Little Dove

1186 Words
{Sophia’s POV} “Little dove.. are you okay in there?” I heard a voice, it sounded so far away. I refused to wake up, instead letting myself sleep, and get the rest I needed. I felt large, warm arms around me, “She’s freezing!” A panicked voice said. “Light the fireplace, quickly!” I was wrapped up, I could feel a blanket around me, the warmth of a large body against me. Then suddenly the sound of a fire, crackling, and more warmth surrounded me. “Mmm..” I m***** softly. The warmth felt amazing, I didn’t realize I was so cold. I allowed my hands to roam against the body that held me tightly. Feeling under a shirt, and finding more warmth under it. “Little dove, you’re freezing..” a soft voice spoke. I nodded, feeling the cold that surrounded my back. It was the robe I was wearing. I untied it and stripped it off tossing it down, and moving my body closer to the heat. My hands roamed over thick chest hair, and my na*** form moved closer to this body of heat. “Um.. grab me a shirt..” I could hear the voice say again. I felt the body move, and a shirt was slid down over my body. It was warm, as if taken off of someone. Another blanket was wrapped around me, as the large body moved around me to warm me. It took me a while to get warm, but once I did I began to wake up. My eyes fluttered open, and I was tucked away under blankets, and against the large, hairy, burly chest of Talon. His arms wrapped around me, I peeked around slowly, seeing that we were in the floor with a fireplace. “W-What happened? When did we get here?” I asked looking up at Talon. My lavender eyes shining brightly in the dim lighting of the room. “You fell asleep in the shower, it took us a while to get in there and get you out. Since then I’ve been trying to keep you warm, Alec has been fetching blankets, and starting the fire. He went to go make some hot chocolate for us all, he should be back soon.” He said softly. “Why am I so cold?” I asked, my body still shaking slightly. “I think that you may have gotten sick on the way here, and now that you were wet, and exposed to the cold it made it worse. We sent for the pack doctor again, he saw you when you fainted. He’ll be here soon, just lay back and rest for now. I’ve got you, and I’ll keep you warm.” He said smiling down at me. “Your eyes.. they’re beautiful, little dove.” He whispered. I laid my head back against his chest and closed my eyes. “Sophia.. my name is Sophia..” I whispered softly, as I drifted off into a peaceful sleep once again. As I fell asleep I heard a familiar voice calling out. I opened my eyes to see Raya staring at me. Raya is my wolf, she had black fur, but the ends of her fur are white. It looked like she was always speckled with snow. “Sophie?” She asked softly. “Raya!” I cried, running to her, her fur felt soft under my hands as I hugged her tightly. “I’ve missed you, you’ve been gone since..” “Since Dimitri.. I just couldn’t bear it, the pain was too much.” She said pulling me closer with her large paw. “That’s not why I’m here though, I’m slowly getting back my strength, and you are sick because it’s getting close to your heat. Normally I’m here to tell you that’s why, but it’s been a while since I’ve been able to come out.” She said, pulling back and looking at me. She had the same purple eyes as I did, and the tips of her ears were white. She always looked so beautiful to me. My wolf was larger than any other’s from both of my previous packs, she was stronger than most too. “I’ve missed you Raya!” I said genuinely. “I’ve missed you too, but I can’t stay, this talk has exhausted me. I just need to rest more then I’ll be good as new. Especially now that we’ve met our mates.” She nuzzled her massive nose against me. “Luckily this is just heat, so it means you’re settling in with our new mates. Just rest as much as possible, and soon you’ll feel better too!” She said, soon I was launched back out of my dream, I sat up, tears streaming down my face. “What’s wrong Sophia?” Talon asked, we were still in the floor, and he was still holding me to his chest. “My wolf, Raya.. she visited me. She told me what’s wrong with me, I’ll be okay, no need to call the doctor.” I said calmly, wiping the tears away. “Okay, I’ll have Alec call him back and tell him not to come. Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” He asked with a worried expression on his face. “It’s nothing serious Talon, but you may want to put me in a separate room for a few days..” I said looking down, discussing heat feels dirty at times. It’s nearly a whole week, where your body goes into overdrive, the whole point of heat is to be mated. Mating is a very intimate thing, and discussing any of this, even with my mate, feels dirty. “Do you need some space, I’ll understand if you need space.” He said, still clinging to me, his arms trying to decide whether to hold me closer, or set me down. “No Talon, it’s not like that. Im not angry or upset, I just need to be in a separate room for now. Preferably one with a lock, a heavy duty lock.” I said, still not able to look him in the eye. “Why would you need such a heavy lock? You’re safe here on the Alpha floor with us.. you know you’re safe with us right?” He asked, his voice sounding pitiful. I was getting frustrated, I didn’t want to just come out and say it, but either he is playing stupid, or he’s just worried about being separated from me. There is that drawl to be close to your mate at all times, but to be honest, I don’t know if I’m ready to mark and mate them. I just met them, and they’re so kind, but I just don’t know if I’m ready for that yet. I balled my fists into the large shirt that was draped over me. It smelled like Talon, and was making my senses feel crazy. “I-I..” I started, embarrassment washed over me, and I know he and Alec could feel it too.
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