Chapter 5

1065 Words
Some of the Alphas were older, and wiser, and gave lots of great advice. They brought their unmated daughters with them, hoping they would find their mates. I thought this was supposed to be a blue moon festival, not speed dating. I rolled my eyes internally and shook my head. I knew for a fact that some of these older alphas were hoping that I would be mated to one of their girls but that was not happening. At least as long as I had my say on it. Not. Especially since none of them had interested me in any way. I was about to mind-link Eric to come and entertain or keep me busy because I was bored but at that instant, I perceived something heavenly. It smelled like sunflowers, a weird forest smell being the background of the sunflower. The smell was so leading that I forgot all about my plan to mind link Eric and just followed it. The smell led me through the main house in the pack until I got to somewhere that looked like the kitchen. Just as I got there, I perceived my wolf telling me something, he was jumping up and down in my mind and the only thing that he was saying was 'mate' Mate? what the hell was he talking about ? what did he mean my mate? did the moon goddess finally lead me to the right person? was I about to meet my fated mate? I was confused but I remembered that I had followed a smell to this place. That must have been her pheromones. I reasoned to myself. I left the kitchen eventually as I continued to follow the smell! this time I was curious because my wolf already told me that that was the scent of my mate. It seemed like I was almost there because her scent kept on getting thicker and thicker. Finally, I got to a place that looked like a place where clothes were kept I saw my mate she was on the floor and someone was kicking her... Rage blinded me at that moment I ordered loudly, growling and baring my fangs. "Get the hell away from her," I growled and pounced on the guy. The girl passed out immediately. I mind-linked Eric to take her to the hospital. She mustn't die. She is my mate. Eric took her to the hospital, and I followed them. The doctors attended to her. I almost lost it. The doctors weren't doing their jobs. I yelled at them. "If you can't f*****g treat her well. You can just leave and I will appoint another doctor. Get her treated." "We are sorry. Alpha. we are trying our best." One of the doctors said. I left the room and paced around the waiting section. "Calm down, Alpha. She would be okay." Eric soothed. How can I calm down when I know my mate was in that condition? "I can't calm down. What if she died?" I grunted, running my fingers through my hair. "She won't die. she is just unconscious. The moon goddess won't leave you hanging." Eric patted my shoulder. I was able to calm down. After what seemed like forever, the doctor came out. "She is okay now. you can..." I didn't wait for him to complete what he was about to say before I ran past him into the ward. She was fully awake, blinking her eyelashes. "Hello there," I said. "Where am I, sir? I need to get back to work..." She rambled on. I told her she was my mate but it seems like she doesn't know what a mate is. Then I suddenly sensed something. She is a human. what? A human? How can I be mated to a Human? Why? What have I ever done to deserve a weakling as a mate? What would my pack think of me when they learned that a mere human was my mate? No way. I would rather reject her. I headed outside. "I, Ivan Mounte, Alpha of the Druid pack, hereby reject you, Adelaide Jackson, human slave as my mate.." I said and turned to walk away. Eric called behind me. I walked fast, ignoring Eric's calling. "Alpha, Alpha Ivan. Wait." He said. "Why did you do that? The moon goddess finally granted your wish but you rejected her. Why?" Eric asked. "She is a human slave. She is just a mere slave. How could I a whole Alpha, be mated to a mere human? a weakling at her peak. I deserve better." I blurted. "She is a human?" Eric asked. "Wasn't it obvious?" I rolled my eyes. "She is pretty though. If I were you, I would mate with her immediately. She is sexy, unique, and pretty. See her curves. Some female wolves are even wishing to have her body." Immediately after Eric said that Tristan growled. Tristan is the name given to my wolf. I moved over to Eric immediately and gripped his neck, lifting him from the floor. I guess Tristan was angry. "Alpha, please. I swear I would never say that again. Forgive me. Don't kill me." Eric pleaded and I dropped him to the ground. "Just be thankful, Tristan is not in the mood. He would have ripped your head off your neck. Go now, go find some p***y to fuck." I said and he left immediately. Oh, f**k. What the hell is wrong with me? Running my fingers through my hair, I bit my lower lips. But her beauty is a lot to behold. Her curves, damn. My d**k twitched when I thought of her massive curves. Eric was right. She is beautiful and sexy but she is a human. She would make a great luna. She was too pretty. Then my mind drifted to the moment I walked in right on them. She was right on her knees. What was that motherfucker trying to do with her? Was he forcing her to suck his d**k? If I am right then that bastard would pay for it. Then I mind-linked Eric. "Find out about that motherfucker." "Who? That pretty girl?" He asked. I could imagine his facial expression by now. I scoffed. "No. That guy that was with my mate." I grunted. Before he could say something, I cut off the mind link with him. He would pay for it.
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