
936 Words
“Four”   Boon's POV It's been more than a month since Ram and I got married. And we enjoyed and took advantage of our one week honeymoon in Bali, Indonesia. Ram's parents gave the whole honeymoon package as a wedding gift. They were resenting the fact that my own parents are not letting Ram and I live on our own apartment and live with them at the manor instead. Ram's parents wanted us to live with them, too. Watching the two side was like watching your two parents fight for custody. Which I am pretty sure none of the children in both families will ever witness. Especially my future kids. My children with Ram. *** Ram and I had finished a lovely dinner with my family three hours ago. My mom and dad were home for the weekend. It's Friday night. I hope they didn't hear our few rounds of sexy time at my office earlier this afternoon when Ram came home. Meh. I wouldn't care anyway. Ram is now a full time engineer at his dad's company. Yep, his father did not let him use his stocks and bonds he earned through the years to set up his own business. He forced my husband to work with him. Okay. Not forced. Just...aggressively persuaded my husband to work with him. Tsk. Seems like both our parents really couldn't let go of us. Don't they have other kids? I'm the youngest in this family. Oh well. If I did have my own kids, though...I might not let them go either. My children's future lovers might even have to pry my kids off my arms if they want them for themselves. I feel sorry for those poor souls. And I won't be the only parent doing it. I'm sure my husband will support my little overprotective grasps on our kids someday. Someday. Sigh... I am ready anytime you know...stars of the heaven. Speaking of stars, I was nominated as the moon of medicine back in college but I declined it. I knew I wanted my husband who was back then still my fiancé, to win the campus moon. And he did. I am so proud of my Ram. My alpha. And the stars? Yes, the stars! The students at my department once dressed me as a girl as punishment for declining the department moon nomination. I mean. Who f*****g does that? They said I could even be the department star and replace Phana's counterpart. I must admit. I looked damn good in it. And since I had no choice, I showed it off. I even went to the engineering department with a bouquet of red roses for Ram that day. Embarrassing. Yes. But it was all worth it when Ram saw me and happily embraced me in front of everyone at the cafeteria and declared I was his future husband. Not wife. Husband. Ah! Enough reminiscing. Where are we? Right. The family room. Ram and I are watching the rerun of Men in Black 5. The good old days. "Baby?" Ram whispered to my ear in the middle of the movie. My parents have already turned in. "Yes, babe...?" I turned my body to face him. We were sitting side by side on the long sofa across the giant screen. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he rested his chin on top of my head. "You looked like you were about to fall asleep." "Mm. I've been feeling a little more tired than usual. I guess the residency is now getting to me." "Hm...Should I talk to the director about your schedule?" I raised my head from his chest and slap his arm lightly. "What am I? Four?" Ram just chuckled. He was teasing me. I know he doesn't have to do things like talking to the director of the hospital. I can handle myself. But Ram is Ram. He likes to pamper me and makes sure I am comfortable with everything and anything I do. He never changed. And we've been together how long? Almost seven years. "Love, you look tired. Let’s get you to bed, na?" I sighed. "I guess. Let's just finish the movie tomorrow. You don't have work tomorrow, right?" My arms are now wrapped around Ram's neck. He rubbed his nose against mine. "Nope. I am all yours tomorrow, baby." "Yeah? We got the whole weekend then?" I rubbed my lips against his teasingly. Ram picked me up by my ass. I wrapped my legs around his waist. "That's right, my beautiful monkey. And even when you are tired, I can make you even moooooore tired." Ram started walking us up the steps. I giggled all the way to my room turned Ram and mine. Ram opened and closed the door. Still in my monkey clasp on him, we started devouring each other's mouth. I love my husband's lips. "I love these lips, baby..." Ram whispered in between our kisses. I laughed heartily. "My thoughts exactly!" Ram stopped and looked at me. "You love your lips too?" And eyebrow raised and his eyes are focused on my mouth. "Yours! Dummy!" Ram laughed. "Damn! I love you! I love you so much, Boon Jarupanivh!" "And I love you! So much! Now put me down so I can go down." I winked at him. Ram's eyes widened for a second but then did as I asked. Ram loves it when I go down on him.           Beep.beep.beep.beep. Six in the morning. I had an alarm set at the same time every day. I was about to get off the bed when a strong arm stopped me. "Love, it's a weekend. Stay, na?" Ram buried his head on the crook of my neck. "Baby, I just need to pee. I'll be right back..." I turned to face him and kiss his forehead. He was gonna kiss my mouth when I felt my stomach churn. Ram let me go. Unwillingly. And I rushed to the bathroom. A few moments later... "RAM!" _____________________________________________________
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