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Caius POV "Looks like someone needs a shower,” Jordan laughed as I sat up in bed. "What the f**k are you doing here,” I growled at him. "Chill,” Jordan chuckled. “You asked me to watch you." "Did anything odd happen?” I asked him. "Other than you dry humping in your sleep, no," Jordan cracked up. “Were you seriously f*****g your mate in a dream, Cai?” Jordan yelled out as I flew out of my bed to tackle him. "I'm taking a shower," I growled, pushing him out of my way. "Good, because the queen arranged for you to have lunch with Sapphire from the running river pack," Jordan noted. I growled; the last thing I wanted to do today was to have lunch with that snobby wolf. ‘I’m not going,” I growled. "Cai, you have to; by order of the Queen," he said calmly. I already informed my mom of Celia's situation, but she insisted I choose a mate in two weeks. I sighed; my father's health was failing, and it was time for me to take over the throne. The law dictates I take a Luna and mark her before being crowned. "I'll go, but I want you to seek a witch to help us find a portal to Celia," I ordered Jordan. "Cai, what if we can't get to her in time?" He asked with a worried expression. "I won't let that happen," I replied. Jordan bowed his head as he left my room. I knew he would put his life on the line for his Luna. Jordan was my most loyal friend and one of the strongest warriors. I know where Celia is; I just have to find a way to get her. "I hate not being with mate," Silver whined. "We will see her again tonight, Silver," I told my wolf as we entered the shower. I could not get Celia's image out of my head as I washed off and dressed. I was already madly in love with her. I smiled as I pictured her perfect body against mine. ----- I headed to the garden, where my mother set up a picnic for my meeting with Sapphire. My mother was waiting by the entrance with a frustrated expression. "Hello, Mother," I greeted her with a fake smile. "Caius, don't mess this up. Sapphire is a strong she-wolf and the perfect mate for you," she insisted. "How can you say that when we know my destined mate is alive." I snapped back at her. "Celia may be alive, but she is not even in our realm, Caius. The girl was raised as a human and has no idea how things work in this realm. You need a strong mate," she demanded. “Mother, I’m going to find a way to her, and she will be my Luna,” I growled. "Caius, I know you want your destined mate, but you must focus on what's best for the kingdom," my mother said softly as Sapphire entered the garden. "I'll take my leave now," my mother announced, leaving me alone with Sapphire. "Prince Caius, it's a pleasure to have lunch with you today," she said in a giddy voice. "The pleasure is all mine," I said as I kissed her hand. I had to appease my parents for the time being. I made small talk with Sapphire as we ate lunch. My mother made sure she was well-rehearsed and fit the perfect match for me. I kept thinking about what Celia liked. What was her favorite color? Flower? Hobby? I wanted to know everything about her. Sapphire kept blabbing about her life as I tuned her out, thinking of all the conversations I would have with my true mate. I occasionally smiled and nodded my head as she continued to talk. The lunch finally wrapped up as my mother entered the garden again with Sapphire's father, Alpha Samuel. My father entered the room shortly after, catching me off guard since he rarely made public appearances due to his illness. "Father, it is great to see you today,” I greeted him as he nodded sadly. I had a feeling I was not going to like his unannounced appearance. "Alpha Samuel, it looks like your daughter feels right at home in the palace. My son, Prince Caius, decided to accept Sapphire as his chosen Mate. The palace will make the public announcement in two weeks. The official marking ceremony will occur on the same day," my father announced. Anger washed over me, but I kept my mouth shut, knowing this conversation would be held once Sapphire and her father left. "We have prepared a bedroom in the palace for Sapphire so she can be closer to Caius until the ceremony," my mother chimed in. Sapphire squealed as she stood up and leaned in against me. "Caius, we make the perfect couple; I look forward to being your Luna and producing strong heirs," she said in her high-pitched voice. I felt sick, but I kept the fake smile on as I bid Sapphire farewell so she could pack and move in. "What is the meaning of this?" I snapped once I was alone with my parents. "Caius, the word is out about my illness, and enemies will use that to their advantage if we do not have a strong leader on the throne. You will be crowned King in two weeks, and Sapphire will be your Luna," my father ordered. "Celia is my Luna. I will never accept anyone but my destined mate," I snarled. 'If you find a way to bring Celia back to our realm, I'll reconsider," my father said in a raspy voice before coughing. "Sweetheart, let me help you back to your chambers," my mother softly said to my father. "I will bring Celia back in time," I announced, determined, as I left the garden to find Jordan. ----- Jordan stood outside my room with a cheery smile on his face. "Cai, I found a witch who can portal us to Celia and portal us back,” Jordan said. "That's great news, Jordan," I said, feeling optimistic. "I also spoke with the palace medical facility, wolfsbane may stop Celia from healing, but they most likely are using something else, including witchcraft, to keep her unconscious. It may be best to portal her back while she’s asleep so we can find a safe method to wake her up," Jordan explained. I agreed; based on the reports we obtained, Celia was severely injured in the crash, but not to the extent of remaining unconscious. The Vampires were using other methods to keep her asleep. "I still don't understand why they are keeping her alive and going to all the effort," I said, brushing my fingers through my hair. I knew Celia would be a powerful wolf, especially when she came into her power at eighteen. Still, the Vampires knew more about her, and I was determined to uncover the truth. "Jordan, I would like a full medical setup placed in my chambers for Celia by tonight. Make arrangements with the witch for us to portal to the human realm tomorrow morning," I ordered. "I'm already on it, Cai," he responded. "I'm going to nap in my office. Make sure no one disturbs me," I stated as I headed toward my office. I couldn't wait any longer. I needed to check on Celia.
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