Hiding in the human world

1074 Words
Unfortunate Luna chapter 4. " Kristal being a human isn't a easy task Luncida continued. " My mom fell in love and became unfortunate I promise to be different Kristal gave a neutral expression " Come on let me show you where you can rest Luncida said. Kristal sat on the comfortable bed,it was like a million sheep put together in one, Her mind went blank,She remembered what the elders and even her cousin said about her mother. " She wasn't unfortunate, she just fell in love .Kristal just kept quiet looking around wolves were nocturnal animal and they don't easily fall asleep. Meanwhile at blackwood the search for Kristal was on, She wolves were scared for their pups because black witches were labelled evill but not all were dangerous and Kristal family was among the good witches. The wolf elders decided to visit flora. " Where is that unfortunate girl one asked. " What was her name ? Another asked. " Kristal, She stroked my son with her evil magic Another replied. " But she didn't hurt him Flora quavered. " Who knows what she will do next,Flora bring out that cursed child The eldest said. " She isn't cured but gifted what's wrong with being a witch white or black it depends on the person's personality and Kristal will never hurt anyone and same goes to my sister Diana died because she seeked love elsewhere and my niece Luncida. Our wolf line do not kill anyone we are good witches Flora cried out. " A black witch kills and brings bad fortune to our pack An elder said. " You might be elders but you don't think like one Flora disappeared. " She is Also a witch An elder said. " Find everyone in this bloodline and kill all of them, Do not let one escape. Flora cried out to her grandmother, She was scared for Kristal's life. Thou she wasn't her mother but she raised her all her life, Kristal brought good things into Flora's life and she pushed her away out of greediness. " Mother please I beg you,Where is Kristal the whole black wood pack is searching for her. Mother she used her powers on kion, And the whole elders wants her dead Flora begged her aged mother. " Don't bother my child wipe your eyes Kristal is safe with Luncida. Flora was shocked she thought Luncida was dead " Mother Luncida is alive Flora asked. " Yes she has been living in the human world for a long time And our Kristal is safe with her Her mother said attending to the homeless pups she sheltered for. Flora was a little relieved that Kristal was safe but in the human world,It was too.much of the ordinary, How was she going to cope. "Mother Kristal is still young Flora sniveled . " Why do you worry I am her guardian after all Her mother said relaxed. " Mother they are going to kill us all Flora said. Her mother laughed and sat at her chair. " You keep shape shifting Flora said looking at her mother who was now human. " Our blood line has been wiped off,Our Alpha males killed, Our witch she wolves murdered just me, you, Luncida and Kristal the black witch of the third generations,We are stronger than all the wolf packs so they will never hurt anyone of us Her.mother assured her. " Mother let me stay here with you Flora said. " Why do you tremble we all we ripe in old age Her mother smirked. "Mother please transform back to a cat or a wolf am sick of seeing that face Flora said " Get used to it Her mother chuckled. Kion was upset he felt a thing or two for Kristal and now she was gone, He didn't bother if she was a witch. " Kion I got you another mate His mom came in. " Mother I do not want a mate Kion purred. " What's your problem hope it has nothing to do with that witch His mom yelled at him. " Mom she isn't a bad witch Kion said. " Shut it His mom yelled at him. " I won't lead the pack without Kristal has my Luna Kion barked at his mother and left. " What's his problem His mother asked herself. Kion and his friends barged in fleen' s home.. Fleen was an orphan he lived alone in a cave " How many times do I make it clear that I do not know where Kristal is Fleen said. " You are the only friend she has kion growled. " Uh uh and yet u didn't know she had powers Fleen muttered. " She was just afraid that you might expose her out of fear Kion concluded. " Really,We Jane been friends since we were little pups how can she not trust me Fleen seethed. " We are not here for you to show your grief where is Kristal Kion barked at him. " I do not feel intimidated by you because you will soon be the leader of the pack, now leave my home Fleen snapped. " How dare you a ruthless omega like you Kion shouted. " I repeat I do not feel intimidated by you or this hybrids you carry around Fleen walked out. " I want you guys to search everywhere for her kion ordered. " Kion she also have a she wolf has a friend maybe she's hiding there A hybrid said. Kion and His hybrid arrived at iris cave almost dusk. Iris saw them coming from afar and ushered her little siblings inside. " We are not here to harm you kion smirked. " Do not look at me like that Iris summoned courage. " Am tired of this exhausting rat race, I came for my mate Kion said. " Mate you say; Your father and the elders wants to kill her and you call her your mate Iris said. " Then you must know where she is Kion said. " I have no idea Iris walked out. " What a sour wolf Kion said. " Kion you have to find her,If you find her and Marry her, you can as well control her powers A friend suggested. " On the contrary, The wolf pack won't accept it Another friend implied. " Let's focus on finding her first Kion instructed.
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