Chapter 4

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Adelaide's POV I tried to make it stop, I clutched at my heart but it wouldn't; Figures, I was the human slave and he was the mighty alpha, it made sense that I would feel much more pain than he would. No scratch that, he wasn't feeling any pain, his face was expressionless and it left me wondering if he was feeling any pain, I looked at him and he avoided my eyes. In a few minutes, the bond between us was severed and that was it. My second chance at life was gone, just like that. In that moment, the things that I had hoped for, the things that I thought could have been real, they began to dissipate, one by one, as I clutched at my heart. His eyes were cold and expressionless and after a while he walked out. I heard a car start and soon speed off and away from where I was on the bed, still heaving and sad. The tears threatened to pour but I chided myself, I was a Jackson, even though it had been so long since I could represent that name, it didn't change who I was neither did I even forget how I was brought up. Boldness, courage, great morals, these had once been the starting point of my life and now, I was this. Just this merely a slave that could be rejected at anytime because her status and humanity, things that she could not easily change. Status? Wait. Status, I could still do something about that, I smirked to myself, despite everything that had just happened, the wrongs that had just been perpetrated, I knew that I could and I should do something about it. And the first step towards that was.. Wait. Where the hell am I anyway? I had never bothered to ask. (Alpha Ivan's POV) I rolled my eyes at the ever horny Eric after it turned out that the ever so important information that he wanted to give me was that there would be many unmated she wolves at the festival and I could take my pick from them. Either for s*x or even better for my mate. The block head. I obviously hadn't waited this long, celibate and patient, just so that I could come and give myself to a random wolf or omega, in bed or in every other way. Call me conservative, whatever. I told Eric off as he whined after me trying to convince despite knowing that there was no way in hell, that I would agree to such nonsense. I wasn't a prude though but I just wasn't a fan of all these things. Besides, I knew my worth, I wouldn't just throw it all away for a night of pleasure, when I could save it all for my fated mate. At this point, I looked up as I muttered under my breath, 'moon goddess, I still exist.' Rolling my eyes mentally at myself, I excused myself. There was definitely more work to do than to just waste my time leisurely like this. Even though the ceremony had ended and I hoped that I could have some time with Eric, I re thought those thoughts. I wasn't sure I wanted to spend my time with someone who had his head filled with rubbish. ... ... ... Eric mind linked me to meet him at the exit of the pack house, it was the day of the Blue moon festival that was being hosted at the Ranege pack and we were both late for the ceremony. Eric and I were attending the festival as opposed to going alone, I preferred to go with Eric. At least, I would be frustrated but not bored. "Alpha!" Eric called out once I got to him, I nodded in acknowledgement before getting into the car. The one elder that had followed me there, as one of authority holders of the pack, nodded at me as we left the pack for the Ranege pack and I acknowledged it as well. Eric and I spent about an hour through the forest before we could finally get to the Ranege pack. The place was already packed to the brim, the grounds of the pack, different shades here and there, there were no servers. Nothing, nothing. Eric had to get the punch for both of us by himself. I had a seat reserved for Eric and I at the grand table where the alpha of the Ranege pack, Alpha Vickson was with some other wolves that I recognised as important. According to Eric's explanation of ranks and who truly was who. I looked them over and decided that I would rather put up with Eric than go to sit with them, pretending to be making small talk and all that. Ugh! Goddess forbid it. After getting our punch and seeing the ceremony through the serious parts that I barely had interest in, we were finally free to do and move around like we liked. Eric called it a time to mingle and network with other wolves, but the bastard was just saying in other words that he was about to go get himself she wolves. Meanwhile, I went for the great food while Eric went for the allegedly great girls. Whatever. I briefly spoke with some of the other Alphas in attendance who sought me out for one thing or the other or just wanted to make small talk. At least, it was better than going to sit with them. We talked about casual things.
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