Chapter 9

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Ella's POV I chuckled just like a lovestruck teenager, and Alex, who was by my side, wasn't even helping matters. Her constant squealing and giggles had me smiling even more than I was supposed to. “I know I should have waited for maybe a day to call you again," Arthur said, and I chuckled softly. ''So why didn't you?" I asked. “Hell I knew that would have been impossible, just thinking about it now," he chuckled, saying. “I thought of you all night, I couldn't even sleep," Arthur said, and I blushed. “Don't say that,' I chuckled softly. “No, it's true... now I have to live on coffee throughout the day," he said, laughing. “Arthur... that's not true," I chuckled even more and soon I heard my phone ding signalling a text message. Looking at it, it was a picture of Arthur with a coffee in his hand. “A coffee in your hand... wow," I laughed. “You see, I'm sleep deprived and it's all because of you," he let out with amusement in his voice. “Sorry, so how do you want me to compensate you for this romantic act," I laughed, playing along with his joke. “A second date would suffice," he said, and I smirked. Hmmm, okay I can make that work," I smiled, saying. “Amazing you wouldn't regret it," Arthur chirped with excitement laced in his voice. “Text me the place and time," I said. “Definitely... I can't wait to see you again," he let out, cutting off the phone. Smiling, I looked over at Alex, who was already looking at me with a huge smile on her face. “Look at you, blushing like a little schoolgirl," she smirked. Who would have thought that you would be smiling like this again, when only a few days ago you refused to come out of your room, you didn't even want to step out of the apartment for over a month. Now you are smiling like a little girl on Christmas morning. ''I'm so happy for you," Alex said as tears clouded her eyes. ''wait are you going to cry, Alex," I said, trying to tease her. “Goddamnit Ella... why can't you just allow me to be emotional in peace," Alex grumbled and I couldn't help but laugh. “Alright, I would just allow you to be as emotional as you want because I'm going to the shop," I laughed out. “Why.... can't you just stay with me today? Must you go to the shop," Alex pouted. “I have to work, Alex, I've been absent from my shop long enough, and not all of us have a rich parent to fall back on,' I said, and Alex grumbled even harder. “Why can't we both fall back on my parent's money together,' Alex whispered. “We can be lazy together, and just spend my dad's money," Alex continued to persuade me to stay home. Alex's parents were rich and they always entertained her extravagant lifestyle, they were even paying for the apartment we were living in now. Alex hadn't worked a day in her life, other than the subsequent visit to my flower shop, and sometimes I kind of envied her. “I can't, but you can come with me to the shop if you want," I smiled. “No thank you," I would rather sip pina Coladas with Mandy and the other girls than sit in your boring flower shop," Alex said, rejecting the offer immediately. ''Okay then, bye," I said, walking to the door. “Ella! Alex called out to me, so I turned back looking at her, waiting for her to say something. “You couldn't even persuade me to come with you, you just gave up just like that," Alex murmured, and I looked at her confused. “But you said you weren't coming," I let out. “Well you could have tried harder to make me come," She said with a frown on her face and I smirked. . “So are you coming or not,' I asked impatiently, with my hands on my waist. . “Fine, give me 10 minutes to get ready," Alex smiled, rushing into her room. ”Alex... Alex," I shook my head, she was such a pain in my ass, but I loved her anyway. (*) Alex's 10 minutes soon turned into 30 minutes as I was slowly losing my patience. Alex! I screamed her name and that was when she ran out of her room. “I'm ready,' she smirked and I rolled my eyes at her. ''Let's go already,' I said, pushing her out of the door. And soon enough, I got to shop. Evelyn had already gotten everything ready for the day, and it looked like she wasn't even expecting me to come in today. “So sorry I'm late, I had to wait for someone," I said, rolling my eyes at Alex. No, it's fine, I didn't think you would come in today," Evelyn smiled. “You see, Evelyn has everything under control here, so let's go out for a drink instead of staying here," Alex smiled, saying. “Alex no it's not even past noon yet," I chuckled and I thought by now, I would have gotten used to Alex's spontaneous behaviour, but truthfully, I could never get used to it. Alex and I stayed in the shop for a while talking and also attending to customers until it was time to leave. As usual, we left Evelyn to lock up the shop, so we headed home. “Two nights in a row, girl you are on fire,' Alex chirped excitedly and I glanced over at her, wondering what she was talking about. “You have a date with Arthur again, or have you forgotten about it," Alex looked at me with questioning eyes and I smiled mostly because the thought of seeing Arthur again seemed pleasing to me. “You know Alex, I didn't think I would be able to like someone again after Liam, I thought my love life was dead and I would be living with 7 cats in my old age, but I was so wrong, Arthur proved me wrong," I said, smiling. “I'm so happy for you, you have that special glow in your eyes... Do you know? something I haven't seen in them in years," Alex smiled as she held onto my hand, squeezing it softly. We soon got home, and in no time Arthur came to pick me up. We had so much fun that I found myself going on yet another date with him, and soon it became a usual occurrence until Arthur and I were spending almost every time together. I knew things were moving way too fast, but it still kind of felt so real and, for the first time in a long time, I was truly happy.
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