Choose your own fate

1049 Words
Unfortunate Luna chapter 3. Kristal was now a human oh how beautiful she was not only a beautiful she Wolf but a beautiful human, No one in blackwood would have suspected she was a witch even if she was concluded a witch it was a white witch. Kristal six sense took her here,Her cousin's home but how was she going to get in. " Hey you what are you doing there Lyon yelled. " I haven't seen her before around Bryan said Kristal just stood there she was trying to use her six sense to communicate with her cousin. " Is she deaf Lyon asked Bryan his best friend. " I don't know but I guess she is new because I will never forget such a beautiful girl Bryan smiled. Lyon and Bryan walked towards Kristal but she was focused on sending a message she didn't want to be distracted. " Hey can't you hear me Lyon yelled. Kristal wasn't paying attention to them she just focused on her interaction with her cousin, She was coming closer. " Hey can't you hear us Lyon said. " Should we call the cops Bryan said. " There is no need to,An average lady tapped Bryan. Luncida was a alpha female that was drove out of the pack because of her witch powers. Kristal came from a family of gifted wolves either witches, seers,Alphas,mountain spirits but not just a normal wolf. " She is my cousin, she's new here Luncida voiced out. " Well should have just said that Lyon walked out. " Am Bryan, Bryan introduced himself. Kristal couldn't communicate in this language yet so she just kept silent. " Bryan!!! What are you still doing there Lyon yelled. " See you around Bryan smiled and ran off. " Kris good to see you Luncida communicated in a way Kristal would understand. " I miss you Lucy Kristal smiled. " Let's go inside Luncida ushered her in. Kristal was amazed is this how her cousin live here no running around the wood could she adjust to this life. " How do you manage here Kristal asked. " Well if you want to be a human you do have a lot of responsibilities you know Lucinda said. " I was meaning to ask how did you communicate with those human males Kristal asked luncida chuckled instead of answering Kristal's question " I thought you said you have magical powers,You must have not master it yet Luncida smiled. " Wellll I learnt how to use my magic myself Kristal said. " Just as I expected, Well i will just cast a spell and my mindset will be like that of a human, Their language, food,Dressing,cooking thou human food can't satisfy us,Their lifestyle and everything just store up there luncida said touching her head. " I do not know that spell Kristal expressed. " It's simple,I will teach you. Luncida and Kristal practiced the spell and it worked. " uhmmm how are we going to test it Kristal asked. " The Tv !!! Luncida put on the tv and it was playing a home video. " Now listen to the conversation and tell me what's going on Luncida instructed. Kristal watched for about three mins and Luncida paused the Tv show. " So what's the discussion Luncida asked. " Quite easy two best friends trying to get something to do but still contemplating on what to do. Kristal was surprised that those words came out from her lips. " It worked Luncida smiled. " I can't believe this, It was just like I have been human all my life, Being Human is funnnnn!!!!! Kristal rejoiced. " Don't get too excited, Being a human can be easy for you to say but it Isn't Luncida dropped Kristal's mood. " What do you mean Kristal asked with uncertainty in her voice. " First let's start with your thirst and appetite, This body is just a disguise for wolves because unless we are fully human, We are still wolves. Human food do not satisfy us but it isn't a problem thou,We can just eat raw meat,Your thirst,Try as much as possible to think of devouring humans not even animals, We fed on not cooked meat. " I do not think that's going to be fine Kristal said. " Secondly Your moon,Before your grandma let you out here she gave you a big moon, You are supposed to swallow it,So that moon is the main deal, It has a season to shine and that is almost everyday,You most be home or somewhere alone or you can run to the woods but people shouldn't see you because you will change into your wolf self Luncida explained. " We scare them away don't we Kristal asked. " We are wolves after all Luncida replied. " How will I know when the moon shines Kristal asked. " You can see the moon it's crystal white, when it starts showing blue, You are starting your steps of being human. Then when it looks like the sun shine it's time to turn to a wolf just find somewhere no one is watchdog and teleport home,This is the most difficult part luncida said. " Yes it is Kristal frowned. " oh I forgot this one is also quite difficult and tasky Luncida changed the countenance on her face. " What is it Kristal asked. " We are not allowed to fall in love until we are human, Or one might end up dying Lunchtime said. " I don't understand, Kristal was confused. " When you fall in love with a human, A part of him inside you, And when you guys get together often energies are extracted and when you guys are not together you will hunger for him and you keep extracting energy and one dies most times the wolves tend to die Luncida said. " But why... " Kristal my love,it's nature wolves are supposed to be with wolves not humans Luncida said. " Is that how my mother died ? Luncida was shocked how did she find out . "How did you know that Luncida asked. " Grandma told me .Kristal said "Kristal your mother was labelled as unfortunate ,if u want to be human do not go through same fate.
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