Stop the Chase

1064 Words
{Sophia’s POV} My heart was beating so loudly I knew they could hear it. “Please! Stop chasing me!” I cried out as I ran blindly down the long hallway. “Then stop running!” I could hear his voice coming from behind me, it was Alec, and he was hot on my tail. I ran into a corner, there was nowhere else to go. I backed up, and stayed still in the corner with my eyes closed, my heart pounding heavily. I was terrified, I knew that they could tell, you feel everything through the mate bond, they had to know I was scared. I began to panic, my breath becoming ragged. It was happening, once again I was having a panic attack. I couldn’t breathe, it felt as though I was suffocating, I tried to gasp for air but I couldn’t get a deep enough breath in. I opened my eyes, tears streaming down them, just in time to see my two mates, and their mother come around the corner. My vision turned blurry, and my heart felt as though it would explode. I felt myself grow heavy, and the next thing I knew I was on the floor. My head suddenly pounding, as a loud thud resounded from my fall. I saw them running towards me, they were blurry, and my breath was speeding up, I couldn’t catch my breath no matter how hard I tried. Then, darkness overtook my vision, I passed out, and it was over. I woke up in a bed, a large bed with posts on all four corners. There were curtains around it and they were closed. It was pitch black in this bed and I wasn’t sure how I even got here, or where I was. I sat up, looking around in the bed. Suddenly I heard talking, it sounded like it was on the other side of the room. “You and your damn hunting!” A voice yelled. “You scared the poor girl half to death!” “It’s not like I knew she would faint, just thought it would give her a small fright and she’d be fine! You’re always so judge mental Talon! I didn’t realize..” he began again. “You should have realized Alec! She was terrified, you’re really going to tell me that you didn’t feel it?” He asked. I could feel his anger, and Alec’s regret, their emotions crashed into me, and it hurt. My chest twinged in pain, and I let out a soft whimper. Suddenly, it was quiet, then the curtains flung open to reveal both of them standing there. Talon was standing back slightly with his arms crossed, while Alec was directly in my face with a worried look on his face. I quickly closed my eyes and clenched my fists into the covers. I slowly and carefully opened one of my eyes very slightly, that way they couldn’t see the color of them. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize how scared you were!” He said dropping to his knees by the bed. He was like a puppy, a homesick puppy, just wanting head pats. I stifled a chuckle, but then I realized how dry my throat was. I moved my legs to the side of the bed and stood up carefully. “Where are you going?” Roared Talon. “I was just going to get a drink of water..” I spoke softly, my dry throat making my voice hoarse. Talon was much different than Alec, he was even more broad, and stood around 7’4. His eyes were a deeper blue, and his hair a raven black and long, it laid down his back in a low ponytail. Talon lifted me over his shoulder and sat me back down on the bed. Alec walked out of the room, and came back a few minutes later with a cold bottle of water. He handed it to me, I nodded a thanks and took a drink. My throat was instantly soothed, it felt so much better, and finally I could talk. “T-Thank you..” I said keeping my eyes to the floor. I still didn’t have my contacts in, and I didn’t want them to see. A strand of hair fell in front of my face, and I remembered, my hair isn’t covered in mud anymore, it’s silver. I reached up and swiped the strand behind my ear. “I’ve only heard of one family that has silver hair.. and I thought that their only daughter was mated off to that Dark Moon Pack asshole!” Talon said, his voice echoing in the room. I shook slightly, they knew who I was.. who my family was. I looked up, my lavender eyes beginning to fill with tears. “Please.. don’t send me back to either pack.. they’ll kill me!” I plead. Talon stiffened at my words and his eyes held mine. “Y-You looked at me.. thought you’d avoid my gaze forever.. your eyes..” he began. I quickly looked back down and wiped the tears from my face. “I’m no longer mated to Alpha Dimitri.. and my brother.. he’d rather see me dead then welcome me back home.. Go ahead, reject me and I’ll leave, I’ll never come back, I’ll keep running..” I cried out, I moved to sit on my knees on the bed and bowed my head. “Just please, don’t send me back!” A long pause filled the room before I saw Alec bend down in front of me. “We’re not going to reject you, or send you anywhere..” he said softly placing his large hand over mine. “Why are you so worried though.. what happened to you?” He asked looking over me. “I-It’s a long story..” I said softly, before a yawn overtook me. I was so tired, I guess I didn’t realize how badly that panic attack had exhausted me. “We’ll talk about it in the morning, for now.. get some rest.” Talon said pointing back towards the bed. I nodded slowly, before collapsing in exhaustion right where I was. My body was heavy, as were my eyes, they kept fluttering open and closed. It was as though I just shut down, my body refusing to stay awake any longer.
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