Blackwood rules

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Unfortunate Luna chapter 5. The ways of humans. Kristal couldn't sleep she just sat at the rooftop, She could see the woods from there. " What is happening there,Fleen must be so upset and Iris she probably hate me now Kristal sighed. Kristal was sitting in the highest place in the building if she looked down she could see moving vehicles. It was also Lyon's favourite place in the apartment, He do not sit up there but the view had a way of calming his nerves. " What are you doing up there Lyon asked. Kristal was surprised to see him but she was going to practice her new skills. " Well just catching the view,Kristal was surprised did this just voiced out from her mouth. " Really like that, Suicide mission Lyon chuckled. " What do you mean,I just love the view from here Kristal was enjoying this, Thou she didn't where this words were coming from she just voiced out. " Whoa Lyon was surprised at how she was relaxed there. " Do you want to see it from here Kristal asked. " See what Lyon asked. " The moving vehicles Kristal didn't even understand her self anymore she just kept saying stuffs. " Why will I want to see moving vehicles Lyon asked. " I don't know Kristal responded. " You are weird Lyon walked out. " Reminds me of Kion, Kristal watched him go. Kristal kept trying to communicate with fleen but he kept denying her access to his mind. This was a gift of the wolves in blackwood they could communicate with themselves any where they are as long as one gives access. Kristal kept trying to communicate with him but he didn't let her so she tried Iris. " Kristal what do you want Iris barked at her. " Iris I know you are upset and I am sorry Kristal wept. " What's the use,Kris if you saw me as a friend you would have told me about your powers... " Iris I was scared that I might get caught, Kristal wept " No need to cry,Wherever you are don't let the elders see you or you might get caught and maybe killed Iris denied her access to her mind. Lyon just stood watching Kristal. " She makes a weird noise when crying Lyon said referring to the noise he was hearing from the discussion between Iris and Kristal. " With a sound like that you may be mistaken for a wolf Lyon said. Kristal just walked out she was already upset that her friend was angry with her. Iris was taking care of her little pups when Kristal walked in, She disguised as an hybrid just to speak with her. Iris was a seer and she knew she was the one. " I know it's you, So leave Iris said. " Iris please let me explain Kristal said. " Explain what exactly Iris turned to her direction. Fleen was strolling in and he didn't realize the hybrid was Kristal. " Fleen Kristal called out. It dawned on fleen it was Kristal that was her voice. " Kristal what are you doing here Fleen asked worried. " I came to explain myself,You guys are my friends I tell you guys everything but I couldn't tell you guys I was a black witch because I was scared you guys will run away from me and not want to see me again Kristal was particular about iris because she had little pups. " I understand but you have to go,kion and his friends are searching for you Fleen said. " We will talk some other time but you aren't save here Iris insisted. " Thanks guys but I have to stop by my grandma's cottage Kristal left. " I wish her luck, Fleen where do you think she is iris asked. " Somewhere Kion or the elders will never find her Fleen said. " I have no visions concerning her and that's strange Iris has tried to see where Kristal was but she kept failing. " Let's just wish she's okay Fleen said. Kristal arrived at her grandmother's cave she met her mother outside. At the sight of Kristal,Flora knew she was the one she embraced her. " Am sorry I apologize Flora wept. " It's fine Kristal smiled. " Your level of courage is baffling, Why did you come back here,The whole black wood wants you dead Her Grandmother said. " I wanted to see my friends Kristal said. " Leave if you want to live Her grandmother instructed. " I just......Kristal sobbed. " My child you are destined for greatness but not here in blackwood Her Grandmother casted her away. Kristal saw herself in her room,She howled in pain. " You can't do that here Luncida comforted her. " We are witches doesn't mean we aren't wolves why are we chased out of our pack,Why are treated like we are not family Kristal cried. " Kristal we are not meant for them Luncida said. Kion arrived home at dusk his mom was waiting for him. " I heard you are going around looking for that witch His mom barked at him. " Well that's why am exhKrleave so let's stop here kion yawned. " Kion you are going to be mated soon His mom said. " Mom I don't want to be mated now,Please I need space kion left. Kion sat in the mountain he tried to communicate with Kristal but she wasn't letting him. " What does he wants Kristal didn't want to communicate with him. Kion ran to Fleen' s cave. " You have enough to eat, why come when am about to eat my meal Fleen joked. " I don't need your meal, I want to speak with Kristal,Kion asked. " We all have the same power to do that,why do you need my help. Fleen knew why Kristal wasn't letting him communicate with her. " She won't let me Kion said. " Aren't you her mate Fleen smirked. " You know she rejected me Kion said. " And know I want you to leave Fleen ordered.

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