Black witches

1105 Words
Unfortunate Luna chapter 2. " Let me tell you a white about a passionate Luna like you,Diana was the most prettiest Wolf here once in the blackwood pack, She got rejected by her mate when she was revealed as a black witch, Thou she was but she didn't practice any practices in the coven. She loved her mate but he rejected her,Diana felt rejected and frustrated she ran to me for help and I did, She wanted to be human forever,I told her the requirements and she Left on the edge of being human she fell in love with a human and they got married and short even got pregnant due to the fact she wasn't human she came here right in my cottage, To have her child. She was loosing her energy because her husband wasn't a wolf,She lost it all to her child and she gave up. " What about her baby and her husband Kristal asked. " He was in pain, he felt it was his fault and he fed himself to hungry lions, He handled himself to death and the beautiful baby I had no options but to take in their beautiful child. " Grandmother is she here in blackwood Kristal said. " sitting in front of me,That little baby is now a beautiful lady...... " Granny I asked for their child Kristal said confused. " You are that little baby,Kristal you are that child, That's the reason for your thirst to be human you are half human. Flora isn't , your mother,she's your aunt and Your mother was my first pups unfortunately she had black witch powers and it's f*******n Her grandmother said. " Why am I just hearing this Kristal howled. " That doesn't matter do you still want to be a Human. " Granny it hurts me to hear all of this now but granny I have a passion, My fate isn't here in blackwood I feel it everyday and maybe I will still be drove out.......... Kristal said. " Drove out blackwood is your home and you are in fact a hunter here in blackwood Her grandmother stated. " Mother I thought you said you are my spirit guard how can you not know I am a black witch and I already know how my powers work Kristal spoke out. Her Grandmother was amazed this was new to her. " So kion was going to reject me anyways. " You have to run away far from here, Blackwood doesn't appreciate witches especially black witches. Her Grandmother gave her an antidote and she slept off. " By the time you are wake up you will be what you wish Her Grandmother covered her eyes. Kristal felt weird while sleeping she opened her eyes and screamed, She couldn't find her beautiful fur but skin and her tail it was also gone. Kristal felt weird she tried standing up and fell she wasn't used to legs,Her paws was gone. Kristal could see her body. " You should cover your nakedness Her Grandmother gave her a silky gown. " Now you have a cousin who is in the human world, He is in his last stage of being a human, But still a Wolf, If you see him you will definitely know him,You can shape shift anytime you want to,just think of it Her Grandmother instructed. Kristal immediately shape shifted into a Wolf her Grandmother gave her the address in her mouth. Her Grandmother instructed her to run far away and not even look back because both the pack and her mother was searching for her,She instructed her where and how to find her cousin with her magic. Kristal took to her heels and started running Fleen saw her and was chasing her. " Kris!! Kris!! Kris!!. Fleen called out her name. Kion saw her also and cornered her with his friends. Kristal was cornered by five wolves, She had no option she transferred into a human and casted a boundary spell. The wolves stood back surprised and scared a black witch was known for evil but not Kristal and Her mom. " You witch kion tried breaking the boundaries and Kristal had no option but to strike him. As a human girl she ran out of the woods. " Kion!! Kion !! Kion!!! His friends called out but he was unconscious on the floor. " Fleen did you know she was a witch. " No I didn't Fleen said in shock. The friends dragged him to the Wolf elders . " A black witch did this A friend said presenting unconscious kion on the ground. " A black witch in our pack that's just impossible, Maybe in moston pack or did he get into a fight somewhere. " No I watched Kristal stroke him His friend said. " KRISTAL!!!!!! The pack was amazed. " Just like her unfortunate mother A Wolf said. " Flora is a witch An elder said. " Not Flora but Diana He replied. " All I know and want to say find her, our whole pack is in danger,she can wipe the whole pack with her magic powers. " Search all the pack. Kristal kept running till she came to a path and she stood and observed the area she know the way to her cousin's place with the help of her powers. Meanwhile at the pack,Flora was surrounded by elders of the clan. " Where is your daughter An elder said. " I still can't find her Flora said. " You're expected to bring that black witch out so we can kill her or send her far away. " I......... Flora was speechless, How did they find out, she kept this a secret from the day she saw Kristal practice Black witch powers. Flora knew who did all of this her Grandmother she was her spirit guard. Flora ran straight to her mother's cottage. " Mooooother She screamed. " Why are you screaming do you want to wake up my little pups. " Mother why,Do you want to Kristal to be killed by the pack Flora barked at her. " That's if they find her Her Grandmother said. " Mother where did you send her to another pack Flora asked. " All of this is your fault why will you try to mate her with kion and you knew she might be revealed as a witch and killed. Flora realized her mistakes. " Mother where is she now Flora asked. " She's good where ever she is. Kristal was at a gatepost she didn't know how to get in,She just stood at the gate post.
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