Was he real?

1290 Words
Celia POV "Why did you run from mate?" Stormy whined. "That was not our mate; we are stuck in an endless dream," I replied, frustrated. "That was mate. He was real, Celia, and his lips were so tasty," she purred in my head. I licked my lip as I reminisced on his perfect touch against me, f**k he was so hot. "See, you think mate was tasty, too,” Stormy chuckled. "No, our mate is a cruel figment of my imagination here to remind me of what we can never have," I hissed. A sudden jolt of pain erupted in my body as I leaned against the bed in the cabin. This happened every few weeks, and it was starting to take a toll on me, even in this damned dream. "They're poisoning us," Stormy growled. "I'm sorry," I whimpered as I tried to fight past the pain. "They know who we are; they want to keep us like this,” Stormy howled angrily. "Why would anyone want to do this to us?" I asked her. "I don't know, but mate knows who we are. Mate can help us. Mate will save us," Stormy declared. "Sit down, Celia. We are too weak right now." Stormy yawned. "No, please don't leave me alone again," I cried as I felt her fading away. I tried to stand up, but it was no use. Whatever they injected me with in the natural world also affected me in my dream. I sat for what seemed like hours before I heard his voice again. I tried to move, but it was no use. It typically took a day or two for my strength to return. "Celia," his voice boomed in the field. "I'm in here," I responded, but my voice was a whisper. I heard the cabin door open as he shouted my name again. "Celia?" He yelled as I heard him getting closer to the room. The bedroom door pushed open, and there he was. Tall, muscular, with dark brown messy hair. The man was sexy. Hopefully, I'm not drooling. I doubt I can even lift my arm right now. "Celia, what's wrong?" He asked with a hint of concern. "No idea,” I weakly responded. He bent down on the side of the bed and reached for me. I tried to push myself away but fell to the side like a complete fool. He lifted me into his arms like I was weightless. "Stop, put me down. I don't even know you," I demanded with as much strength as I could muster. He looked hurt but placed me back on the bed and sat on the edge. 'I'm Caius, and I'm your mate, Celia," he softly stated. I wanted to object, but everything about him seemed so right. "Can you tell me what's wrong?” He asked. “My wolf said we were poisoned,” I responded. Caius let out a feral-sounding growl causing me to gasp, then he moved closer to me, scanning me with his eyes before gently lifting my arm. "Wolfsbane,” he snarled. “What’s that?” I asked. "Poison to a werewolf. It's why you are so weak, and your wolf can't heal you," he said as he slammed his hand on the side of the bed. Caius started to move to the edge of the bed again, but I managed enough strength to brush my fingers on his hand. "Don't leave," I whimpered. I have no idea what came over me, but my body craved his touch. Caius pulled himself up next to me as if he could read my mind, but his next move shocked me as he pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his muscular chest. I gulped. "You want to touch me to make sure I'm real?" He asked in a raspy voice. Fuck, he must be feeling the same way as me. If I were not so weak right now, I would beg him to take all of me. I had no idea where these thoughts came from; I'm only seventeen and a virgin, but I would toss that all out the door for this stranger. Caius lifted my hand and placed it on his chest. "I'm real, Celia, and I'm yours," he said as he leaned against my ear. A slight growl rumbled in my chest, and I blushed as he chuckled. "I don't know if this will work in a dream, Celia, but in my world, the closer you are to your mate, the faster you heal. If we touch each other, it might help you regain some strength,” Caius suggested. "You mean s*x?" I squeaked. Caius chucked. "s*x would do the trick, but I am not trying to force that on you. We can just kiss," He said softly. "Ok," I gulped as he pulled me against him. "Can I remove your shirt?" He asked. "Ok," I squeaked again as he gently lifted it over my head but kept my bra on. "f**k you are beautiful," he moaned as he pulled me against him and crashed his lips with hunger against mine. I moved my hands against his muscular body as he kissed me passionately. As he predicted, my energy began returning. "Can I take this off?" Caius asked as he pushed his hand under the back of my bra strap. "Yes," I moaned, now craving this stranger's touch. Caius removed my bra and cupped my breasts in his hands. "f**k, they are a perfect fit," he growled as he took my hard n****e in his mouth. I arched my back as sparks traveled down my body. I felt warmth pooling inside me as my arousal started filling the room. f**k, I wanted him inside of me. I felt his hardened c**k under the thin layer of his pants, confirming he wanted me just as badly. My body was full of energy. I felt terrific for the first time in a long time. If I was looking in a mirror, I was sure I looked alive. "f**k you are stunning," Caius said as he pulled away. I let out a small whimper. "Trust me, Celia. I want you just as bad," he said while pulling my shirt over my bare chest. "Why did you stop then,” I muttered. Caius placed another gentle kiss on my lips. "Celia, I don't want to rush things with you. I did some digging, and we were able to locate you in the human realm. I have no idea how you ended up there, but a powerful Vampire clan is making sure you stay in a deep sleep,” Caius explained. "Vampires, why me?" I whimpered. “I know you were raised as a human and don't understand the bond werewolves have. Celia, you are the only princess of the strongest kingdom of our realm. We met as children, and I knew instantly we were mates. If the two of us marked each other, it would have combined the two strongest kingdoms. The Vampires and other rogue werewolf communities did not want that. I thought you died, but they took you to the human realm instead.” “Your crash was a complete accident; they want to keep you alive. When you turn eighteen, you will come into your full werewolf powers. As the only surviving member of the Blood Moon Kingdom, you will be one of the strongest forces in the world. The Vampires found a way to portal you to the human realm, but I swear I will find a way to you,” Caius said before fading away. “Caius, don’t leave me,” I cried. "I'll be back," his voice filled the room, leaving me alone once again
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