Chapter 28

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( Back at the WIC company ) Arthur's POV My hands shivered above the controller for many minutes. I didn't want to do this, why was he making me do this,'' I asked myself as my heart thumped. No stopped in my chest. '' Arthur what are you doing, press the button,'' my boss screamed at me to do it. Blinking profusely, my vision instantly became blurred as the wave of uncertainty hit me without even giving me a chance for breath. Lots of questions, I knew I didn't have the answers to creep its way into my mind, but in all, I knew just one thing. '' I didn't want to press this button'' I can't be responsible for any more deaths. Ava, Sasha and Mandy were already gone under circumstances I couldn't handle, and I wouldn't let it happen to the rest of them. Especially Ella. I knew I had failed her and I knew she would never forgive me for sending her to that island to die, so right now, if I could do anything to save her, I would. So I removed my hand from the button and turned to my boss, saying ''No... I won't do it, I can't kill her,'' I let out softly. ''What!'' my boss screamed and before I knew it, he hit me so hard on the face, sending me straight to the floor. 'How dare you boy... what have I been telling you? Duty above the heart... That girl is a subject, specially selected for the greater good. Your duty is to this institute and not to her. ''But sir...'' I screamed as the pain shot up my body. ''I knew your loyalty lay with that girl, but I just wanted to see it for myself,'' my boss said as he hovered above me, looking at me with contempt in his eyes. ''You failed me boy... but because you are so close to my heart, I won't get rid of you. I would give you one last chance to prove to me that you are actually loyal to the cause,'' he said as he stretched out his hands, helping me up from the floor. Standing in front of him, my legs were shaking like a leaf in the wind. ''Now, boy, press the button, you know very well that this hunt can not fail, because what is at stake is greater than all of us, so do the wise thing. To end it now before it is too late,'' he said as he moved me in front of the button again. My heart was beating so profusely that I thought it was going to bust out of my chest in no time. I didn't know what to do. Would I be able to do this to Ella,'' I asked as sweat ran down my face. ''What are you waiting for boy... do it, prove to me that you are loyal to the cause,'' my boss let out and made me quiver even more. Looking at him, and the seriousness that was written on his face, I knew I didn't have a choice. It was either I chose between my feelings for Ella or my loyalty to the institute. And right now, my feelings for Ella would definitely get me killed. So, with a heavy heart, I knew what I had to do. '' I AM SORRY ELLA,'' I said as I closed my push the button. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked up at the screen checking to see if the creature was unleashed, but nothing everywhere felt quite '' Did it work,'' I turned to ask my boss as I prayed it didn't ''It did, it worked... look,'' he said as he gestured for me to look at the screen. And what I saw sent shivers through my spine. .......................................................................................................................................................................... (Back on the Island ) ''Girls, do you think that there will be a boat or maybe an aeroplane at the other side of the island, that would get us back home,'' Olivia asked. and Alex laughed so loudly that it echoed would be "What's so funny,'' Olivia asked Alex with a serious look on her face. ''You are funny,'' Alex laughed even more. ''Alex stop,'' I tried to make Alex stop laughing at Olivia ''No Ella, it's funny,'' Alex laughed even more and Olivia huffed. ''You think it will be all of roses over there. We don't even know what is on the other side, for what is. it might be worse than here, and we are all walking into the lion's den,'' Alex said. ''Alex, don't be a party pooper,'' I said to her. '' I'm not, I am just saying the truth and nothing but the truth,'' Alex smirked. ''Allow her to have a little bit of hope in this messed up situation, Alex,'' I said, rolling my eyes. ''We might not know what is over there but we are hoping it would be far away from this chaos and mystery that exists here,'' I let out, as I smiled towards Olivia. ''Okay, I am sorry Olivia, it is good to hope,'' Alex smiled and said towards Olivia. ''Don't worry girl, a golden chariot with a handsome prince will be waiting for you over there to take you back home,'' Alex laughed mockingly towards Olivia. ''That's not fair,'' Olivia rolled her eyes and Alex laughed even harder. ''Okay girls, on a more serious note, we are almost out of food,'' I said as I checked the bag of supplies. ''Damn what are we going to do, and we don't know how far we are from the other side,'' Olivia said with a down-casted look on her face. ''Guys thinking about food, haven't you all noticed that no animal is running around on this island,'' Alex asked and that was when the realization hit me. ''You are right, I never really thought about it, there is truly no animal on this island, not even a bird flying in the sky,'' I said curiously. ''Maybe that is one of the mysteries this island has to offer. Remember Mandy was swallowed by a tree,'' Olivia murmured, and I nodded. I was about to say something when we heard it. A heavy sound that made the earth shake beneath us ''What is happening,'' Olivia screamed. ''Remain calm," I said, as I kept her from freaking out. I knew something strange was about to happen again. ''Not again," I said out loud as we all began making a run, without even second-guessing ourselves. But something unimaginable happened. Something stopped us in our tracks, or should I rather say someone did.
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