Chapter 10

1238 Words
Ella's POV Getting into my apartment from one of my numerous dates with Arthur, I was so over the moon, and my smile was as bright as the sunlight. Everything felt perfect. “Wow every night this week again, that's a new record," Alex smiled at me from the couch. “Yeah I know right, it has just been perfect," I squealed as I took my seat next to her. “I'm glad Arthur has you smiling again, I still can't believe this is you... it feels just like magic," Alex smirked at me. “My dear friend, it is magic," I smiled. “But you have to be careful Ella, anything that starts so fast tends to burn out so quickly as well... and I don't want you to get hurt again," Alex said, looking at me with a serious look on her face. I understood her concerns. Hell Liam's betrayal still echoes so deeply in my heart, but...I still believe Arthur is different. The way I feel whenever I am with him. Honestly, I didn't feel that way when I was with Liam. The chemistry between us was like no other. Even the mere thought of his kisses sent shivers down my spine, so this attraction couldn't be a lie. I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him," I said to myself as I looked at Alex smiling. “I understand your concerns, Alex, but I feel Arthur is different. After Liam, my life was a mess. I didn't think I would ever get over that pain, but the stability and sanity Arthur offered was a soothing bomb to the mess that was my life, so don't worry yourself, okay," I smiled and Alex chuckled. “Anyways, guess what," I asked with a huge smile on my face. “What? tell me,' Alex asked with curiosity in her eyes. “I said you should guess," I laughed. “Come on Ella... Really, you know I'm terrible at guessing, so just spill it out," Alex said, rolling her eyes. “Argh, you are no fun," I let out, pouting. “Are you going to tell me or not," Alex urged me to speak. “Alright Fine..." I let out. “Arthur asked me tonight to be his girlfriend officially," I let out, smiling, but Alex wasn't sharing in my excitement. “Alex, why aren't you happy for me ?" I asked, as I saw she didn't even say anything. Alex wasn't her normal chirpy self and that was strange. “Nothing, I'm happy for you, you deserve all the love and care. Didn't I tell you that someone more amazing would come along," She smiled and said, but I knew that there was something off with her. Alex, what is it? You know I know you and you are my best friend, so tell me what is wrong," I whispered. “Well quickly, don't you think it's all too fast, even Liam didn't ask you to be his girlfriend this quickly, it's been barely a month since you both started dating, it's just strange, what's all the hurry about," Alex murmured. and I rolled my eyes. Not again “As I said, I understand, but Arthur is different, trust me," I smiled and said. “If you say so, then I will trust you. I'm just being a concerned friend," Alex let out as she brought her hand up to my face as she whispered, saying. Be careful “ Looking at her, I was shocked by Alex's sudden change in demeanour. Her concerns... were they valid?" I asked myself. No... it couldn't be, Arthur and I have something strong and meaningful, and that was something I knew for sure, and I couldn't care less if we were moving as fast as the speed of lighting. 2 months later It's been two months since Arthur and I started dating and, I must tell you, being with him has been beyond amazing. He always made me feel loved and special, even when he was not trying to it was like he had been waiting for me... for us I mean come on, how could you not fall in love with this guy? He was everything any girl would ever wish for and more, I was head over heels in love with him. And well, I didn't waste time in telling him how I felt, and of course, he felt the same way too. He even asked me to move in with him, and I didn't think twice about it. Don't blame me, I was madly in love with him. Even Alex wasn't comfortable with how fast things were moving, but right now I didn't care. The love I had for Arthur was so intense, it was nothing that I had ever felt, not even with Liam, my ex-boyfriend. And when I thought my happiness couldn't be more complete, he asked me a question I didn't think I would hear, at least not this soon. ''Ella," Arthur called out to me softly from across the table. We were having a fancy dinner at his house. I knew I was living here now, but I still wasn't used to all of it yet. Looking up at him smiling, he looked as handsome as ever with his black button-down t-shirt. “You know I love you right,' he asked and I nodded as I sipped my wine. I didn't know where this conversation was heading to, but I was eager to find out. “Ella... I love you, so much that my heart aches thinking about the possibility that you might never be mine forever," he let out, as he kind of seemed nervous. So I'm asking you now, Ella Davis. Would you be mine forever? Marry me?" he asked as he took out a small blue box and there and then I froze. I couldn't move nor could I say a word, I just kept on looking at him with wild eyes. “Ella say something," he asked as I noticed he was beside me now. This can't be happening. Did he say what I just thought he said?" I asked myself. No, I had to be sure I heard correctly, so, shaking hands, I turned to him, saying “What did you say," I asked. “I asked if you would marry me," he said, kneeling in front of me now, as he opened the blue box revealing a beautiful diamond ring. Oh good... this is happening," I screamed to myself. . My heart was still beating so fast in my chest. Honestly, I wasn't expecting to be proposed barely 2 months into our relationship. “But do I want to marry Arthur?" I asked myself. What are you saying, this is what you have always wanted, to be married to the man you love... and you love Arthur right," my subconscious screamed at me. Yes, I do love Arthur, so why was I overthinking this," I scolded myself, as I immediately knew the answer to his question. “Ella, what do you say? Would you make me the happiest man on earth," he asked, and I nodded. “Yes... Yes, Arthur, I will... I will marry you," I let out, smiling. The joy on Arthur's face was incomparable. “Thank you... Thank you,' he said, putting the ring on my finger as he kissed me passionately.
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