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Caius POV "Mate," I yelled as I jolted out of bed. I cracked a window for fresh air as I tried to calm my body from my dream. "Caius, is everything ok? My bodyguard and best friend, Jordan, yelled through my door. "I'm fine," I mumbled as I poured myself a bourbon and sat by my window. "Mate, Mate was in our dream," Silver, my wolf, howled within me. "How is that possible, Silver? Our mate is gone. We are to pick a chosen mate next week," I growled. "Mate is not gone. That was mate in our dream," Silver insisted. I really wished that was true. I knew for a fact my destined mate was gone. The Moon Goddess appointed the princess of the Blood Moon Kingdom to be my mate. My wolf was not a typical werewolf. When I first met the princess, I was 10, and she was 4; I knew she was my mate. The Blood Moon Kingdom was attacked one week after I met her. There were no survivors; they never found Princess Celia, but my wolf could no longer sense her as we felt the mate bond snap. "Silver, our mate is dead. That was just a dream." I sighed I placed my empty glass on the table and got back into bed. It did not take long for me to drift back to sleep. "I smell her, I smell mate," Silver chimed as the same field and cabin appeared in my dream. My heart started to beat faster. Was she here? Why would my mind play tricks on me like this? Even if she was in my dream, she was not real. Right? The smell of morning dew filled my nostrils, calling me to follow it until I found the source. "Mate, mate,” Silver chanted in my head. My breath caught in my throat as I spotted a young woman in the distance near the cabin picking wildflowers. I slowly approached, careful with each step so I would go undetected. I hid behind a large tree giving me perfect coverage as she continued to pick flowers. The girl had long, ash hair and a tiny figure, but what caught my attention the most was how frail she looked. "Mate’s hurt. Why is she not healing?" Silver whined in my head. I stood frozen as I continued to watch her. The girl clearly resembled the little princess, but why was she in my dream? "Talk to her," Silver demanded. I reluctantly moved forward, approaching her slowly so I would not startle her. "Hello," I said softly, getting her attention. The girl jolted up, clearly taken by surprise. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to frighten you." I apologized. “How are you here?” She demanded. "I'm not sure. This is the second dream I have seen you in,” I admitted. The girl turned towards the cabin, clearly trying to escape the situation. I reached for her delicate arm before she could get away. Sparks burst in my hand upon making contact with her delicate skin. "Celia?" I questioned her. "How do you know my name?” The girl looked at me, startled> I pulled her against me as she let out a small yelp, but as our bodies grew closer, I could tell she had the same reaction. "Why do I feel like this?" She mumbled against me. "It's the mate bond. The closer we are, the more intense it becomes," I responded. "How are you here, Celia? I thought you were dead." "I'm basically dead," she muttered while pulling away. "What do you mean? And why are you in my dream.?" I asked, confused. "I should be asking you the same thing. I have been trapped in this dreamland for several months, and you appear out of the blue. Is this some sort of cruel joke.?" She sneered. "What do you mean you are trapped here?" I looked at the girl with concern. "I'm stuck here; there is no exit. No waking up. I'm basically dead in the real world. Still, some anonymous guardian paid for them to plug me into machines to keep me alive," she huffed. "This is a dream for you as well," I asked. "More like a nightmare," she whispered. "I told you, mate is alive," Silver reassured me. "Why can't I sense her when awake?” I asked Silver. "Ask mate where she is?" He suggested. "Celia, where are you in the real world?" "I would assume a hospital. My crazy orphanage headmistress was taking me to a new home, but we were in a car crash. So much blood,” Celia said as she placed her hand on her head, trying to focus. "Blood?" I asked, startled. "My vision was red, I tried to focus, but blood flowed down my face. The taste, the Godawful taste of copper in my mouth as I choked on it," she said as she started to cry. I tried to pull her against me again, but she pulled away. "Where is the hospital?" I said, trying to remain calm. "Chicago, that's all I know," she whispered. "Silver, she is in the human realm. Can you sense her wolf? Why is she not healing her? How did they end up with the humans?" I asked my wolf. "Her wolf does not know how they ended up there. They have no memories of their early childhood. They are being poisoned, most likely with wolfsbane, and for a long time. Celia has never shifted, and her wolf says Celia does not believe her wolf is real. We have to find them," Silver demanded. "Celia, I know you feel the sparks. I am your mate. Please let me hold you," I implored. “You’re just another figment of my imagination,” she whimpered. "If I was not real, you would feel nothing from this," I said as I pulled her against me again and pressed my lips against hers. Sparks filled my entire being as I kissed her passionately. I wanted to explore all of her, be one with her, but this was enough for right now. Celia gasped as I pulled away, and then she pulled out of my arms and ran. "Celia,” I yelled. The dream around me started to fade as I snapped back into reality. I must find her. “Look who’s awake,” Jordan chuckled in my room. "When did you come in?" I growled. "You have a busy day, Caius. The King would also like to know your final choice for a mate,” Jordan sighed. “Celia,” I responded. "Celia is dead, Caius. It is time to move on," Jordan insisted. “Celia is alive; I saw her in my dream, and you will help me find her,” I demanded. "You can't keep pushing this off, Caius, you will be the King soon, and we need a Luna," Jordan replied. "I'm not pushing it off. Celia is alive and in the human realm,” I insisted. "If that's really true, I'll help Caius." Jordan offered. "Thanks, I'm getting dressed. I’ll be out soon,” I said as he left the room. It had only been a few minutes since I woke up, but I wanted nothing more than to be back in the dream with her. "Silver, I promise we will find and save our mate," I promised my wolf. Silver howled within me as I got dressed for the day. “Celia, wait for me. I will return to the dream soon,” I whispered
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