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“Five”   Ram's POV "Ram!" I was lying on our bed waiting for Boon to come back to my arms when I heard him scream from our bathroom. That scared me. I bolted out of my comfortable position to get to my husband. I ran in panic and as I opened the door to the bathroom, I was welcomed by his widened eyes. Boon is standing by the sink, wide eyes looking at and holding a pregnancy kit. "Ram! I'm pregnant! Look!" His beaming face is blinding me. I thought I had a heart attack from his scream earlier. Now I think I'm gonna have a stroke from too much happiness! Is there such a thing? I should ask Boon later. "Really?! Am I going to be a father?" I hurriedly pulled him to my embrace while we both stared at the little piece of pen-like pregnancy kit. Thank god they make those quick to give results. And Boon had those prepared in our bathroom...just in case. "We both are!" Boon slapped my chest while still admiring the double lines in front of him. He's on my embrace prison. "Come here, baby. Let's get back to the bedroom." I carried Boon princess style back to our bed. I watched his eyes twinkle while he stared back at me. Boon is blooming. Glowing. He is beautiful as he is handsome. I put Boon on the bed slowly. I propped his head on a couple of pillows then I sat next to him. "I can't believe we did it!" He clasped on my left hand with his right and I interlocked our fingers. I put the both on top of his belly. My gums are probably showing from too much grinning. I cupped Boon's face with my free hand. "You'll make a great mother, love." "And you'll be a great father, baby." After Boon said that, I slowly reached for his wet and perfectly plump lips. I kissed him... softly...gently... "I love you so much, Boon." "I love you so much, Ram."               By nine in the morning, Boon and I still couldn't decide whom to tell the big news first, so we decided to send both our parents a 'big news card'. Boon made it up. I designed a little card on my laptop which featured both my face and Boon's. When you open the card, Boon's full body picture is on it. I drew a shirt on him that says, 'guess who's coming out in less than 9 months?' We will send the cards later via e-mails. Whoever gets their mail first, knows first. Let's leave it to fate, shall we? After we made the cards Boon and I went for a drive. We waited a little because he was throwing up right before we were leaving. I wanted for him to rest and take it easy. But Boon is Boon. He wanted to go to a barbecue house for lunch. So we drove to the barbecue house for lunch.         "Hmmm...I love this smell! Not as much as cinnamon but I love it!" Boon is admiring and sniffing the pieces of barbecued squids in front of him. They are actually my favorite. Boon liked them but he wasn't this much interested on it before. "Yum! Gosh! I was starving!" Boon can't contain his joy over the seafood he's been gobbling up. I watched at my husband amused. He's cute. I know he isn't starving. I won't do that to my baby. The little Ram inside him is probably just beginning to be demanding. Boon is adorable. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a man staring at Boon. When I turned to look at the guy, I confirmed my suspicions. He was staring at the mother of my unborn child like he's stalking a prey. The f**k?! I felt a hand touch mine on the table. "Ram, baby?" "Uh. Oh, sorry, love. I was just..." I looked back at the man and he's walking towards our table! "You need something?" I was only thinking the words but Boon already delivered them. That's my babe. "Um...I was a patient at the hospital where you work and um...." "Owh?" Boon stared at the man blankly. "Would you like to have um...maybe a drink sometimes, Doc Boon?" This guy has guts to ask but I could tell how nervous he is. Boon laughed lightly. He held my hand tighter. This insensitive patient of his didn't even see that my hand is being held by Boon right in front of his eyes. d**k. "Look... what was your name?" Boon scratched his head with his left. "Zero. Zero, doc Boon." I smirked at his name. Zero. "Look, Zero. I am on a lunch date with my husband... See?" Boon showed his ring as he raised his left hand in front of the poor guy. "And the drinks. I won't be doing that for the next eight months or so. I'm pregnant." Boon gave the guy a thin smile. Me? I am enjoying this scene. My baby can handle himself. The guy's face was red as a ripe tomato after what Boon told him. "Um, sorry. I didn't know." "It's alright Zero. Just pay more attention next time." I showed the guy mine and Boon's interlocked fingers and raised them for him to see. Obviously he really was not paying attention.           "I can't believe I told that guy about my pregnancy before everyone else!" Boon is throwing a little fit in the car on the way home. His mood swings are becoming more erratic but it makes him even cuter. "It's fine, love. Besides, I love the way you handled yourself back there." I kept driving but glancing at Boon from time to time. "Really?" His hand traveled to my thigh. I know for sure what he's thinking. Boon has been really horny lately. Now I know for sure it's from his pregnancy. "Hm... Let me drive us home safely first, love. We have all night and all day tomorrow." I squeezed his hand on my thigh. "We better do. I don't want any distractions either!" He's pouting. Damn! My pregnant Boon is grouchy and cute! Let's make it home faster. I want to make his pouty face submit to me. "We won't have distractions, love. I won't let it." We are both grinning from ear to ear, aren't we? _____________________________________________________
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