's all you need is a f*****g hard on meeting her." I say out loud, shaking my head with a soft laugh. "I finally think I'm starting to lose it." I just shake my head, smiling. Well, no s**t dumbass! You're talking to yourself and your inner monologue is talking back to you.
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