A Place to Stay

1154 Words
{Sophia’s POV} I made my way to the large gate, my heart pounded in my chest, and my feet ached. They were covered in blisters and blood, and my body was coated in mud, and the blood of Greta. “Halt!” A man yelled loudly. “Who are you, and why are you here?” He bellowed in a hostile tone. “Please, I just need a place to stay for the night, my home in the woods was pillaged by raiders, and my grandmother was killed.” I pleaded, it was nearly the truth, just not exactly. The man looked over me, I know I looked disgusting, but the way he snarled made my stomach churn. I smelled like a rogue, that was basically what I was since I was kicked out of Dark Moon Pack. “We don’t allow rogues in the city, so beat it!” He snarled! Suddenly a woman appeared at the gate. “Open the gates Gale, or I’ll tell your wife why you’re always late coming it at night!” She said in a mocking tone. She was about 5’10, skinny, and very lovely. She looked to be around 50 years old or so. Her eyes were a bright, icy blue, and her hair a deep brown. She wore it in a regal looking updo, I could tell she was important. “Right away ma’am!” He called out, opening the gates slowly. She helped me as I stumbled in, she held me up, and helped me into the pack house. “Don’t worry darling, we’ll get you cleaned up, and comfortable in no time, I’m Marjorie.” She said leading me into a large room, when she opened it steam filled my vision, and humidity flooded over me. “Here, you can wash up here, I’ll send an omega to help you.” She said helping me sit down. “When you’re done, and clothed, your omega will bring you to my drawing room. Take a moment to relax, and rest.” She said smiling at me. “Thank you, for your kindness, I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.” I said bowing my head slightly. “Don’t bow to anyone child, your head should remain held high.” She said smiling as she left the room. Moments passed, I undressed myself and carefully slid down into the massive hot spring. My body ached and I cried out as I submerged into the hot water. I went under rinsing my hair, allowing the mud that I’ve had over it to drift away. It’s natural silver color reappearing as I came back up for air. The caked on mud came off smoothly, and I quickly washed my hair and my body off. I looked down in the water and began to panic slightly, what if they saw my hair color and were frightened by me.. my heart pounded in my chest until I heard the door creak open. I quickly ducked back down into the water and swam far away from the entrance. I got behind a rock and hid, that’s when I heard a deep male voice, nearly guttural. “Who’s in here, who gave you permission to be in this bath house?” He said. I stayed behind the rock, trying to decide what to say. “A woman let me in here, she said her name was Marjorie, she brought me here and told me to wash off. I’m sorry, I was just doing what she asked of me.” I pleaded, my heart sinking. I could hear the water splashing slightly, as if someone were getting in. “Well, if mother let you in here, I’m sure she had a good reason. You should leave as soon as you’re done, I like to bathe alone.” He said, it was more of a demand than a request. “Of course, I was just waiting on an omega to bring me some clothes..” I said, panic evident in my voice. I stayed hunkered down behind the rock, my heart pounded loudly in my chest. “Why are you so afraid, and why are you hiding?” He asked, his voice growing closer. “I-I’m not, just not really keen on being around a naked male while I’m also... you know.. I don’t know you, and you don’t know me, and I think that it would be an intrusion of privacy.” I said my voice shaking as I spoke. “Strange, every wolf I’ve ever met has never had a problem with nudity.” He half laughed out. Truthfully it wasn’t the nudity that worried me, it was the wound that had marked my stomach for years. When Dimitri and I first met, he lost control of his wolf, it was the first time he ever hurt me, sadly not the last. He slashed my stomach open, after he had been stalking through wolfsbane. It left a scar that never went away, his claw marks across my stomach are forever etched into my body. The ball was awful, so I went out to the gardens, my brother grew wolfsbane, and used it to torture prisoners. Suddenly I heard a gasp right behind me. I looked back and sure enough, there he was. He was tall, probably the tallest man I had ever seen, standing around 7’2. He had icy blue eyes like Marjorie, along with her dark brown hair. His was shaved on the sides and pulled back into a bun on the top. He was very bulky, his body wide and muscular. My eyes peered up at him, but I couldn’t find the words to say. That’s when I felt it, the mate bond. It snapped into place, it was sudden, and slightly painful. My wolf stirred slightly for the first time since our rejection. “M-Mate..” I sputtered out, then quickly covered my mouth with both hands. Suddenly the door burst open, and a young woman appeared, holding some clothes. I quickly dove under the water and swam for her. I grabbed a towel from beside the hot spring and wrapped it around me. I quickly dried off and threw on the clothes she brought. I pulled her out into the hallway and closed the door behind us. “Please, take me to Marjorie!” I begged. She nodded, quickly leading me down the hallway and into an elevator. As the door began to close, I saw the man again, he had a towel wrapped around his waist as he flung open the door and looked around. He quickly spotted me, “Wait!” He yelled loudly, his voice echoing in the halls. I pressed the close button and the elevator door closed. I panted out heavily, the young woman noticing. “What happened between you and the alpha?” She asked, a giggle in her voice.
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