Chapter #2: Ember

521 Words
NARRARATOR P.O.V. "Ember my dear! Are you ready?" Chessica, a short chubby woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes, says as she enters Ember's room. Ember is sitting on the window seal staring out into the city. Her tan, petite, slender body with shoulder-length blonde hair, is slouched over as she is deep in thought. Her baby blue eyes are filled with worry as they stare out into the rain. Ember looks up at Chess. "My precious! What's wrong?" Chess says, sitting next to Ember, pulling her into a giant hug. Tears fall from Ember, staining her professionally done makeup. "Mama Chess, I'm really scared about all this." "My princess, this is a happy day for you!" "What if he doesn't like me? What if I'm not what he expects?" Chess chuckles, pulling out a pack of Kleenex from her purse and fixes Ember's makeup. "Now you stop that. He will love you. Hell child, he already loves you. You've only been on his mind for the last thousand years." They both laugh. "Ember, you are perfect. You were perfectly made for him. The only problem we're going to have is if he doesn't have sound-proof walls." "Mother!" Ember yells as she chuckles nervously and her face turns red. "You think I want to hear that? For the last nineteen years, I've protected you, watched you grow, and taught you everything to know about our world plus these mortals' world. I know I'm not your mother by blood, but you are my baby. No parent wants the thought of someone doing those things to their child, let alone to hear it. King or not, I'll slap the s**t out of his sexy ass." Ember rolls her eyes, fighting back the laughter. "What are you going to do for the ceremony?" "I'm not opening my eyes and I'm going to slap him." They both laugh as Ember stands fixing her clothes. "We're not talking about this anymore mother!" Ember sticks her fingers in her ears. "LA LA LA LA LA LA!" Chess walks up to Ember, hugging her. "You were created for this. You were taught etiquettes, dancing, just everything, my dear. Your blood holds the strength to be his equal. Together you will fix everything wrong and correct the balance once again. I completely understand that you are nervous. I would be pissing my pants by now if it was me. All of that will disappear the moment you see him, I promise you. Now, come on. The car is waiting for us. I'll meet you by the elevator." Chess walks out of the room, leaving Ember to herself. I hope you're right mother. She takes a deep breath, grabs her purse, and walks out to Chess. They get into the elevator. Chess is just a bundle of excitement. "You going to make it there, Mama Chess?" Ember chuckles as she watches Chess. "I've been excited for this day to come, my dear. My little Ember will soon be his." Chess grabs her hand, holding onto it for dear life. Ember shakes her head with a smile across her face.
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