Chapter 33

1103 Words
Ella's POV “Do you have a plan now," I asked Alex “I do, but it is a long shot," She responded “Okay right now, there are no bad suggestions," I replied “ Ella remember a few hours ago, two masked men brought us some food," Alex said “Yes I remember," I replied confused as to what she was driving at “Well they are our tickets out of here," Alex let out “How is that even possible," I let out even more confused “We have to act really fast Ella, so when they come again to give us food, we attack them and escape," Alex said “Attack them? have you gone mad Alex, how can we take on two heavily bodied men just like that," I asked “Ella I don't know how but we just have to, find anything, make a weapon out of it, and let us be battle-ready because Ella it is now or never," Alex said and I shook my head “This is crazy, Alex, so crazy," I let out and Alex laughed a bit “Yeah, I know that, because everything had been crazy since we got to this island," Alex let out I didn't know how it would work, but I was willing to try, it was better than staying here as a prison for these sick people So I did as Alex had instructed, I found something to make a weapon out of it was now or never we waited for hours for those men to come, but as every hour went by, I slowly began to lose hope of them ever coming here “Do you think they would come here," I asked Alex “I don't know, but let's hope they would because if they do, then we are screwed," Alex said in a low voice So continued waiting, and waiting but they still didn't show up My heart thumped heavily in my chest, as so many negative thoughts ran through my mind “Wait did they know about our plans," I asked myself as tears from nowhere can rushing down Soon out of nowhere, Alex started screaming “Help me... someone help me, I am bleeding," I heard Alex scream and I was surprised and even afraid when I heard her say that she was bleeding “Alex are you okay," I let out but she didn't answer, she just kept on screaming “Please I am dying, someone helps me," she screamed and soon enough a masked man came running in “How did this happen," he let out and I heard Alex's cage been opened, and soon it all went quiet I didn't know what to make of anything, as my mind right now wasn't my own I wanted to scream out Alex's name, but to my greatest surprise Alex rushed in front of my cage “How?" I let out on confusion but Alex shut me up immediately “There is no time for questions, we need to move," she said as she opened my cage, stretching out her hand to me “Come on," she let out as she took me by my hand. “How are we getting out of here, what is the plan now" I whispered towards Alex “I don't know let us just keep going before they realise we are gone," Alex replied back So that is what we did, we crept around just looking for a way out of this place finding a way out, turn out to be harder than I thought There was no visible exit anywhere, and it felt like the place was moving on its own “Alex it seems there is no exist anyway," I let out “f**k I can see that Ella, but we have to keep trying," Alex said as she looked around We continued to look around for any way out, but that was when we heard some unknown voices say “Check over there, they must be somewhere, we can't let them escape the boss would have our heads," the voices were stern and soon we heard footsteps walking in our direction “Run," Alex screamed at me as she pushed along We ran, just trying to hide from these people, but luck was definitely not on our side, because they found us “There they are, get them," they screamed, but we kept on running “ Alex look," I said as I saw a blinking red button Alex immediately pressed the button without even thinking twice about it, and to our greatest surprise it was exist 'Close the gate, don't let them escape," the men screamed but they were too late we ran out We ran like there is no tomorrow, not even looking back the masked men kept on chasing us down, they were determined not to let us escape “How long are planning to run from us," I heard them scream from behind us if we don't get you, the creatures here will," they said and Alex chuckled “We would take our chances with the creatures," Alex let out as she kept on running it didn't waste time, for these men to start shooting at us “Keep in the covers of the trees," Alex let out to me and immediately did as I was told Hiding in the covers of the trees as soon as the gunshot went off in the air The men were so relentless, putting everything they had into catching us “What should we do, these men are hell-bent on catching or killing us," I whispered towards Alex as we both hid from the men “Ella, I don't know, we just need to keep running no matter what," she said and for the first time in a while, I saw fear in her eyes Alex was more afraid of these men than she was of the creatures on this island So we did what we knew how to do best, we ran with all that we had in us, with only one thing running through our minds so endlessly, and that was to stay alive no matter what But it felt like the universe was against us, and it didn't want us to survive this because before I could realise what was going on. Alex dropped to the floor as she groaned out as if she was in pain I hurriedly stopped to see what was going on, and that was when I saw it “Blood" “Alex had just been shot.”
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