Chapter 34

1291 Words
Ella's POV “Alex... Alex," I called out for her as I bent down to her, I immediately put some pressure on her abdomen “Alex please keep your eyes open, don't close them,” I said breathlessly as my heart thumped heavily in my chest “ Ella I am fine, let's keep going," Alex whispered as she struggled up to her feet “Alex no... you have just been shot," I screamed nervously “Fuck... Ella, I can see that, but the people chasing after is even more important than this gunshot “They are getting close and I won't let them catch me," Alex said and I immediately helped her, supporting her weight with my body, as we began to run through the woods again Alex groaned in pain at every step she took, and I was so scared that she was going to faint at any time The men continued to chase after us, and gunshots never ceased I and Alex continued to make our way through the thick forest, Alex slowly became so weak and pale as she was losing a lot of blood “Alex hold on, just hold on, I would find somewhere for us to hide," I whispered to her and she nodded her head softly I was so afraid, but I knew Alex was strong, so if anyone could survive this, then it would be her So I didn't relent, I wasn't going to lose another friend again I soon found a little hiding place behind a rock for us, and we quickly hid behind it Alex groaned loudly in pain as I slowly drop her to the floor “let me take a look," I whispered as I slowly moved her hand away from the wound I gasped as I saw how bad the gunshot wound was, it looked infected already, and she had lost a whole lot of blood already I looked at it, not knowing what to do, then all of a sudden Alex's voice broke me out of all my negative thoughts “Don't look at me like that, I would survive this one okay, I would survive just like I have always done," Alex whispered and that was enough courage I needed “Yes you would survive this," I said as I quickly tore the hem of my shirt wrapping it around her tightly Even in pain, Alex still wanted to keep going, even after I told her to rest a bit “We can't rest, Ella, those men are still after us, we have to keep moving and find a safe place," Alex murmured “A safe place... there is no safety on this island, Alex, you need to rest, regain strength to keep moving," I said but Alex still refused “No... we can't stop, we can't go back to that place," she said with frustration laced in her voice, she struggled up to her feet “Let's go, Ella," Alex commanded knowing I had no other choice I had to do her bidding, and thankfully nightfall was already here, and the gunshots had stopped. The cover of darkness was a great means of escape for us, as we on creeping through the woods, just looking for a way to escape our captors Everywhere soon became quiet, as we didn't hear anything from the men again “Maybe they have given up the search for us," I said and Alex shook her head “I don't think so, I just think that they are waiting for the right time to strike," Alex said “No I think we should rest, for now, look at you, you need it," I said as I seat on the floor urging her to do the same “I told you, I am fine and I would survive," Alex said as she slowly and carefully seat beside me “I know, but you need rest, don't force your body to do things it is not supposed to do, you have lost a lot of blood already and you are already so weak, so please rest," I whispered towards her as I pulled her closer to myself and before I knew it her eyes were drifted shut as she fell asleep But on the other hand, I couldn't sleep, because every time I tried to close my eyes even if it was just for a little bit, the monster that was Arthur appears amidst my darkness, taunting me at every turn so instead of enduring this torture in my darkness, I decided to watch over Alex and check her injury at every chance that I get as I tried to forget the pain that Arthur had caused me. Still watching over Alex, I suddenly heard the voices of those men again, I slowly peeped through, and saw lights and their footsteps moving so vigorously in our direction “Fuck... can't these men give up for once," I said to myself as I quickly woke Alex up “Alex, those men are back," I whispered as I shook her back to consciousness “What are you saying," she said in a sleepy voice “ I'm saying the men are back and we need to move," I said and without wasting time I and Alex were on the move again we move through the forest, not even knowing where we were going to, but all we wanted was just to get as far away as possible from those men But still, it felt like the universe had it out for us because no matter hold hard we tried, these men were still getting up to us “There they are, get them," I heard them scream as they moved in our direction “We tried as much as possible to escape them, but maybe due to the fact that Alex was badly injured and so weak right now, we couldn't keep up as fast-paced anymore “Ella leave me, run... save yourself," Alex said as she fell to the floor, the injury was finally getting to her “No, I'm not going to leave you," I let out in a nervous tone “Damn it, Ella, go... run as fast as you can I would only slow you down," Alex said “No Alex... I said no," I cried out as the tears streamed down my face “I am not leaving you, I have lost four friends already, and I am not losing another one," I sobbed “Ella listen to me, these men would catch up to us in no time, so it is better one of us lives than the both of us dying. I am weaker than I thought, and I would only slow you down, so go. Now!" Alex screamed this time “Alex please don't do this to me, I can't lose you too, you are my strength," I let out crying profusely this time “Ella you have always been my best friend, it's been us against the world for so long, you have always protected me at every step of the way without even realising it, you said I am your strength but it is the other way around “You are my strength” You save me from me, so many times, now it is my turn to save you now, please allow me to do this," Alex said with a soft look in her eyes “No, I can't let you do this," I said out as prayed for some kind of miracle to happen Alex was still urging me to go when all of a sudden, a strange man came up to us saying “Come with me if you want to live"
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