Playing Stupid?

1046 Words
{Sophia’s POV} I was getting frustrated, I didn’t want to just come out and say it, but either he is playing stupid, or he’s just worried about being separated from me. There is that drawl to be close to your mate at all times, but to be honest, I don’t know if I’m ready to mark and mate them. I just met them, and they’re so kind, but I just don’t know if I’m ready for that yet. I balled my fists into the large shirt that was draped over me. It smelled like Talon, and was making my senses feel crazy. “I-I..” I started, embarrassment washed over me, and I know he and Alec could feel it too. “What is it Sophia? What’s got you all worked up all of a sudden?” He asked, gripping my chin and pulling my face up to look at him. I blinked my eyes a few times, then closed them tightly, before gripping my shirt, and yelling. “Im going into heat!” The room was silent for a moment, then I heard something crash onto the floor. I looked up and Alec was standing in the doorway. He had dropped the platter that had the hot chocolate, and all sorts of toppings on it. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at both of my mates. They looked dazed, and kept their eyes on me, to see my reaction to it. A blush crept over my face as I realized how loudly I just yelled that. “I-I..” I sputtered, but nothing else came out, it was like I was a broken record. I stood up slowly, making my way to where Alec was and squatted down, picking up the pieces of broken glass from the floor. They both watched me for a moment, unmoving, unspeaking. My heart fluttered in my chest to have their eyes on me. I picked up the last piece of glass putting it on the platter, when I sat it down it slipped and cut my finger. I gasped in slightly and grabbed my hand, pulling it to my chest. It didn’t really hurt, just the surprise of it threw me off. Alec quickly knelt down, and Talon stood making his way to me. “You okay?” Alec said, clearing his throat slightly as he spoke. I nodded, “It’s just a little cut, see..” I turned my finger around to show him. As I did, he grabbed my hand carefully and popped my finger into his mouth, he licked the cut, sealing it shut. A soft m*** escaped my lips, this whole situation felt so dirty now, I needed to get out of here before I make a mistake. He pulled my finger out of his mouth, and looked in my eyes. “All better?” He asked. I nodded, not really sure what to say, both of them were so kind to me. It’s been the only true kindness, besides Greta, that I’ve been shown since I was young. “T-Thank you..” I said pulling my finger back to my chest. The wetness of his saliva on it still glimmering slightly. My mind raced to strange places, his tongue dancing across my skin the way it had across my finger just now. My body began to heat up, and that’s when it hit me. “Oh no..” I spoke softly, muttering the words under my breath. A full force wave of pain, and heat came crashing over me. I fell foreword, catching myself on my hands. I panted heavily and gripped my stomach. “She’s in heat! Go get the medicine to quell it from the doctor!” Talon shouted to Alec before running to me and scooping me up in his arms. “I know that we just got you warm, but now we need to cool you off!” He spoke gently, as he ran me back to the bathroom. He turned on the cold water in the tub, and sat me down in it with my shirt still on. “I-It’s hot.. so hot..” I spoke out in little murmurs. I gripped the shirt, pulling it off of me, my heart pounding in my chest. That’s when I felt it, his attraction to me, then quite suddenly pure rage. I looked over to him, trying to focus on his face, and follow his eye line. When I looked down, where he was looking I realized why he was so angry, then my heat began to dissipate. “H-Hand me the shirt!” I said trying to cover myself by bringing my knees to my chest. “Who?” Was all Talon uttered, he was like a stone, cold, stoic, but he was furious. “Please Talon.. a shirt, anything..” I choked out the words, trying to hold back tears. “WHO DID THIS?” He shouted loudly, jumping up to his feet. The sudden movement, along with his booming Alpha tone frightened me to my core. I balled up, and covered my ears, tears began streaming down my face. Suddenly Alec ran in, his eyes going from me to Talon, before he ran to us, and pushed Talon away. “What the h*** Talon, why are you so mad, you’re scaring her!” He yelled, before grabbing a large towel and lifting me from the tub, wrapping it around me. He carried me to the bed, and laid me on it. My body laid limply across the bed, and the towel that was wrapped firmly around me, fell slightly. My br***** were exposed, along with my stomach. Alec had his back to me, looking for a shirt, while Talon’s eyes stayed locked onto me. I quickly went to cover myself but before I could Talon ran pinning my arms up over my head. “This is why I’m angry Alec!” He yelled, exposing most of my body, all but between my legs to himself and his brother. Alec turned, facing me, his eyes wandered across my body, before landing on my stomach. The look in his eyes was like a burning inferno. He was ready to kill someone, the person who did this to me.
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